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Uterine prolapse (I suspect) - anyone have experience?

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A month ago, I noticed one day while walking upstairs that it felt like there was something in my, well, you know. It felt like my cervix was too low, KWIM? Well, after a day or so, the sensation went away. Everything seemed normal. So I didn't worry about it.


Now, today, I feel like that again. It seems, from my non-medical-professional point of view, that a prolapse is possible. BUT would it come and go? Aren't I kinda young? 42.


Should I make an appointment?



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My grandmother had one a few years ago. Her cervix was actually outside of her body.


I have noticed that my cervix is a lot lower during that time of the month when it is naturally low to begin with.


If you have any concerns, get an appointment with your doctor. I *think* they can hike it back up with surgery.

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I have 1st degree pelvic floor prolapse and have had since my second baby was born when I was 24! So no, you are not too young.


Did you manually check the position of your cervix? Mine does not come out of the opening - but it is lower than it should be. (1st degree) 2nd degree would be coming to the opening and 3rd degree is a prolapse outside the opening.


Best to have the GYN check it out. You aren't too young and there are definitely things you can do to help if it isn't too bad yet.

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A friend of mine knew that she was "slipping" but didn't get it checked because her DH was having a lot of health problems. When she finally went to the doctor, it had torn and brought down part of her bladder as well -- so she ended up with a hysterectomy and bladder repair in the end.


I've noticed that I'm "lower" than I once was, but the doctor says that I'm OK at present but noted it on my chart.

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Get it checked, but it is possible to live with this just fine. You have to determine how prolapsed it is, and WHAT is prolapsed (bladder, uterus, etc.).


They typically recommend Kegel's for this, or a specific type of physical therapy. Some experience good results, but it is more common for this to be a "mechanical" problem that better muscle tone will not fix. In the majority of cases it's an inherited condition--ask your mom if she had this problem too.


Since it is often a mechanical configuration kinda problem, surgery is often the most effective option. However, surgery may not be necessary if the prolapse is not significant.


Another option is a pessory, which is a small shelf that the woman inserts and wears as needed. This has to be fitted and custom-created for each specific woman. It hooks onto the woman's tailbone and literally holds everything up where it is supposed to be.


The final option is to just ignore it. You should only do this after having been examined by a doctor to rule out more serious complications. However, if it's not causing embarrassing urine leakage and not painful, chances are you can just ignore it.

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Get it checked, but it is possible to live with this just fine. You have to determine how prolapsed it is, and WHAT is prolapsed (bladder, uterus, etc.).


They typically recommend Kegel's for this, or a specific type of physical therapy. Some experience good results, but it is more common for this to be a "mechanical" problem that better muscle tone will not fix. In the majority of cases it's an inherited condition--ask your mom if she had this problem too.


Since it is often a mechanical configuration kinda problem, surgery is often the most effective option. However, surgery may not be necessary if the prolapse is not significant.


Another option is a pessory, which is a small shelf that the woman inserts and wears as needed. This has to be fitted and custom-created for each specific woman. It hooks onto the woman's tailbone and literally holds everything up where it is supposed to be.


The final option is to just ignore it. You should only do this after having been examined by a doctor to rule out more serious complications. However, if it's not causing embarrassing urine leakage and not painful, chances are you can just ignore it.


strider, could a prolapsed uterus cause ul? SIJ pain?

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strider, could a prolapsed uterus cause ul? SIJ pain?


I am not strider, but I can tell you that a prolapsed uterus CAN cause these things. When the uterus prolapses, it brings everything down with it (usually). I have a prolapsed uterus, bladder, rectum - the whole nine yards. It is only mildly prolapsed, but I have to be careful so that it doesn't become worse.


Don't lift over 25 pounds (EVER)

Don't blow up a ton of balloons (trust me!)

Don't strain during a bm (big no no!)

Don't do "crunches" for exerices


There are lots of things that make it worse. Kegals can help some, but no once it gets bad. Kegals are more preventitive than they are "treatment." The options are usually to live with it, get a pessary (not fun), or have surgery to correct it. Typically surgery lasts for about 10 years and then has to be redone. That is why young women who are not in menopause are usually told to just live with it or use a pessary. Once menopause hits and estrogen goes out the window, you can just expect some surgery to be part of your plan. I am mentally preparing myself now, becuase I know I won't have a choice come menopause.

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Mine is mild, so it doesn't really interfere with anything at all...other than maybe the week before my AF starts I notice a bit of leakage of urine (nothing to even wear a panty liner for...just a drop or two when I change positions or when I cough or something).


The biggest issue I have is that I often feel like I have a UTI when I don't. This is due to urine retention in my bladder. I notice that if I have regular chiropractic care for my low back, this is almost a non-issue. If I don't have chiropractic care, then it can become one quickly.

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I am not strider, but I can tell you that a prolapsed uterus CAN cause these things. When the uterus prolapses, it brings everything down with it (usually). I have a prolapsed uterus, bladder, rectum - the whole nine yards. It is only mildly prolapsed, but I have to be careful so that it doesn't become worse.


Don't lift over 25 pounds (EVER)

Don't blow up a ton of balloons (trust me!)

Don't strain during a bm (big no no!)

Don't do "crunches" for exerices


There are lots of things that make it worse. Kegals can help some, but no once it gets bad. Kegals are more preventitive than they are "treatment." The options are usually to live with it, get a pessary (not fun), or have surgery to correct it. Typically surgery lasts for about 10 years and then has to be redone. That is why young women who are not in menopause are usually told to just live with it or use a pessary. Once menopause hits and estrogen goes out the window, you can just expect some surgery to be part of your plan. I am mentally preparing myself now, becuase I know I won't have a choice come menopause.



Wow. Those are things I've learned intuitively. My OB-GYN saw no relationship and gave no help. He did say I could see a urologist, but they probably couldn't do anything. What sort of doctor gave you these tips? I'd love to have professional advice.

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This sucks! I will call today and make an appt.


Those of you who are living with this, do you just get used to how it feels and not notice it any more? Does it interfere with "TEA" (sorry, Colleen)?




I'm sorry, I know it isn't any fun.


To answer both of your quesitons, it depends on what type of prolapse you have and how severe it is. If possible, you may want to show the doctor while standing up as the prolapse can flatten out when you're lying down.


I had surgery in Sept. for a severe prolapse. It was probably caused from a surgery earlier in the year (ovarian mass, and hyster). It has healed well and I'm fine now.



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I had pretty severe uterine prolapse, as well as prolaple of everything else. I had surgery 4 years ago when I was 37. For the most part it was a great choice, as the surgery went well and I have felt much better since the surgery. However my doctor did warn me that the surgery will have to be redone, and I am already seeing some signs that he was correct, so it is not a permanant fix. I would see a good gyn. to see how far things have prgressed and what the options are.

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I had a prolapse that interfered with Tea, I tried the Physical Therapy for several months and it didnt help. I was also having really heavy periods... My dr and I decided a hysterectomy was the best option for me. I had it in September, I am 29.

The surgery was easy, no complication or pain. I'm not sure how thats possible but I really wasnt in any pain afterwards.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest muminpain

I cant believe I have found this site....

Nobody seems to have heard of my problem...


I started with a numb pain in my right buttock,but over the months it got worse.....

then I started having siatic like pain shooting down my leg,waking up with my back/hip/bum in a spasm ....the pain was unbearable.....crushing

been to doctors,physio which made me worse! ended up with a severe water infection needing antibiotics....apparantly this is SI related....

pain go so bad and lack of sleep....I could not wait for next physio appointment.....went back to doctors....am now waiting for muscular skeletoral appointment next week....

Im taking ibuprofen,co codamol, heat helps and rest (the bloody exercises made me worse!!!!)

i have also been having like a snapping noise in my hip for a while,this morning it was agony.....

I,ve done alot of research and found that the Mirena coil can cause the onset of SIJ so too can a prolapse.....

I had a Mirena fitted some years ago due to severe heavy periods.....it came out

at the clinic the nurse said i had a slight prolapse which probably pulled the coil out.....she fitted me another and 3 months later,that fell out....

I had a laparoscopy,hysteroscopy some years ago,but now im wondering what the hell is going on in my body.....

surely there are tests scans to see whats happening....the thought of having this pain forever fills me with such dread.....I have been told off family to see a chiroprator,but i am scared if they manipulate the joint,may cause more pain,inflammation etc.....

i am tired and unbearable to live with

please help :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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I cant believe I have found this site....

Nobody seems to have heard of my problem...


I started with a numb pain in my right buttock,but over the months it got worse.....

then I started having siatic like pain shooting down my leg,waking up with my back/hip/bum in a spasm ....the pain was unbearable.....crushing

been to doctors,physio which made me worse! ended up with a severe water infection needing antibiotics....apparantly this is SI related....

pain go so bad and lack of sleep....I could not wait for next physio appointment.....went back to doctors....am now waiting for muscular skeletoral appointment next week....

Im taking ibuprofen,co codamol, heat helps and rest (the bloody exercises made me worse!!!!)

i have also been having like a snapping noise in my hip for a while,this morning it was agony.....

I,ve done alot of research and found that the Mirena coil can cause the onset of SIJ so too can a prolapse.....

I had a Mirena fitted some years ago due to severe heavy periods.....it came out

at the clinic the nurse said i had a slight prolapse which probably pulled the coil out.....she fitted me another and 3 months later,that fell out....

I had a laparoscopy,hysteroscopy some years ago,but now im wondering what the hell is going on in my body.....

surely there are tests scans to see whats happening....the thought of having this pain forever fills me with such dread.....I have been told off family to see a chiroprator,but i am scared if they manipulate the joint,may cause more pain,inflammation etc.....

i am tired and unbearable to live with

please help :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:




You need to start a new thread with your question. Go to the General Board, and then click "New Thread." Then you'll be able to post your question in such a way that many more members will see it. I hope you get the help you need.

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A month ago, I noticed one day while walking upstairs that it felt like there was something in my, well, you know. It felt like my cervix was too low, KWIM? Well, after a day or so, the sensation went away. Everything seemed normal. So I didn't worry about it.


Now, today, I feel like that again. It seems, from my non-medical-professional point of view, that a prolapse is possible. BUT would it come and go? Aren't I kinda young? 42.


Should I make an appointment?




I just had a hysterectomy in Dec. for uterine prolapse. Get it checked because it can lead to a lot of other complications. The surgery and recovery were very easy and it has relieved a lot of symptoms that I never suspected were associated with UP. Yes, it can come and go. I'm 48 - and have never had any other "female" problems.

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Guest Moonspinner

Hi Everyone,


You will find everything you need to know about the female pelvic organ support system at wholewoman.com. Come join thousands of women worldwide who are stabilizing and reversing prolapse symptoms naturally.


:001_smile: Moonspinner

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