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AoPS Intro to Alg is supposed to be SPLIT?

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Long story short, son is 12/7th grade. Last year did Saxon Alg 1, earned 91%. Wasn't super confident, didn't "like math anymore". Tried AOPS Intro Alg this year to see if it was the style and to shore up his understanding. We are getting to the second half of the book and discussing next year's math and I see on the AOPS site they suggest doing 13 chapters, then moving on to C&P and/or Number Theory before finishing Intro? And they consider second half of Intro Alg 2?

I need some guidance. I would love to close the book, change streams for a bit, maybe have him take EOC this summer and move along. He's still working in that 91-94% in his lessons, although Tuesday he did a long problem set and had zero errors. His confidence is rising but we are both a bit tired. He says C&P sounds fun. Thoughts?

P.S. I am not mathy. My ACT math score was 28 like 20 years ago, the low point on my test, and only because I could recall info long enough to test well. I never had calc, trig, or statistics. Only did Alg in college. I will likely need to outsource after this stupid Alg book. 

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15 minutes ago, Brittany1116 said:

We are getting to the second half of the book and discussing next year's math and I see on the AOPS site they suggest doing 13 chapters, then moving on to C&P and/or Number Theory before finishing Intro? And they consider second half of Intro Alg 2?

I need some guidance. I would love to close the book, change streams for a bit, maybe have him take EOC this summer and move along. He's still working in that 91-94% in his lessons, although Tuesday he did a long problem set and had zero errors. His confidence is rising but we are both a bit tired. He says C&P sounds fun. Thoughts?

Yes, you can definitely move on to C&P if your son wants to move in that direction before algebra 2.

WTMA uses the Intro book after chapter 13 and some of the Intermediate book to make up their honors Algebra 2 course: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12WwhrH7Z8BPh24kZelazK2tpaE5Vand0Sf8Kj3zHYas/edit?usp=sharing and the also only go through chapter 13 in their honors Algebra 1 course: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bar66AI7jhbs7paOiFw9fw3KfGTxitaekfYwKYE-clM/edit

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8 hours ago, Brittany1116 said:

I am not mathy. My ACT math score was 28 like 20 years ago, the low point on my test, and only because I could recall info long enough to test well. I never had calc, trig, or statistics. Only did Alg in college. I will likely need to outsource after this stupid Alg book. 

If AoPS is a problem, how about Derek Owens?

As an aside, I failed (and retook and got a C) or got a D in every math class I took in high school.  If you want to keep yourself in the loop, you can work ahead of your son (well ahead, like a year ahead).  This is what I did.  It was definitely worth it to have a human in the room who could discuss new concepts and answer questions.

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My son has been taking classes online with AoPs (currently in the middle of C&P) and I don't think the second half of Intro to Algebra is Algebra 2, at least not if you mean the typical class that comes after you take Algebra 1 and Geometry. Rather, it's a continuation of Algebra 1. This link describes those books, and the Intro to Algebra description says it's Algebra 1, while the one for Intermediate Algebra says it's the equivalent of Algebra 2. 

Their suggested sequence for online classes is this:

Intro Algebra A (first 13 chapters of Intro book) 

Intro to C&P (NT is an elective) 

Intro Algebra B (remaining chapters of Intro book) 

Intro Geometry

Intermediate Algebra (this is the one they describe as Algebra 2)



(They have other electives I didn't list.) 

So basically, the way I understand it, they recommend taking C&P in the middle of Intro to Algebra, but all of that course is still Algebra 1.

That being said, I can certainly understand both of you being tired of algebra after doing Saxon's full year before AoPs. Sounds like a good time for a break. And if you decide to continue in AoPs, you could perhaps have him take the "Do you need this?" test for Algebra B. If he passes, skip the rest of the Intro book and move on to Intro to Geometry. Then it's Intermediate Algebra (aka Algebra 2) after that. 

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I'm curious, but are your children taking AoPS classes online? Or is this being done independently by the child or are you sitting with your child? 

I had a daughter who took two of the AoPS classes online (Alg B and Intermediate Algebra) and she did well, but she was older ... 14 or 15 years old. I did not help her much. She also worked through the prealgebra AoPS book on her own before that. I helped her a little through that, but she was mostly on her own. 

I have an 8-year old and am trying to figure out what to do. I think he will respond well to AoPS, but I think their online format might be a bit difficult because it is 100% text-based. It's live, but only in live transcript form. 

And this is helpful too, seeing the order of the classes through AoPS.

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8 hours ago, bfw0729 said:

Are there any other options for AoPS online classes other than text-based?




https://www.loveofmath.com/course/algebra-ii (another algebra 2 course using the introduction to algebra text)

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17 hours ago, bfw0729 said:

I'm curious, but are your children taking AoPS classes online? Or is this being done independently by the child or are you sitting with your child? 

I had a daughter who took two of the AoPS classes online (Alg B and Intermediate Algebra) and she did well, but she was older ... 14 or 15 years old. I did not help her much. She also worked through the prealgebra AoPS book on her own before that. I helped her a little through that, but she was mostly on her own. 

I have an 8-year old and am trying to figure out what to do. I think he will respond well to AoPS, but I think their online format might be a bit difficult because it is 100% text-based. It's live, but only in live transcript form. 

And this is helpful too, seeing the order of the classes through AoPS.

We live near an AoPS Academy (there are like 14 or so throughout the country), so my first thought was to do an in-person class. He had finished Beast Academy at home, so we planned on him taking pre-algebra and got him tested (a requirement for taking classes there). To our surprise, he placed into intro to algebra, but we were not comfortable with having our 8 yo son in class with mostly 7th & 8th graders. We also thought he could still use pre-algebra despite their recommendation, so we did that book at home together. (Btw, he's now 9 yo and occasionally still says he resents having to take pre-algebra when he could've taken algebra. 🤦🏻‍♀️

After he finished that (with a good deal of instruction from my husband and me), we put him in the online self-paced Algebra A class (he was still 8 yo when he started). It's not live, but it's still very text-based, though with video supplements from Richard Ruscyzk that your daughter probably remembers. But we thought this would be a good, slower intro into AoPS online classes for him, and I'm glad we chose that and not the regular online live, text-based class for his first one. 

I know not every kid does, but my son loved it! He thought the texting back and forth with the "robot" was great (and somewhere on their site, you can actually view/try out a sample of this, which I showed him before we signed up). He was not a good typer, but he was motivated to improve. I also loved that the self-paced class still had him do writing problems which were graded by an actual human who gave feedback. He learned so much more this way than by me trying to get him to do those writing problems at home for pre-Algebra (it was such a battle, we'd often just let him say the answer verbally rather than handwrite it). 

For the online self-paced class, I did make him do the textbook exercises (not assigned by the class) and graded those myself bc I was worried he would miss something. So that took more of my time, and I'm not doing that with his new class. I still make him do the problems, but I now have him check the solutions himself. That's working for him in that he's still doing well in his new class, which is C&P with AoPS' online live text-based class (he's now 9 yo). 

He's still not the fastest typer though he's better, and I was prepared to sit next to him and let him dictate while I typed. But he actually ended up not needing me at all as he doesn't need to type much at a time, and he loves this class too. But he is a really fast reader. And he actually likes the pauses during classes while waiting for everyone to type their response (he sees them as little breaks where he gets to be goofy). He said the other day he wouldn't want a live teacher on video (their virtual academy classes are this, with teacher and students in a Zoom style format) because then he'd have to always sit still in front of the camera. Not easy for a 9 yo boy to sit still for 90 minutes! 

So the text-based class is working well for him. But he reads math textbooks for fun all the time, so learning by reading is not an issue. He is also very social and loves being with people, but he doesn't mind the format of this class. And I love that my role now is just making sure he sticks to his schedule and that he can sit through the class by himself. 

So I know this format is not for everyone (his older sister said she'd hate it and prefers at least live audio for a teacher), but it does really work for some like my 9 yo. And AoPS lets you try two classes and still get a full refund if you drop. 

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