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Has anyone moved with full-service movers?

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New company is paying for it and it's pack and everything. However even after reading all the material they gave me and online I'm a little nervous. I can't tell exactly how I need to have things prepared, what furniture they will dis-assemble or not. (I have a huge Ikea Expedit shelf). I know I have to have things out of the attic, but what about closets and drawers? :confused:



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Ours packed things from closets and drawers so we didn't have to remove any of that stuff. They took care of things in the attic and basement, too. But they also packed an open can of Comet in with our bath towels and they packed our trash can with the liner and trash inside it.

In my defense, I was at the hospital having a baby so we weren't supervising as well as we could have. We delegated that chore to the wrong folks, obviously.g

Seriously, we've done coprorate moves several times and while there are always small glitches (see above!), overall the moves have been very easy.

Since the movers unpack but do not put away, we have learned to mark boxes we don't want unpacked by them (stuff that we'll unpack when we get around to it). And we mark the doors of the rooms so when they are unloading, they know which room to put the stuff in.

Hope you can enjoy this move...sounds like an adventure!

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I have done several military moves with full-service movers. They may have slightly different rules for military moves, but here's my experience:


You do not need to empty drawers, closets or cupboards. But, you'll want them so that like things are together, and as organized as possible. They will not sort your things, simply put what's on the shelf directly into the boxes.


I found it very helpful to buy gallon sized ziploc bags and "contain" things in my drawers, like pens/pencils, office supplies, etc.


As far as furniture, they did take the legs off our table, and disassembled our beds (but we had all the bedding removed). But they left our entertainment center intact, bookshelves together, etc. They did all disassembly and reassembly themselves.


I found it helpful to have one room that was completely off-limits to the movers (whether it is a bathroom, or other room doesn't matter). That room is where I put the items I didn't want them to pack. I put a sign on the door that you couldn't miss... stating DO NOT PACK this room! I did this after having the movers pack up library books and borrowed items even when I had told my husband, marked the bags, and mentioned to the packers that they were not to be packed. ;) They are also not allowed to throw anything away... at least with a military move... and I've heard stories of people opening a box to find a carefully bubble-wrapped garbage can... complete with the garbage that hadn't been emptied before the movers arrived.


We were also required to take all the pictures off the walls. I also brought our photo albums, jewelry, and non-replaceables with us just in case something were to happen.


We're doing this again in a few months, so I'm already going through and getting rid of anything we don't need, and making sure cupboards, cabinets and drawers are as organized as possible.

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Another that had trash packed and the cable TV converter that wasn't marked Do Not Pack.


I've had them take my tables apart for easier packing, and I've also had them take apart one recliner that the back is supposed to come off of for easier moving.


They will pack drawers and books, but now with any order. If you have all your books alphabetized by author's last names they probably won't pack them that way. I like the idea of gallon zipper bags for small things in drawers.

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New company is paying for it and it's pack and everything. However even after reading all the material they gave me and online I'm a little nervous. I can't tell exactly how I need to have things prepared, what furniture they will dis-assemble or not. (I have a huge Ikea Expedit shelf). I know I have to have things out of the attic, but what about closets and drawers? :confused:




Lucky you to have movers - it's how we have moved all but one time. In my experience, the only furniture that needed to be disassembled to be moved was the beds and they do that the morning that they load the truck. Oh, we also have a grandfather clock, but they had someone come and prepare that to be shipped for us too. If you have something like a playset or other large things that need to be taken apart, it's up to the new company whether they will pay for that or you will need to. Typically, you will have the moving company come do an estimate, and they can clarify a lot for you. They also took care of things like disconnecting and reconnecting the washer and dryer for us too. As for removing things from the closets and drawers, they will pack directly from them so no need to empty them. If you are talking about dresser/furniture drawers, they leave things in them so if you have specifice things that might be fragile or you want packed, you should probably remove them. Also be sure to take small things like jewelry out of drawers and put them in ziploc bags and take along so they don't get lost.


Good luck on your move.

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If you are going to put yourthings in storage be sure they pack items that in the drawers. If you are moving house to house it's not much of an issue.


They will pack closets, cabinets etc but it will benefit you to go through every closet, cabinet, drawer etc and get rid of what you do not wnat to see at the hother end of your move and make sure things are in the room they should be. It will make unpacking so much easier.


Our movers always unassembled beds, tables etc and set them up at the other end. Actually the driver is responsible for this.


The pakcers job is just that to pack EVerything so if there are things you do not want packed be sure to let the packers know. Also let the driver and loaders know to not pack the vaccuum, mops, brooms etc until you are finished with them.


Also, we always provide a cooler of water and soda and lunch for the movers on moving out and moving in day. It's not required but always do.


Ask the packers to leave a couple of boxes, paper and tape for we found that when furniture is moved all sorts of things appear so the extra boxes come in handy to slip those things into.


ETA: Take time to film and document the condition of all your furniture and cars and electronics showing that they are in working order. Drivers mark everything with codes for dents, scratches etc so read the paperwork before he leaves and if you have a dispute on the number of boxes or the condition of an item let them know. Claims are easy if you have documentation and video to show the condition.

Edited by lynn
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Leave things in drawers, closets, and book cases. If they are truly full service they should pack everything for you. On your invoice it should say what box #'s are for which rooms. It's the best way to move. The company, that one of my dh's jobs hired to move us, did an awesome job. I did absolutely nothing! They were very careful wrapping fragel thing. The only thing I warn you about is that they pack EVERYTHING, even the trash, if your not watching :ack2:. So make sure you clean before hand.


If their not complete full service still leave things in drawers and bookcases, unless it is A huge Ikea thing. They'll wrap these in selifane to make sure nothing falls out.

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Ours packed everything, disassembled as they saw fit, and so on. Those were the easiest and BEST moves we had. We have done it twice now. The first movers were a little better than the second ones. The first made a list of every single item in my house - over 50 pages of items listed one by one. The other movers broke a few things which we did not care enough to get them to replace. They would have, though, had we asked them to.


We had the option of having them unpack the boxes, but decided against it. It makes a mess and everything is just...everywhere. I would much rather unpack my own boxes. They did reassemble furniture, put beds together, and so on though which was a huge help.

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New company is paying for it and it's pack and everything. However even after reading all the material they gave me and online I'm a little nervous. I can't tell exactly how I need to have things prepared, what furniture they will dis-assemble or not. (I have a huge Ikea Expedit shelf). I know I have to have things out of the attic, but what about closets and drawers? :confused:



pack and take yourself. Make the signs on that room large and obvious. Also check to make sure you have full coverage/replacement insurance on the move. Things do get lost and yeah, stolen esp if it's going in and out of storage. I used to work for a moving and storage company and did claims. Obviously, keep all your personal papers and other important information with you. I would even take the desktop computer (minus the monitor & keyboard)... if you can.

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