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So if you had to buy your 16yo dd something to "play" with. . .

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My mom and I were talking - she's concerned that dd16 doesn't have anything to "play with" on Christmas. As in - dd is getting a DVD she wants, a gift certificate to a dance store to spend on pointe shoes, a knitting book, etc. But nothing to "do", and Grammy is concerned. She's authorized me to get the kiddo something else. . .


So - what would you do?


Buy her a crafty kit (a la Klutz?) to do that day.


Buy her a good board game/card game.


Order Dutch Blitz, which won't come in time but she lost hers and really loves it.


(Sorry, don't feel like messing with a poll!)


Anyone have a good suggestion for a neat game?

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I'd get her a board game so she could "play" with others. :) We always play board games at holiday gatherings. It is a great way to get three generations interacting and talking. My son just received Sorry Sliders and we all enjoyed playing it. Apples to Apples is great too.

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My mom and I were talking - she's concerned that dd16 doesn't have anything to "play with" on Christmas. As in - dd is getting a DVD she wants, a gift certificate to a dance store to spend on pointe shoes, a knitting book, etc. But nothing to "do", and Grammy is concerned. She's authorized me to get the kiddo something else. . .


So - what would you do?


Buy her a crafty kit (a la Klutz?) to do that day.


Buy her a good board game/card game.


Order Dutch Blitz, which won't come in time but she lost hers and really loves it.


(Sorry, don't feel like messing with a poll!)


Anyone have a good suggestion for a neat game?

A kitten. Or a puppy. Something to love and snuggle and tell secrets to. :)

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Ooooh -


I am SO not going to tell her you said that!!!


She wants a puppy so. badly. But we're trying to sell the house - not the right time, kwim?

a very small puppy that remains a very small dog. :)


It's always a good time to have a puppy. Sides, it's pretty much her last year to have one right?! She's 16 and ready for responsiblity.


Go ahead and get her puppy gear and a dog variety book to select the kind of pooch she desires. Buy her a Little Pet Shop pooch stocking stuffer too.

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a very small puppy that remains a very small dog. :)


It's always a good time to have a puppy. Sides, it's pretty much her last year to have one right?! She's 16 and ready for responsiblity.


Go ahead and get her puppy gear and a dog variety book to select the kind of pooch she desires. Buy her a Little Pet Shop pooch stocking stuffer too.


Don't TEMPT me, Frodo!!!!! ;)

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I second the notion (a pun?) of the knitting needles and some yarn.


Other possibilities: a jigsaw puzzle (could be for her alone or done with the others) or a beading loom with some glass beads. Fun games my teen enjoys are Fluxx, SET, Quiddler, and Five Crowns.




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Does she like music? I was thinking something like a Zune or an Ipod. Then she could have the fun of downloading her favorite music and / or videos.


Or a digital camera? Those have really come down in price these days!! (I'd also give it to her Christmas Eve so she could take pictures of the family during the celebrations!)


Jigsaw puzzles are an excellent idea! Or a board game -- my 17yo dd loves Pictionary and Scrabble.

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