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Tackling Wednesday 2-7-24


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The board is back thank goodness.

Slept in a bit.

Back is still hurting a lot, but a tiny bit better than yesterday.

School has been on going.

Doing some laundry

Did a quick kitchen clean up

It was foggy and cloudy here today.  yay.  Sigh.  

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I missed all of you!! The board was down for me sometime later yesterday and on. 

@mommyoffive, I'm sorry it is hurting but I'm glad you see signs of improvement!

I picked up the car yesterday and took it up to school for ds. I took him to dinner, too. 

Dd needs to borrow my car while she has a repair done on hers. I think that is happening tomorrow but will probably take more than one day. 

I woke up at about 2 last night and was awake for 2 hours. I'm getting sleepy now and need a nap. 

I'm done with students for today, and I only have one student planned for tomorrow. Another is already canceled because he is sick. 

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Good afternoon! So weird to not have the boards this morning! 

I have dropped Ds at school, tutored, and worked on a church project - finished momentarily! Waiting at the P.O. while they process 65 boxes…


Church for dinner and children’s ministry. Need to find a ball for a game. 

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Good Afternoon

Took pup out for two walks today. One by a small river and walking bridge near my house. She wasn’t sure what to make of the bridge and water but she did walk on the bridge.

Last night in pup class we were the only ones who attended so got lots of advice and ideas to try. Working on the barking

will put turkey breast in oven soon 

some laundry done 

vacuumed floors 


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Hi, y'all! 

I missed this thread, too, @mommyoffive! I almost posted on my FB page instead, b/c I need the accountability of a list. ha! Glad the boards are back. 

I ended up at the doctor yesterday - not flu, covid, or strep, "just a virus" - instructions to rest & hydrate. So, mostly that today. 

But, also:
...folded towels 
...still need to fold whites
...got DS going on the project/assignment thing
...still need to go up and check his progress/read the article/help him as needed
....woke up Middle/got them going on "whatever Dad said is next" 
....checked in w/tomorrow's tutoring - she texted to check on me (so sweet!) and confirm I *should* be good to go tomorrow
....probably go w/DH to take DS to church, grocery shop, etc. 

Eating another orange/small snack while I read the article, then will go up and help DS.

Edited by TheReader
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I watched the last episode of The Letter for the King mini-series, and then I took a nap. 

I got a shower and dried my hair. 

A pork tenderloin is in the oven. Green beans are cooking on the stove. 

Ds needs a travel form signed by me and notarized. He has a trip to Italy with the school next month, and I think this is because he is under 21. Trying to figure that out with the car situation. 

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Got DS all set with his assignment; I need to figure out what exactly his prof wants by "Identify the in-text citation, and list it, or both if there are more than one" and help him add that, but otherwise he's done, just need to turn it in. We can do that when he gets home from church tonight, and he'll still be eligible for the extra credit for turning it in 24 hrs early. Yay! 

Took more naps. 

Folded the whites. 

Let DH take DS to church/grocery shop on his own, so that I can be awake to watch something with him later tonight (gave him the choice). 

Hoping I feel better tomorrow....

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@TheReader I hope you recover soon! Lots of crud going around…

Ds and I are home. He says HW is done. I suspect not, but am way too tired to argue about it. 

Church was good!

My left eye is stinging. Washed my hands well, rinsed it in cool water, and used a bit of the antibiotic ointment leftover from a previous case of pink-eye. Hoping not that. 

Did a little prep for tomorrow morning.

Sent youth retreat info to Ds’ friend’s mom. 

Headed to bed to read. Tired!!

Edited by ScoutTN
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