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S/O How to get Christmas/Thanksgiving cacti to bloom


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How do you all get yours to flower? I have had mine about 3-4 years, and it never blooms. It has grown a lot and looks healthy. In the fall it gets tiny pink buds, but they never grow into blooms. I have followed Google instructions about fertilizing in spring and summer, and then in the fall putting in a cool place where it gets at least 12 hours of total dark a night, and decreasing water. Any tips for me? (I live in a four-season state — zone 6b — so it is outside in the summer and inside when it gets cooler in September.)

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I don't do anything special except ignore mine and water maybe every few weeks. Yes, I'm pretty careless with my plants!  These 2 links give good advice, I watch Garden Answer often.  The only thing I did that she recommends was to give it cactus soil, which I did this summer and fertilized it then.   Mine is in a smaller pot ( this is about 4" across by about 5" high) as they like to be kind of root bound.  Put it in the dark?  I never have. Mine faces an eastern window with the neighbor's garage light on, so it is never in complete darkness. Also, it's in a room with a large picture window that faces south, so it is bright in there. but only gets morning sun on it. 

 The only thing I can think of is we keep that room very cool at night, like 62, if not cooler. We get 4 seasons as well and our climate is very dry.  I don't add extra humidity at all.  Mine blooms a second time around Easter and I noticed last year that there were some buds that never bloomed. Mine is a few years old and needed a larger pot by then. But, idk, hope you can figure something out, yes they are a joy to have when they bloom!

5 Reasons your Christmas Cactus Won't Bloom - YouTube

How to Care for Christmas Cactus 🌵🎄 // Garden Answer - YouTube



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Beautiful plant! Thank you for the videos.

I haven't repotted. I could try doing that and using cactus soil. Also, I fertilized a month or two longer than one video said (it said stop mid summer). One video said not to move them and another said to keep them in a cool breezy space. I moved it from outside to the basement, which is below 70 degrees (probably about 62-68) and dimly lit, and I will move it upstairs eventually since I never go to the basement, except to check the plant. (It's kind of the man cave/music studio.) The only place that is cool and and breezy is the garage and, again, it would be sad to keep it out there! Here's a photo of my cactus guy. He is happy, but not bloomy.


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Well, it looks healthy!  But I agree, it looks like it would enjoy a little bit bigger pot. That just might do the trick.  I never put mine outside, it would bake too much in the summer. So it has never felt a breeze and we don't have air conditioning. But now that I think of it, there is an air duct right above the plants when the furnace turns on. We don't keep the room super warm though, so my guess is that's why the plants don't dry out.  

I don't see any buds on it, so maybe it is a Christmas or even an Easter cactus?  You have something to look forward to though. Share again when it blooms!

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41 minutes ago, iamonlyone said:

He is happy,

He's going a little crazy in that tiny pot. You're probably overthinking this. Get him a new pot. Talk to him gently as you surround his feet with happy cactus soil. Water gently to heal him from the trauma. Then neglect him.

Do your windows have e coatings? I swear these new energy efficient windows are just sunshades for plants. He looks nice otherwise. 

Mine bloom without me doing anything, but it's usually that combo of happy dirt and happy light. The pot doesn't need to be super deep but he's probably just root bound and tight in there. I'll bet as soon as you repot him he gets very happy.

I have a couple I've been wanting to repot and am low on my stash of cactus dirt. I keep looking for it and none is in stock. What's up with that? Where are y'all buying cactus dirt? 

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Thanks for all the encouragement and good tips! @PeterPan I haven't spoken gentle, kind words to him (I've kind of given him the silent treatment all these years) so I'll try that when I repot. LOL! @***** He does get teensy pink buds every year, but they always dry up. They are at the dry stage now.

I'll repot next spring, keep him inside all year, and I'll check back next fall/winter if we get some blooms.

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I agree on the bigger pot but I basically just neglect mine.

I have one that's at work where it sits in a window that gets sunlight until about 10am, in a window that's an old single pane with a sheet of plexiglass screwed to the outside.   I water it when I think of it, probably only about once a month or so, by putting it in the sink and watering a ton allowing it to drain.   

That's it and it blooms fully every year.   

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3 hours ago, iamonlyone said:

next spring,

Why wait so long? He might surprise you and bloom soon if you make him happy. I keep a number of these (because I'm sort of addicted, they come in colors, don't ask), and the ones I delay repotting end up sort of long term stunted. I'd just go apologize to him and offer him a beach resort in a beautiful new pot and see what he says. He may be terribly root bound at this point, so it's kind of like asking him to live among rocks or something, just very stressful. You may actually need to disentangle his roots gently or even cut them a bit to get some separation and freedom. 

They're surprisingly resilient, but they do like free toes.

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3 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

I agree on the bigger pot but I basically just neglect mine.

Our methods sound the same🤣


13 hours ago, PeterPan said:

Where are y'all buying cactus dirt?

Maybe try Ace Hardware? You know, like stay away from the big box stores and try the small hometown shops such as Ace.

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3 hours ago, ***** said:

Our methods sound the same🤣


Maybe try Ace Hardware? You know, like stay away from the big box stores and try the small hometown shops such as Ace.

Ooo, maybe next time I'll try there! I got inspired and went to Home Depot and lucked out. I now have three nice little bags to make my darlings happy. All mine are blooming, but I still need to give them some attention. 

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I neglect mine and usually leave them outside until the temps are close to freezing. Some years I use a book booster when I water them in the summer and it seems to boost the number of blooms. 

I have one that just bloomed, but the clades look like it's dying. It seems to be a variety with red clades, but I can't get them to look healthy. They were all from cuttings shared from across the country and all the red ones look terrible. All the others look healthy. 

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6 hours ago, PeterPan said:

Why wait so long? He might surprise you and bloom soon if you make him happy. I keep a number of these (because I'm sort of addicted, they come in colors, don't ask), and the ones I delay repotting end up sort of long term stunted. I'd just go apologize to him and offer him a beach resort in a beautiful new pot and see what he says. He may be terribly root bound at this point, so it's kind of like asking him to live among rocks or something, just very stressful. You may actually need to disentangle his roots gently or even cut them a bit to get some separation and freedom. 

They're surprisingly resilient, but they do like free toes.

Just because what I read says to wait? It's not like it's going to bloom this winter anyway, by the looks of things, so maybe I should just go ahead and talk up the new resort home and force the move.

I'm not supremely optimistic, since it seems like most people just ignore them and they bloom!

Off to look up "book booster"!

Edit: LOL, OK I think @Tree Frog was referencing "Bloom Booster." --Doubly funny considering this board's code word "books"!

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18 hours ago, iamonlyone said:

Just because what I read says to wait

Ignore it. And no, I wouldn't assume he won't bloom or that nothing good would come of it. I've had them bloom at unusual times, so you just never know. I was trying to do a count last night, but I have at least 4 on the main floor and more downstairs. They're all a little different, not standardized, certainly not so in rhythm to say something is hopeless. The only thing I wouldn't do is water heavily *after* the buds are spent and done. Given how desperate he looks now, I would transfer him, water gently, and just see what happens. He may surprise you. Certainly by next year he will.

Edited by PeterPan
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