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Monday Tackle Thread 11.6.23


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I have packed a lunch, moved the laundry, started the bean soup, made coffee, and dropped Ds at school. 

Call mom emailed
Tutor one student in the morning. ✔️ 
Staff mtg and lunch at church ✔️ 
Deliver a meal ✔️ 
Tutor in the afternoon ✔️ 

Dinner is ham and bean soup, bread, and salad. 

Tonight: finish Bible study prep and read. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning!

  • check on classwork
  • 10,000 steps (I'm currently at 1,000 so there is definitely need for a walk today!)
  • violin
  • knit 1 ornament
  • type notes
  • wash blankets

It's a light day, and I'm so glad.  The weekend was a whirlwind.  DS had a game last night where he played beautifully, but he also played against Shoresy and his team conducted themselves admirably.  I've never seen behavior in person like I saw last night.  I also may have taken a moment this weekend to drop some facts to a parent who is having trouble with the adult leaders that ds also had issues with a few years ago.  She was beginning to think it was just her.  Since much of what went on with ds was not publicized, I gave her a shortened version and things started clicking into place with her kid's experience this year.  It's not her.  It's not the kid (who I know very well and is one of the sweetest teens I have ever had the pleasure of watching grow up).  I think that helped put her at ease a bit, and also worried her more.

Tomorrow is much busier, so I'm going to enjoy the extra time for tea and relaxing I have today.

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2 hours ago, HomeAgain said:

Good morning!

  • check on classwork
  • 10,000 steps (I'm currently at 1,000 so there is definitely need for a walk today!)
  • violin
  • knit 1 ornament
  • type notes
  • wash blankets

It's a light day, and I'm so glad.  The weekend was a whirlwind.  DS had a game last night where he played beautifully, but he also played against Shoresy and his team conducted themselves admirably.  I've never seen behavior in person like I saw last night.  I also may have taken a moment this weekend to drop some facts to a parent who is having trouble with the adult leaders that ds also had issues with a few years ago.  She was beginning to think it was just her.  Since much of what went on with ds was not publicized, I gave her a shortened version and things started clicking into place with her kid's experience this year.  It's not her.  It's not the kid (who I know very well and is one of the sweetest teens I have ever had the pleasure of watching grow up).  I think that helped put her at ease a bit, and also worried her more.

Tomorrow is much busier, so I'm going to enjoy the extra time for tea and relaxing I have today.

Glad you were able to pass on some information to that parent.  I have been on both sides of that and wish I would have had the more experienced parents hand down more information sooner instead of having to live through the things we did.  

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Back to liiiife, back to reality ....

I slept in this morning because the kids don't have school!  Had to send out some work last night in order to sleep in though.  😛

The boss is somewhere else, so hopefully I will be free to structure my day as I please.

As always, I have lots of client work to do.  I will also be stalking my kids' grades portal because I'm "that mom."

Done so far:  took the dog out, cleaned a bit, caught up on calendars, emails, and social media.

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Sorted the mail
Checked in with Ds

Finishing up dinner prep now. 

After dinner:
Check on homework ✔️ 
Play a game or chat with Ds? ✔️ convo about anime, cooking, and haircuts

Do Bible study

Leftovers from my lunch meeting can be Ds’ lunch tomorrow. 😎 But they might end up as his 10:30 pm second-dinner?! 

Edited by ScoutTN
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