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Well-Trained Bodies - July

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30 min on the treadmill this morning. I headed out early to get one last small batch of blueberries just for fresh eating (freezer is full). But got home in time to start my binge watching of the Olympics. I signed up for Peacock with the teacher discount so I can watch all day long. Vicarious exercise...does that count?

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I walked the dogs twice yesterday and played 2 hrs of mixed doubles tennis. Lots of fun!

Today is a rest day from tennis (after a 4-day streak). I'm happy that my body and wrist are not hurting!  I did take the dogs for a walk this morning, and will take them again this afternoon.

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

I walked the dogs twice yesterday and played 2 hrs of mixed doubles tennis. Lots of fun!

Today is a rest day from tennis (after a 4-day streak). I'm happy that my body and wrist are not hurting!  I did take the dogs for a walk this morning, and will take them again this afternoon.

Yay for no pain!!! I am glad you’ve been able to enjoy both tennis and your dogs. 

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It was a 'rest day' yesterday that absolutely exhausted me! I was in the sun (often under a beach umbrella) watching my ds play beach vball from 9 am - 3pm. So sitting, walking a little, and helping to score some games, were the activities I carried out. When I got home I headed straight to bed. I couldn't even get out of bed to hug my dd (and it was her birthday) when she arrived home after being away for 2 weeks. To quote a great British expression, "I was knackered!" 


Happily, I've bounced back and was able to walk the dogs this morning. I'll take it easy, though, as I likely suffered some heat/sun exhaustion yesterday. 

Edited by wintermom
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@wintermom it is funny but sitting in the sun can be very exhausting- please do rest up and increase your hydration and electrolytes

Friday morning, I did a lower body workout and then we went to the Waterpark for 5.5 hours with the girls.

I was in the lazy river for most of that- walking in the water or swimming with the tube- it was just light activity. The weather was nice. It was a bit overcast so it was warm enough but not too hot.

Saturday and Sunday we did some work outside- yardwork and work on the shop. 

Today- upper body workout- workout class this evening (focus on the cardio aspect)

This week I also plan to get in a short sprint session and I'll be focusing on my protein. I have 4 lifting sessions total- 3 more to go (2 upper + 2 lower).

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I haven't checked in here in ages.  I've been pretty sedentary due to a stress fracture and a sedentary job.  My job is changing and I THINK my fracture is healed and to celebrate I attended a weights/cardio class at the gym I'm planning to join (& where my sister goes). Just wanted to share! 🎉🎉

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2 hours ago, Kidlit said:

I haven't checked in here in ages.  I've been pretty sedentary due to a stress fracture and a sedentary job.  My job is changing and I THINK my fracture is healed and to celebrate I attended a weights/cardio class at the gym I'm planning to join (& where my sister goes). Just wanted to share! 🎉🎉

Glad your injury has healed!

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On 7/29/2024 at 10:18 AM, Soror said:

@wintermom it is funny but sitting in the sun can be very exhausting- please do rest up and increase your hydration and electrolytes

I just finished playing 2 hrs tennis in the heat and humidity. It was worse on my body than just sitting. Even with lots of water, electrolytes and ice packs, it was tough to keep the body cool. I'm going to need more rest for sure! 🤪

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Dropping in on the last day of the month.  I was away at the weekend visiting family.  I managed to fit in a lot of walking though, including in my home city which is all hills.

Tuesday: walk at lunchtime; easy yoga in the evening

Wednesday: fast but short swim first thing; walk at lunchtime

I'm trying to work out what to do about yoga from September.  The easy Tuesday class that I have been going to (which is free on my leisure centre subscription that also covers swimming) is going to clash with the art history module I am studying this autumn.  I'm tempted to go back to my previous teacher for yoga, but I'm not sure if it's too soon for that.  She wouldn't push me, I know, so I could go at my pace, but I don't know if there is too much I can't do.  I would need to book the autumn block in the coming few days to get a space.

Our house is stuffed with misplaced furniture, because we are having work done in two areas, so there's nowhere to spread out a mat and give Ashtanga a try.  I could take an old mat into one of the construction areas at the weekend though.  I think I'll ask my old teacher for a recording to follow, and see how it feels.

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Gyrotonics yesterday as well as a MAT adjustment. Always a good thing. I did also take a walk with dh. 

My lower back is still achy and sore. Today and tomorrow I am focused on my niece, who is visiting, but I hope to keep up with the stretching and exercises for my back. We will also get in some walking.

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31 min on the treadmill this morning (1 extra min to get to the end of the section of the book I was reading). I'm going to try giving blood today. I tend to pass out, so I won't ever try again at school. This is a blood drive at church and it's summer so I have time to pass out. Last time I hydrated well the day before but not as much in the morning. This time I'm trying hydrating well all morning--appointment at noon. Wish me luck.

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48 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

31 min on the treadmill this morning (1 extra min to get to the end of the section of the book I was reading). I'm going to try giving blood today. I tend to pass out, so I won't ever try again at school. This is a blood drive at church and it's summer so I have time to pass out. Last time I hydrated well the day before but not as much in the morning. This time I'm trying hydrating well all morning--appointment at noon. Wish me luck.

Good luck donating! I'm not allowed to donate because I have SVT. I'm in the queue to get that fixed - I hope that after that I'll be able to give blood again.

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Got in a dog walk this morning. The mosquitoes were terrible - just swarming around my head most of the walk. I also heard on the local radio that someone in the area tested positive for West Nile virus. It's been so wet and hot that the mosquitoes have gone crazy. 

I'm supposed to play mixed doubles tennis this evening, but I'm kind of hoping it will be rained out. I feel like I need a little more rest. 

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