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I honestly do not want to do or see anyone

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GRR..I'm in a really rotten mood. I don't want to clean, don't want to plan school, don't want to interact with children. PEriod. Why in the world did I have any???? If only I could go back... GRR.. I do not want to have this slumber party tomorrow.. Ok...smile, and lets try to put together an easy bake oven..GRR

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I am also in a rotten mood. I don't want to go to a new year's party tomorrow. i don't want to do any playdates. I just want to be alone. I just went to the store and got the kids new game(with christmas gift card) and hoped they would leave me alone, but alas they are begging for me to join them. *sigh* I hope it's just PMS.

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:grouphug: I had that day on Sunday. Dh came home and was like, "So, what did you guys do today?" We all looked at him. The kids watched TV and played games and I stared at my computer screen all day, motionless. Stupid PMS. (Turned out I also had forgotten to have a cup of coffee--that makes a big difference to me :rolleyes:)


I hope you feel better soon!

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