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I know there was a recent discussion about "The Love Dare." Anyone read it?

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I ordered it before Christmas from CBD and I got it today. I'm really looking forward to reading it, and hoping it'll help my marriage. Honestly, all the strain with dd has put a huge damper on my relationship with dh. I know he has some personality issues (as discussed in a recent post), but he is willing to work on it. I believe if I could love him as I should, we might get past some of this more easily.


Anyone had positive changes after reading the book??

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Did you see the movie Fireproof? We have the book and I actually scanned through it. My dh is doing a sermon series on marriage and got it for that but the things in it are wonderful. I highly recommend it but also recommend you see the movie. It is wonderful!!


Some of the things in there are kinda no brainers but we all tend to slip a little in the romantic way we express our relationship and I think this book really brings that out. Just by doing little things that show your spouse you thought of him, you can truly change a relationship.


I hope this works well for you. I personally didn't do it day by day but found many of the things in there that I already do. My dh even spoke about our marriage Sunday and I got lots of compliments. Since I am in the children's worship service I didn't hear it but my oldest ds said it was great. Hoping you come out on the other side of the book with a stronger marriage!!

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Dh had me meet him to help him pick out glasses and it was a disaster. He got mad because I asked the lady at the front desk if she knew how much longer we'd have to wait (it was already 45 minutes past his appt time). Then, when we finally made it home this evening, I wanted a few minutes to veg and he started in on me about why I hadn't picked up the clean, folded clothes yet and I just lost it.


We have SO much work to do to make this work. I'm going to be reading my, "Stop Walking on Eggshells," book at the same time! Then, maybe I can deal with his personality disorders WHILE I'm trying to be a good, loving, Christian wife.

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I have the book and I know it can help bring us closer again. now if we can just find the time to actaully go through it. sigh...


between taking care of the kids, home, meals, cleaning, schooling, business there is always something that comes up. Then there are the times we are just too upset about some trivial issue to sit down and talk.


I'm determined to do it soon though


good luck

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Well. . .


I bought the book due to the movie Fireproof.


I want a book like the one they created for Fireproof.


This one is "preachy".


I realize now that when the father in the movie said he had written it in his own hand for the son that he also got rid of all the "preachiness".


They need a movie version of that book.


All this to say, I have yet to read the book; let alone, act on it.


In fact, I've only read Day 1. Rather, I tried to read Day 1, but I wound up skipping to the actual assignment. I think I need to just read the assignment days.


However, our marriage is improving right now. Maybe it's an osmosis thing?:lol:

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I don't own "The Love Dare" and I don't intend to buy it. I wish it didn't exist. The point of the movie wasn't the book as a "magic formula" that saved the man's marriage. The point was a man's conversion, and the transformation of a life as a result of it. He came to know Jesus Christ, and as a result he was able to get over his own selfishness and let the love of Christ flow through him.


It is hard! Human love unrequited tends to break down, but the Love of Christ perserveres unconditionally. Just as Christ loved us and died for us even when we didn't love him, we can through Him also love others.

Please read this book instead.

Edited by beansprouts
revised pre-coffee post
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just like reading anything else that opens your eyes to things that are lacking in your marriage, I was hoping this would help me get back closer to my spouse.


I haven't seen the movie, though I would like to. In fact, I want to watch it with dh.


DH and I saw it together last fall, and we enjoyed it. I hope the two of you get to go because the movie provides good opportunities for discussion. :grouphug:

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...they are like formulas.


I don't know whether I would want a spouse to follow a formula with me. Frankly, I know what I would like better than a book knows what I would like, and I suspect that DH knows what HE would like better than a book would know what he would like. So why not go to the source.


OTOH, it probably provides a lot of good food for thought.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I don't own "The Love Dare" and I don't intend to buy it. I wish it didn't exist. The point of the movie wasn't the book as a "magic formula" that saved the man's marriage. The point was a man's conversion, and the transformation of a life as a result of it. He came to know Jesus Christ, and as a result he was able to get over his own selfishness and let the love of Christ flow through him.


It is hard! Human love unrequited tends to break down, but the Love of Christ perserveres unconditionally. Just as Christ loved us and died for us even when we didn't love him, we can through Him also love others.

Please read this book instead.


Ok, you've mentioned this site before. I am bookmarking it!! I would also recommend The Excellent Wife. I always struggle to pick it up but am blessed when I do.

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