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Question about back pain - any advice?

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I need someone to tell me if I need to worry or not!


Last month at my brother house, I slept every night on a very uncomfortable pull-out couch. I ended up with a very sore muscle between my shoulder blade and spine. It hasn't gotten better since we got home and has gotten much worse when I'm sleeping. Friday I went to the dr finally and she gave me a cortisone shot in the muscle that is hurting. Yesterday I woke up and that entire side of my back and down my arm was throbbing and tingling. I called the dr back and she said sometimes the shot can irritate the nerves and not to worry. It finally became bearable early afternoon yesterday. This morning however, it is much worse. If I lean forward or try to pick something up it is absolute excruciating. I'm afraid I have a pinched nerve or something, but I'm not sure what else can be done.


Should I make a trip to the er today? The biggest part of the problem is that dh is gone, my mom is caring for my grandparents - I have no one to help with the kids. If they're just going to tell me to take ibuprofen then I'd rather not waste the time. However, it would be worth it if something can be done. I can't even pick up ds right now, it hurts to badly.

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I'd go to a chiropractor instead of a doc.



I would have started there. There's a good chance the bad bed knocked something out of whack...which can cause muscle pain from it pulling on the attached muscles. A chiropractor can usually fix this kind of thing in a visit or two. At least mine can.


All back pain, neck pain, jaw pain, and headaches that seem to originate at my neck go to the chiropractor instead of the doctor. Stomach pain goes to the chiropractor as well. After two years of being told I had heartburn and to drink Mylanta, my chiropractor fixed it entirely; my lower back was out.

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When I visit I take the mattress off of the pullout couch, fold the couch back together and sleep on the mattress on the floor. If the room is being used I put the mattress back in the couch in the morning. I know how you feel. I'm with ice, anti inflamatories, and chiropractor.

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