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Christmas was Blah. I'm going shopping tomorrow.

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I never thought I'd utter those words but they came out of my mouth today. So- we're off tomorrow morning. I'm not sure which stores we'll hit but I need to buy something to take this blah-ness away. I'm thinking I'll pick up a few DS games for the kids, the Wii Outdoor Challenge for the family to play over the holidays while Daddy is home and maybe a nice bottle of Baileys to enjoy over ice while we hang out and play video and board games. I'm sure I'm forgetting a few things and there will be some sales that will catch my eye as well. I have that urge, what can I say. I can't remember the last time I ventured out of my house on Boxing day. Wish me luck, I'm not sure I'll make it back.:tongue_smilie:


What do you think? Anyone else venturing out tomorrow?

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My boys received a few toys that I would love to exchange for oh, I don't know...socks:tongue_smilie: I may do this but, would rather go first thing in the morning. Does anyone know what time stores are opening? I may venture to the following:




Toys R Us


I received a gift card to Target so, I may try and look for something for myself but, will most likely walk out with items for the family.


Are stores back to regular business hours?

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Some stores are opening at 5:30. I did not pay attention to which ones. I'll be venturing out later to get some bookcases but that is a by-product of dh not getting his check until Christmas Eve, not because I want to go out today.


Save some Bailey's to share with me when you get home :)

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I'm heading out too. I want to get some 'Candy Tins'. My MIL brought some homemade chex-mix type of stuff over and it was DELICOUS. And, I found the recipe online. Quick, cheap and easy for next year. I also need to get a replacement light for our Joseph in our front yard. His bottom string is dead. As in, our joke is....Joseph doesn't have any pants!


I'll probably hit Bath and Body Works too. Our kids LOVE some of their Christmas soaps. If there's any left by 3:00, I'll get all of the peppermint they have. That'll do them for the year. And I'll be driving through Starbucks. Oh yeah. A LARGE Pumpkin Spice Steamer, skim @ 150 degrees. :D Of course, I'll have my chain maille on.

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