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Do you have nightmares about losing one of your dc?

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For years I have had recurring nightmares about losing one or more of my dc. (I mean physically losing, not the child dying) Every dream is different. In many of the dreams, I do something I would never do IRL, like leave a baby unattended. These dreams intensified (more frequent and scarier) after the birth of my twins, probably because the stress level of taking them out skyrocketed. This morning I woke up scared because I had lost the twins in a hotel.


Does anybody else have these dreams? Do I need counseling LOL?

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I've never had a dream of losing a child. However I noticed you have a newborn and that reminded me of when mine were newborns....I had at least one terrifying dream about something bad happening to my new baby each time. Maybe it's the post-pregnancy hormones? I know mine were totally wacky then.

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Yes, I had one the other day. I was physically ill for hours after waking up. The most bizarre part of the last dream was that in my dream I told myself to wake up, it's just a dream, but I only woke up in my dream. In other words, I was having a nightmare in my dream, but when I woke up from it in my dream I was still living the same nightmare. :tongue_smilie:

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I have had those dreams. I have also lost the same child twice. I lost him once at Walmart where he made it from the dairy section to the produce section and was on his way back with the help of a gentleman when we found him. The other time was at Disney World and that was the scariest few minutes of my life. He walked out of a store in Animal Kingdom on a crowded day and it was a "I thought you had him" situation with DH (he was supposed to have him). He was running across a bridge crying when his grandpa coming to meet us after a ride found him. Needless to say the dreams are scary, but losing them in real life is much worse.

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I had those dreams with ds was little. Lately I'm dealing with it in a different way. A former boyfriend had a son die last year. He was 11, same age as my son is now. I find myself thinking about many times and I'm still processing some of the grief. It transfers over into fear about my child, so I've been more protective lately.

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