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MY inner two-year old is having a major tantrum.

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I will listen to your tantrum!:grouphug: My dh looks like Santa comparatively LOL!


He left a bag with a nice set of mugs out in the hallway floor 2 wks ago. Ds saw it and showed me - I saw the nice emblem from his place of employment (co. gift;)) and chuckled to ds and told him to put it in the closet b/c Daddy would probably wrap it and give it to me for Christmas:tongue_smilie::lol:


GUESS WHAT I GOT!?!??!?!?!?!:lol::lol::lol:


Bring that Starbucks over here. We can fill up my new travel mugs and go SHOPPING!:D

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Wrapping the coffee purchased yesterday along with the groceries doesn't make it a gift.



If it makes you feel better, one year my husband bought me a Yoda t-shirt for my birthday. Although I like Yoda, and I respect The Force, I did not want to wear a picture of Yoda around all day. ;)


Sometimes it helps to give a hint...and this year I received some hardware for my computer.:D Much better.

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If it makes you feel better, one year my husband bought me a Yoda t-shirt for my birthday. Although I like Yoda, and I respect The Force, I did not want to wear a picture of Yoda around all day. ;)


Sometimes it helps to give a hint...and this year I received some hardware for my computer.:D Much better.

I shared my expectations frequently.

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I will listen to your tantrum!:grouphug: My dh looks like Santa comparatively LOL!


He left a bag with a nice set of mugs out in the hallway floor 2 wks ago. Ds saw it and showed me - I saw the nice emblem from his place of employment (co. gift;)) and chuckled to ds and told him to put it in the closet b/c Daddy would probably wrap it and give it to me for Christmas:tongue_smilie::lol:


GUESS WHAT I GOT!?!??!?!?!?!


Bring that Starbucks over here. We can fill up my new travel mugs and go SHOPPING!


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Did he notice your reaction when you received your gift?


If not, I'd tell him how it made you feel.

I will in time tell him, again. He'll explain it away as one of those romantic type gestures those non-romantic guy types don't get/understand/remember etc.


This converstation is years old. Last time it was decided that I was to remind him of my expectations--which I did--beforehand. He doesn't want to know on the day. It might mar Christmas for him.


It's just Christmas blues for me. I've served Christmas dinner twice in the last week. Shopped, wrapped, and decorated. Toted the youngings and out-of-town guests ontime to the local Church events and hosted 3 families (and their pets) overnight for the past week.


It's been a rip roaring cousin-filled week. I'm pooped and now a bit disappointed.

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I think you need to watch this commercial. As much as I usually hate jewelry store commercials, this one made me laugh.

We may not all want jewelry. I don't. I'd like the extra RAM memory mentioned, possibly even the vacuum. We may not all need something big and fancy. Many days coffee would do just fine for me. We all want some sign we're loved and appreciated though. I bet your dh just shows it in different ways.:grouphug:

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Here's what I would do. Next year, I would purchase several lovely gifts for myself - all the things you wish your dh would buy for you. Have them gift-wrapped at the store beautifully, and have the person at the counter address the gift tags to you from Santa.


On Christmas morning, don't make any fuss. Just open "your" gifts like you would any others. Let yourself feel the joy of receiving them and let that joy show on your face. Then put them away and use them with joy throughout the next year.


I wouldn't be surprised if your dh catches on at some point. If he asks, just say someone who loves you got them for you. If he presses you further, tell him the truth and tell him again how important it is to you to get something under the tree.


One other thing to consider - perhaps your dh is completely stymied about gift-giving. Is there anything in his past that might feed into this? A parent that was impossible to please? A former girlfriend who rejected him and his gifts? That kind of behavior/memories can be hard to overcome.


If it's simply carelessness on his part, I'd follow the plan I outlined above. Sometimes you have to love yourself and value yourself highly before others remember to love and value you.

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My dh came home from work late about three weeks ago. He had stopped at a discount store to buy some shoes, and picked up a big set of potholders in various sizes, all in my favorite color. And he knew I needed them, so he bought them. And he is not very patient, so he handed them to me that night, and that was my Christmas present. The funny part -- he actually showed me that Dog House ad recently because he found it so amusing. It's just something he is absolutely, 100% clueless about. About a week after our anniversary last year I went out and bought myself a bottle of my favorite perfume, and I did tell him -- I just don't think it really meant anything to him.


Now you could always make your point by brewing up a pot of that coffee, then refusing to share any of it with him:001_smile:

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Here's what I would do. Next year, I would purchase several lovely gifts for myself - all the things you wish your dh would buy for you. Have them gift-wrapped at the store beautifully, and have the person at the counter address the gift tags to you from Santa.


On Christmas morning, don't make any fuss. Just open "your" gifts like you would any others. Let yourself feel the joy of receiving them and let that joy show on your face. Then put them away and use them with joy throughout the next year.


I stuff my own stocking. I got tired of getting stuff for everyone else's and havin nothing in mine. This year, DH got the point, sorta. There were 3 handwritten notes in it. 1 relaxation spa treatment, 2 weekends away, and spending the year with him. ;) Maybe next year he'll actually BUY something for me?!?!

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