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Tackling Tuesday - 4/16


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Good morning, all! 

DH is off to a work conference all day today (and again tomorrow, but luckily it's local so home overnight) so I am up *early* even though I have the day totally off! Yay! 

So, what shall I do on my day off? So many things. 

...fold & put away laundry
...wash my wool stuff
...grocery store for eggs, b/c we forgot last time

...decide exactly how to put together the quilt top and do that (will be quick once I decide)
...create the next 2 figures/last 2 figures for the quilt
...start fusing the figures into place?? At least get them pinned in place? 
...make sure everything is all set for tomorrow's class (should be, but double check)
...possibly take Middle to some resale shops near us (was offered as a "cheer you up" thing over the weekend; the need for cheering has passed, so we'll see if we still go or not)
...cook dinner tonight (roasted veggies, feta, and probably chicken-apple sausage as a sheet-pan meal)
...eat, veg out - DH will be home late (he has a dinner out at 5:30, that will likely easily go till 7:00, means he'll be home after 8:00 sometime...)
...go to bed

If there's still time &/or during breaks from the sewing, get the kids to help me hang stuff, and remember to go mail my aunt's grad invite. Also, text with Grandma, she's heading on a road trip starting today w/a friend (friend is driving), so just keep up daily check-ins while she's out & about. 

Somewhere in there, take a nap. Oh! and order a book/find a book for tutoring kiddo who has requested a math book to work through vs. math worksheets. 

Edited by TheReader
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Good morning!

Dh is at work with his breakfast and lunch. 

I had a shower and got dressed to go out. 

  • 2 Zoom sessions
  • 1 student at the library this afternoon
  • go to the church and take the Saturday Sacks to the elementary school this morning
  • get lunch out 
  • stop at Aldi for a few things since I don't get there as often as I would like
  • laundry
  • dinner
  • tidy up
  • prep for tomorrow
  • watch something and relax
Edited by mom31257
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Good morning! I am not feeling 100%. Very tired. Boy is at school. I am going back to bed! 


2 Zoom meetings ✔️ 
Go to appt for fingerprinting/background check ✔️ 

Pick up CSA eggs

Grocery ✔️ 
Dinner is chx and sweet potato stew in the crock pot. ✔️ 

Mostly trying to rest today! 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Get some rest & feel better, @ScoutTN

--ordered some math books for both tutoring girls, w/free same day delivery
--remembered to send and order prints for DS - our co-op does a senior table, so needed one for that, and some options for his senior board for graduation
--sent an email I needed to send
--feeding the birds, getting dressed, and will head out - grocery, gas, and by then the pics should be ready to pick up

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Howdie, happy Tuesday!

So far so good.  I got up earlier than officially necessary, so I didn't feel required to jump right into work.


  • Slept a lot, yay!
  • Woke up, yay!
  • Let the dog out.
  • Washed dishes.
  • "Yoga etc."
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, social media, and electronic school stuff.
  • A few quick work and personal tasks.

To do:

  • Lots of client work.
    • Client 1:  complete auditable financials / workpapers and submit to auditor.
    • Client 2:  complete auditable financials / workpapers and submit to auditor.
    • Client 3:  conference call re loan servicing etc.
    • Client 4:  complete Q1 financials for 6 entities and submit to auditor.
    • Client 5:  review about 20 tax returns and about 10 audits.
    • So many other things if I actually finish all of the above.
    • Put out fires etc.
    • Try to keep the inbox under control.
  • Reschedule Kid2's vision therapy appointment.
  • Make a vet appointment for routine care.
  • Fruit, vitamins, water, more exercise.
  • A little reading.
  • Shower.
  • Senior night for track.
  • Walk the dog.
  • So many other personal things if I actually finish all of the above.
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Home - got the eggs, and some rolls & meatballs to add to dinner instead of the chx sausage.  Gassed up my van.  Picked up the pictures. Got home before DS came down to cook his breakfast. Yay! 

Measured his bed and his current quilt so I can figure out the quilt top thing. I think it will work well! Yay! Need to sit down and kind of draw it out to be sure the exact plan before I cut, but it should all work out. (the issue here is that the fabric I'm using only comes in 2 yd cuts, b/c they cut it into 2 yd sections before dyeing it; trying to decide if I needed extra added to the ends of that or not, or if keeping the 72" width (the length of the 2 yds) will be fine)

Wool stuff is drying, and I'm debating to nap now, or later. :yawn: 

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napped (much needed)

went down to check the mail & mail my aunt's card/invite - a package I was expecting (the mis-ordered, then corrected, order from last week) arrived -- they really did fix it and send the right size! Yay!!! 

Eating lunch/folding laundry now and *then* will get to the rest of the list. 

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@ScoutTN, I hope you are feeling better! 

@TheReader,  glad you got your nap! I could have used one today, but I didn't have time. I keep yawning! 

Zooms are done. 

I went to church this morning and took care of the Saturday Sacks. 

I got lunch out and went to Aldi. 

I'll head out to the library soon. 

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Clothes are folded, and the ones I'm responsible for are put away. 

Checked on all the children -- Oldest got hired for the summer job he wanted (yay!!), so texted that good news to DH.

Got the main part of the quilt background made (a small border around the part that is mattress sized; will add the outer border to make it quilt sized later on).

Checked school stuff - everything is set for tomorrow. 

Checked on Grandma - trip is going well so far! 

Grabbing a snack/taking a sewing break, and then I promise I will tackle making the figures. 

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dinner is in the oven

finished one figure, was going to start the next one but DS is asleep, so I can't double check the color for the tunic - will do that after dinner instead. It feels great to have it this far! 

I *think* that's everything??? No shopping w/Middle, but that was optional anyway. Maybe another day? 


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Picked up eggs.

Guys ate the food I prepped/cooked for lunches. 😠 Well, they can figure out the next three days’ lunches by themselves. 

My snack is not agreeing with my stomach. Gonna drink some bubbles and go lie down.

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Young one is still sick, had to cancel behind the wheel so she was thrilled. Busy day at work, had to sub on prep again. At least they improved our teacher sub rate to $50. 

Ran an errand after work. Came home and had to make a phone call since youngest was accepted into a program and with nothing to indicate otherwise, we thought it was full time. But the registrar only put her in 6 credits of classes. 

Heading to bed now.


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