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Things that are worse than labor...

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Being 38 wks pregnant... waking up at 2am and dashing to the bathroom. One to sit on. One to puke in. Repeat over and over during next 10 hrs. Add uncontrollable chills w/ shaking around 6am. All I can say, is that if I thought I was in pain and uncomfortable BEFORE...


So thirsty. No. this is NOT labor. It's worse. so. much. worse.


Going back to bed... with a toddler sippy cup of gatorade/water.

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Being 38 wks pregnant... waking up at 2am and dashing to the bathroom. One to sit on. One to puke in. Repeat over and over during next 10 hrs. Add uncontrollable chills w/ shaking around 6am. All I can say, is that if I thought I was in pain and uncomfortable BEFORE...


So thirsty. No. this is NOT labor. It's worse. so. much. worse.


Going back to bed... with a toddler sippy cup of gatorade/water.


Oh good grief! So sorry! If it wasn't enough to be pregnant you certainly don't need the flu.

Hopefully, it's the kind that passes in 24 hours??? Perhaps it will trigger labor? Hope springs eternal! :glare:

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Me too! I had a horrible stomach/intestinal virus that hit within 12 hours of my last labor. Climbing out of a hospital bed with swollen you-know-where to lose it going and coming. Ugh. It didn't help that the nurses refused to enter the room to help me in any way... except to say that if I was so sick I needed help, they would take my newborn away to the nursery and not return him. I toughed it out and kept him by my side the whole time--I think that breastmilk was the only reason he didn't get sick too.

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I called them this morning (about 9:30), I had an appointment scheduled for today, but there was no way I was going to plan on driving in that condition (plus the yucky weather). I'm feeling a bit better, haven't had to throw up in a few hours -- no contractions to speak of (which is GREAT, because contractions on top of everything would probably be the absolute worst I could imagine). The baby is still squirmy (which has been more than enough added discomfort), but yeah, labor is on my mind.


I cancelled school (big surprise), and the kiddos have had a lot of mom saying, "yes" to things normally mom wouldn't say yes too... trying to keep my distance so THEY don't get this blessed virus (can't imagine it was food poisoning -- because I'm the only one with it, and everyone ate the same foods!)


Sipping on fluids. resting. and only moving when I have too :D


Waiting as patiently as I can until dh gets home from work.

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