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I'm looking into this to use with my 8 yo ds who we are pulling out of a private christian school. I'm a little confused as to whether I need both the text and the workbook, or can I just get away with purchasing the workbook.






While I would recommend reading the text, the workbook is all that's necessary.

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Imho, you can use just the workbook.


The main text is wonderful, and I own it, but I have not referenced it since implementing the workbook. I've even considered selling it, but am hanging on to it just in case I decide to use my own sources at some point. That's the greatest advantage in comparison to the workbook - that you can tailor the copywork, dictation, and narrations to your needs and/or preferences.


What the main text does provide, is a thorough explanation of the program with all the how's and why's... her philosophy. It also contains a jumping off point for each level every few weeks for those who do wish to customize the program as well as a end of year evaluation lesson in help with placement. If you don't need these particulars and don't need to be convinced of the benefits of copywork, dictation, and narration, then you'll be okay with just the workbook. It has a full year's lessons for both parent and child.


Hth. :),

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I would recommend just buying the text. You don't need the workbooks. The text gives you everything you need to plan and implement the program, and it takes just a few minutes to find your own copywork and narration passages. You'll save a lot of money just buying the text: $30 for four years of instruction.



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Looking through, it lays everything out for you AND you have the right to copy pages within the family. My plan is to look through the workbook in detail ( I just got it in last week), even use it for a while, copy pages to keep it for the next child, etc....


When everything else is calm and decided, I'll get the textbook. I need to be able to see the program to come back and understand the philosophy behind it.

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We just got the workbook (delivered this week), and while it recommends the text, I didn't see anywhere that it was really necessary. I'm pretty comfortable with just using the workbook, especially since I don't have the time to research and plan out each lesson. The illustrations are really cute, too. :)

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I would recommend just buying the text. You don't need the workbooks. The text gives you everything you need to plan and implement the program, and it takes just a few minutes to find your own copywork and narration passages. You'll save a lot of money just buying the text: $30 for four years of instruction.




:iagree: I just have the text. But I am a tweaker and a planner, and I enjoy finding my own passages for copywork and narration.


I do think the text is important, too, to understand where you're going, and why.

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It depends on if you want to use your own copywork/dictation/narration from what you are reading in history/science/literature. If you want it all done for you, ready to go, just get the workbook.


If you prefer to just use material from what you are already reading, the textbook gives you all the guidelines for what you will need to do each week/day.


Personally, I prefer just using the textbook and using material from what we are already doing. It is more work, although I have only two dc, but I love the relating of everything we are doing to everything else we are doing. It just feels connected to me.

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I too bought both and haven't touched the text since I read through it after I received it. We followed the workbook exactly, up until Christmas, and have since been writing letters to family as our copywork. It really does depend on what you're looking for--the workbook truly is pick up and go, but it's also consumable. I found the text to be a little more confusing to follow than the workbook....but then again, I'm easily confused. :tongue_smilie:

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Does the workbook have the stories included that the copywork and dictation are taken from? Are the stories in the text? Just curious.




Well the workbook includes snippets from the stories that the copywork and comprehension questions are taken from. So you do have the context available. The text explains what to look for when selecting copywork and you provide the source. At least that is how I understand it.

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I too bought both and haven't touched the text since I read through it after I received it. We followed the workbook exactly, up until Christmas, and have since been writing letters to family as our copywork. It really does depend on what you're looking for--the workbook truly is pick up and go, but it's also consumable. I found the text to be a little more confusing to follow than the workbook....but then again, I'm easily confused. :tongue_smilie:

We're not consuming it.:tongue_smilie: I set up a word document that exactly mimics the consumable portion of the workbook so I just print that off and file it in her weekly binder because I didn't want to 'ruin' the workbook as we plan on using it again for her little brother.

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Does the workbook have the stories included that the copywork and dictation are taken from? Are the stories in the text? Just curious.


All the stories are included in the workbook. (Only partially in the text itself, meaning you get a week's worth and then you supply your own for the next few weeks.) They are what SWB refers to as "passages"... a few to several paragraphs taken from various literature. They're excellent choices imho and my ds has often asked more about the story, prompting us to look at the local library for the titles.


Everything you need for each daily lesson (4x/week) for a full year is included in the workbook. It's really an enormous value.

Edited by angela&4boys
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We're not consuming it.:tongue_smilie: I set up a word document that exactly mimics the consumable portion of the workbook so I just print that off and file it in her weekly binder because I didn't want to 'ruin' the workbook as we plan on using it again for her little brother.

Wow! Did you retype it all to look like the workbook pages or did you scan it? :tongue_smilie: Very ambitious if you retyped it all. I'm impressed. I'm one to justify purchasing the workbook again if it means all that work.:001_smile:

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Does the workbook have the stories included that the copywork and dictation are taken from? Are the stories in the text? Just curious.




The text book includes about 1/15th of the stories and copywork passages. For example, it will tell you what to cover for weeks 4-12, and then go ahead and give you actual stories and copywork for week 4, and tell you to go and find your own for the other 8 weeks.

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Just for those reading along who are on an extremely tight budget (like me!), I want to reiterate that the text has the entire four-year course contained within it, and it's extremely easy to find your own copywork and narration exercises. SWB has given exact instructions on how to select the passages for copywork, down to their length and what needs to be included in them (for example first names of people, or proper names of cities). When I planned the first month, it took me 2-3 hours. I just planned two weeks this morning. It took me 20 minutes, including writing out the copywork exercises (and I currently have a broken finger, so that slowed down my writing). Once I got over the learning curve (planning that first month), it's been entirely a no-sweat process.


I am not at all what you would describe as super-organized, nor and I a homeschooling genius. If I can pull this off as easily as I am pulling it off with just the text, anyone can. I promise. ;)



Edited by TaraTheLiberator
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That's what I thought Tara. But, I have the text and I chose to buy the workbook used, (I don't have it yet) not for the copywork, which is easy-peasy to me, but for the narration passages.


I was looking for passages of the correct length that would actually have a main point and it wasn't as easy as I thought. I also think it will be good to widen our horizons and be exposed to different types of literature through the narration passages provided. For my purposes, a fully used workbook with writing in it would work just fine. I put all of our copywork into startwrite anyway. (I can add the red starting dots. We still need that.)

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I love the workbook, but as my ds is getting older and we're about to start SOTW 1, I'll be taking a lot of his narrations out of there.

He likes the copy work from the workbook a lot :hurray: , but soon at least some of his copy work will have to be science and other subjects.

My point is that I think we'll use the workbook less and less.

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I have both the text and the workbook.

I do not look at the text much, but I do cosider it a valuable resource - right up there with TWTM. You could try finding it at your library.

When I got the workbook, the first thing I did was tear it apart and put it in page protectors. Now I have 2 binders - one teacher pages and one student pages. I copy the student pages 1-2 weeks at time (I am using it with the oldest of three).

I am pretty organized, but for whatever reason, I had a VERY hard time, finding the right kind of passages and sentences for copywork. Since I will use it for all 3 children, I didn't have any trouble justifying the $30- even on our very tight budget.

I also have her narrate her SOTW 3 days a week (that is usually/sometimes verbal and I write it down)

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