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I'm a little bit disturbed.

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Dh left last night for China and won't be back until a week from Thursday.


A couple of minutes ago, our phone rang. As per my usual school-hours policy, I let the machine get it.


The Caller ID was for a local (seedy) motel.


The message consisted of someone playing the song "Magnet and Steel" (I had to google the few lyrics I knew to find out the title, as the song sounded familiar to me, but I didn't know it well enough to name it.). As the song played, someone breathed into the phone.


Here are the lyrics:


Ooh ooh ah

Now I told you so you ought to know

Ooh it takes some time for a feelin' to grow

Ooh you're so close now I can't let you go

Ooh and I can't let go

For you are a magnet and I am steel


I can't hope that I'll hold you for long

Ooh you're a woman who's lost to your song

Ooh but the love that I feel is so strong

Ooh and it can't be wrong


With you I'm not shy to show the way I feel

With you I might try my secrets to reveal

For you are a magnet and I am steel

For you are a magnet and I am steel


Ordinarily, this wouldn't bother me a bit, as I would chalk it up to a prank call, most likely one to the wrong number -- but with dh being out of the country and potentially unreachable for the next 10 days, I confess that it has me a bit weirded out.


I don't know if it's one of my dd's friends playing a joke on her (she's 15 -- but why would one of her friends be at a seedy motel during the middle of the day? On second thought, don't answer that!), if dd has a stalker after her, if it's a wrong number, or if there is some weirdo out there trying to scare me while my dh is overseas.


The 15 year old is a little worked up about it. The younger ones just thought it was funny and don't think a thing about it. I laughed with them, as I don't want them to know there's any reason to even possibly be nervous about it.


I guess I just needed to get it out of my system here, since I don't want to air my concerns in front of the kids. It's most likely nothing, but I feel better after typing it all out, anyway!


Thanks for indulging me --

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That was the seedy guy at the seedy hotel letting you know that it's time for your lunch date - C'mon over HUNNY! :eek: :rolleyes: :p


Some poor sap probably just sent his lover a signal -- but he's too stupid to realize that he dialed the wrong number. I wouldn't worry about it one little bit unless by some freak chance it happened a second time. Then, I'd report it.


I'm sorry it scares you. I know that feeling. You and dd15 should share a room tonight. Better yet, have a slumber party (how come we never call them that anymore?) and everyone pile onto blankets and pillows in the living room. Make popcorn, watch a funny movie, eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It will be okay.



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Some poor sap probably just sent his lover a signal -- but he's too stupid to realize that he dialed the wrong number. I wouldn't worry about it one little bit unless by some freak chance it happened a second time. Then, I'd report it.




Yes, that's exactly what I've told dd. And 99% of me believes that this *must* be the case. It's the other 1% that I'm trying to shake.;)


I've also told her we won't worry about it a bit unless it happens again. At that point, a non-emergency call to the cops might be in order.


Thanks, everyone! I feel a lot better about it just after being able to run it by some other adults.:)

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Some creeps call random numbers and do that kind of thing. I had a room-mate who was too sleepy when she answered a call to know what it really was. She mumbled, "You must want my room-mate" and handed me the phone. Thanks a lot!!!!


I think it was most likely a random call. Still creepy, and more than a little pathetic, but no danger to you and your family.


I like slumber parties when dh is away :)

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