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which garbage bin would wear well with kids?

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this style of bin?



or this style?



Ideally I would like to have a two-bin garbage can to make recycling easier. Right now all my recylables sit on my counter awaiting for a trip to the garage bin.



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After seeing your thread title was, "wow, the economy is really bad, we're already wearing barrels."


We use Rubbermaid, since the company was based in Ohio when we bought them. Therefore, they are older than 5 years and aren't wearing out, but they aren't wood as your choices are.

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After seeing your thread title was, "wow, the economy is really bad, we're already wearing barrels."


We use Rubbermaid, since the company was based in Ohio when we bought them. Therefore, they are older than 5 years and aren't wearing out, but they aren't wood as your choices are.

no barrel wearing. . . . :001_smile: Just want a different garbage can to protect the wall behind it. We currently have a rubbermaid variety that has been around. Unfortunately folks in my house use the back wall to bounce things into it consquently the wall is bespeckled with ....well, ewwww!


AND all those recycle items waiting for me to make a trip to the garage would get off my counter quicker.

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After seeing your thread title was, "wow, the economy is really bad, we're already wearing barrels."


We use Rubbermaid, since the company was based in Ohio when we bought them. Therefore, they are older than 5 years and aren't wearing out, but they aren't wood as your choices are.


That's EXACTLY how I read it too! (And for kids I'd go with a natural fiber burlap sack for the bad-economy-wear... ;))

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I didn't even know that they made cute trash bins. I thought everyone used the plastic ones you buy at Target or Walmart.


Anyway, I like the first one best. It's cute and gives you drawers that you could use for recycles.


The second one's lift off top would NEVER be on top of the bin. It would end up on the floor or propped against the wall nearby, falling down and being in the way. If your house is the same way, you'd end up with the same problem that you have now with the wall being the backboard for tossing the garbage in the uncovered bin.

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I like cans w/ a lid because I don't want to smell anything that goes into the garbage.


How about the touchless/sensor type? That way, the dc wouldn't be able to toss things into an open bin but the fun of the sensor would (probably) help ensure that they'll continue to put stuff in the trash.



Or, here's one that has trash & recycling in one touchless container:



Another dual bin (not touchless) is this one:


(We have a simplehuman trash can w/ lid, but not the dual-bin type.)

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I'd go with the lift-off lids. I can't imagine what I'd want to keep in the little baskets... next to the garbage. And the "cutting board" on top? :ack2:


(Plus, it's cheaper to get two of the lift-off ones to accommodate rubbish and recycling)

I was thinking I'd keep the trash bags there instead of under the sink. :) And maybe the rabbit food.

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