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Why wasn't I warned

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Not to start Twilight at almost midnight?? I started this book last night, and at 4:30am had to force myself to put it down and get a little sleep. ANd then I dreamed of the characters. I have not gotten this engrossed in a story since reading the Outlander series. I am already feeling sad that I only have the first 2 books here and am trying to figure out if I can buy the 3rd one this week, because at this rate I will be done the series by Friday!

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Gosh, I could warn you of so many things with this series. I am amazed you did put it down. I didn't. Nor did I put down New Moon, Eclipse, or Breaking Dawn. I read them back to back, cover to cover, in 3 days. Then I was sad and literally depressed for a WEEK because the emotional connection you make with the characters is just amazing. I am not kidding. These books are addictive in a scary sort of way. My best advice is to slow down, don't get sucked in full force, and remember Edward is NOT REAL. It helps. LOL

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Gosh, I could warn you of so many things with this series. I am amazed you did put it down. I didn't. Nor did I put down New Moon, Eclipse, or Breaking Dawn. I read them back to back, cover to cover, in 3 days. Then I was sad and literally depressed for a WEEK because the emotional connection you make with the characters is just amazing. I am not kidding. These books are addictive in a scary sort of way. My best advice is to slow down, don't get sucked in full force, and remember Edward is NOT REAL. It helps. LOL


Are you kidding me? Thanks... just ruined my day! :lol:

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Funny you should mention that it is like is should be for teens. Before I started reading it, I suggested it for book club to be told, that they were shocked I would suggest a book made for teens. Hehe, they don't know what they are missing.


I am almost done twilight now, I have been reading a few chapters, then do a bit of of my housework then back at it. Of course now with baby napping and all 3 big kids outside playing in what appears to a spring like day, I may ditch the housework and read for her whole nap.


I also didn't realize there was a 4th book to the set, yikes, my house will not get properly cleaned all week. ;)

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What I did was only read when I was on my elliptical trainer. Amazing how quickly and hour of working out would go by before I even realized it!


I did have to exercise (sorry for the pun) some restraint, and *only* would read on the elliptical. It was a great motivator.


That is definitely one way to get a workout. Even *I* would work out if it were the only way to get my reading time in.


I read the first three books back to back and then had to wait for Breaking Dawn. A local group of us moms made an evening out of dinner and the midnight book release party. Then I read until 6am, up at 9 to fix breakfast and back to reading. A quick break for lunch and I was done before dinner.

Edited by clane
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