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Tackling Saturday, 6.22.24


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Good morning!! Laundry and shredding are done for the day. Not going to the farmer's market, because I know I won't be able to stay away from the homemade baked goods, and I am really trying to lose weight. No cooking, as dh is working 12 hours, and doesn't like to eat a meal that late. On to other things:

more coffee

call my dad


continue wall prep, which will involve using my new sander (a new experience for me)

get some more work done in the room where i painted the closet

clean out the washing machine

finish cleaning the kitchen cabinets

clean dh's desk

read part of my Kindle book

hopefully finish organizing my little area of the storage building- I can do all of it if dh wants me to, but a lot of it came from his mom's house and I don't know what he wants to keep

Bible and prayer


try to get 60 grams protein

may add more later



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Thanks for the thread!

Exercise ✔️

Get present for birthday party later today ✔️

Go to BJs to stock up on some essentials we’re out of. ✔️

Take DD to birthday party. ✔️

Spend 20 minutes doing some decluttering. 

Work on memorizing Sermon on the Mount. 

Edited by lauraw4321
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Hi guys!  Happy Saturday!

So many goals, so little time.

It's my last weekend before the "big deadline."  I am ahead in some ways, behind in others.

I wanted to debrief a bit about the kids' culture camp that ended last night.  This is their 11th year attending this camp.  I'm sure I've blabbed about it before but bear with me.  😛  My kids aged out of the "classes," other than helping with younger kids, but they still participate in ethnic dances, sports, cooking/eating, and other stuff.  They are also involved in volunteer work.  This year, the teens organized a food packing project that produced 10,000 meals for a local hunger center.  But perhaps the biggest benefit is being able to spend a week with kids who share something few in the general population do.  All of the teens were adopted internationally, most from Latin America.  They share things that are difficult to explain and impossible to duplicate.  Although it isn't all sunshine and roses, it's one of the most valuable things my kids have participated in, IMO.

But back to reality.  😛

So far today, I slept (yay), did "yoga etc.," ate fruit, took vitamins, did a bit of cleaning and dog stuff, and caught up on news, emails, & social media.

I've texted the girls that I want them to clean the basement and bathe the dog today.  The basement is where they have had their friends over most days this week, and there's some colored slime spilled in the corner, among other things.  😕  If they don't get it cleaned this weekend, they'll use their jobs as an excuse next week.  😛

I also have some cleaning to do.  I can do mine on work breaks

My work goals for today include completing 5-6 client reports, testing the government website's submission process, reviewing some audits/tax returns, and a lot of filing to decrease the stuff in my inbox.  And whatever emergencies someone creates.

Personal goals, other than cleaning/organizing and staying reasonably cool, include paying a bill or two, some online personal tasks, eating veggies, and walking the dog.

Thinking a lot about what I want to accomplish after the 6/28 deadline, but that's probably not my best use of time today.

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Training is over for the weekend. My mind needs a break and time to process.

Food and relaxation are on the schedule between now and Monday morning. Working on figuring out a way to get to church tomorrow. 

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@math teacher, I need to lose some weight and have needed to for some time. Is 60 grams of protein a number that is supposed to help with that? 

@lauraw4321, is memorizing the Sermon on the Mount a personal challenge or something with a group? 

@SKL, sounds like you found the perfect place for your kids! 

@ScoutTN, enjoy the rest of your time away! 

Lunch with the family was great. 

Unfortunately, I spent the next 3 hours on the phone with Verizon activating my dad's new iPad. 

After they all left, dh tried to text me a picture he took. I realized I couldn't receive or get texts from Android phones. I was so frustrated and snippy with dh. I apologized, got a snack, and watched Little House on the Prairie. 

I made dh some food for dinner and decided to call Verizon again. This problem was resolved MUCH more quickly. 

Dh asked me about walking, but it is still 89 degrees here. I don't want to be out in those temperatures. 

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@mom31257 Glad they got your phone working again!


There was a trivia game after dinner. We came in 7th out of 19. It was fun and interesting to see who knows what sorts of things.  

In my jammies and winding down now. Gonna read. Thankful for a day off tomorrow! 

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