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If you only had one day in Williamsburg, VA...

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I would just wander up main street. I think there is plenty to see without buying tickets. You can get a schedule for the free programs for the day. There is a new one now that is live in the streets. It's pretty amazing. All the actors are 'miked' and the action takes place all around you and you even travel with them to various places up and down Main Street. Others may have different thoughts, but we go for the day at least twice a year and enjoy it.



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I don't have a lot of time right now, but you need tickets to get into the Revolutionary City (what Cindy is describing)


I would look on-line at the program schedule and get one day tickets. Homeschoolers (parents with id) get 50% discount for admission and 15% off in the shops.

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My favorite has been the evening programs. My family did the dance program in the Governor's Palace where they pick people from the audience to participate in the dances. There was low attendance so everyone was able to dance. It was so fun. There was also a comedy that was a lot of fun too.


The daytime walking tours (Bits and Bridles, etc.) was boring for my children. They prefered going to the different buildings with the actors in them as well as the daytimeshows at different times. You would need to purchase a day pass but in my opinion that was the most fun. Don't miss the Wigmaker's Shop!


Prepare your family for lots of walking if you do go.


Have fun!!


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book ahead. Usually 3 days ahead is sufficient even during spring break. The ghosts and legend program is fun, you get to go into 3 different historical buildings lit only by latern light. Programs at the Capitol building are good. The dance program there is a lot of fun.


I'd also get a pass to go into the historic buildings. It's fun just to walk through the area, but even more fun to drop into the various buildings. Do pay extra to get into the Govenors' Palace ( and the gardens, pond and the maze behind it) and the Capitol building if that's not included in the basic day pass. Go before the area opens in the morning to just stroll through and enjoy the exteriors.


Finally, make reservations for either lunch or dinner in one of the restaurants. It's expensive, but the "innkeeper" generally appears to welcome you and let you know the "latest" occurances. Often other characters stop by to discuss things or a strolling minstrel entertains you.

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Instead of Wbg, I think I would do Jamestown. The park rangers give a thorough tour of a Native American village, reconstructed ships and a rebuilt Jamestown. You can do all that in about 3 hours. Then stroll around Duke of Gloucester street in Wbg, eat in a tavern, do an evening tour and call it good.

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we got very little out of it.


We now go about twice a year and we love it. There is a lot to do, but if you look at the programs (on-line) ahead of time you can get a feel for what is happening. If you have younger children, there are always child specific programs that all our children have enjoyed. The evening programs are much harder for the younger set (5 and under).


The revolutionary city is so much fun. You can really get a feel for the time when you participate in that. In W'burg they can play colonial games, eat the food, and learn the history.


You can rent costumes and your children will get tasks all over Williamsburg. The actors will address your children as if they lived during that time. You can interact with the actors in the morining in the street. Our children have made friends with many of the actors and shop keepers since we are there so much.


If you want to do Jamestown instead, that would be a whole different experience (a good one).


Since you only have a short time there, which time period would be most beneficial to your family? The settling of Jamestown, or the Revolutionary/Colonial period?


I never thought we would spend so much time in Williamsburg, but our children love it and so do thier parents :D

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Instead of Wbg, I think I would do Jamestown. The park rangers give a thorough tour of a Native American village, reconstructed ships and a rebuilt Jamestown. You can do all that in about 3 hours. Then stroll around Duke of Gloucester street in Wbg, eat in a tavern, do an evening tour and call it good.


Absolutely agree!! You can see loads this way, and not worry about tickets. Oh - and check out every nook and cranny. There are some lovely spots behind the houses and just a bit off the beaten path. Remember to talk to the interpreters (DH hates when I do this, and hates when they try to talk to him but I love it!).


Eating in a tavern (there are several all with different menus and atmosphere) though pricey was fun (and hey, you have to eat anyway :)). Get reservations IN ADVANCE - as soon as you know the schedule of activities. It would make a good break in the day (between the day and night shows), or a fine finish.


The bakery was fun - the cookies were AWESOME! I got a cookbook and still make them! Humm, where is that cookbook, I may set DD to work on them today!


Don't be tempted by the DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Museum, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum or Bassett Hall. They won't hold kids' attention and would be a waste of time (and money).


Do check out the websites for "teacher resources" and kid activities.


Are you Polish - I'm not but found this interesting. [from HEAV newsletter 2/12/2008]

Polish workmen arrived in Jamestown at the request of Captain Smith in 1608. The group included Dutch or German men as well. Their work included glass-making, operating sawmills, making "soap-ashes," and making pitch and tar. In fact, their contributions were so valuable that in 1619, after first denying them the vote, it was decreed that, "They shall be enfranchised, and made as free as any inhabitant there whatsoever; And because their skill in making pitch and tarr and sopeashees shall not dye with them, it is agreed that some young men, shalbe put unto them to learne their skill and knowledge herein for the benefit of the Country hereafter." They were also allowed religious freedom, despite an initial ban on Catholics who were feared to possibly favor Spain, England's chief rival of the day. Follow links in these sites to learn more.




The lesson plans here are designed for middle schoolers and above.




This link has other links including one to an interactive website on Polish immigrants to Jamestown.




This article has background information on the Powhatans and the Poles. It was written by one of the descendants.





Colonial Williamsburg Games Page


If it has been awhile since you have seen the kids' pages on the Colonial Williamsburg website, stop by to see all the games and activities that make learning loads of fun.



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How old are your dc? My dd loves the Colonial Garden. If you really look interested and the gardener is around, he'll put you to work. My dc have planted beans, drawn water from the well to fill the cistern, watered plants and shelled peas. Their other favorite places are the gunsmith shop, the blacksmith shop, the brick maker, and the maze.


If you have time, go to Historic Jamestown (vs. Jamestown Settlement--also highly recommended, but not free). Historic Jamestown is free for homeschoolers--you just have to fill out a form--and has the glassblowers shop which my dc love seeing.

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