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Does a child using words like mama/dada or mommy/daddy affect a child's emotional growth?


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I'm kind of curious to the reasoning although I think it's probably going to be bogus.

It's extra interesting to me because I speak Cantonese to my parents. The form basically everyone uses is mommy and daddy essentially said with a Chinese accent (absolutely derived from the UK mummy and daddy). I even the formal form of mother and father are "ma ma" and "ba ba," so would this person think all Chinese people are stunted because most adults who have a decent relationship with their parents would address their parents in this way. There is a super formal way of saying mother and father, I've only heard that in context of addressing in general mothers and fathers, like government documents.    

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I'm wondering if maybe the friend has a weird relationship with their own mother or father. 

My Mom insisted on being called Mommy into my adulthood. She would openly state that she found it sad when people stopped using the term Mommy and she would get very upset if I didn't call her Mommy. It was very clearly a desire on her part for me to still be young and to still have a specific relationship with her. I will admit that for a long time that warped my thinking so that whenever I heard teens/adults call their parents Mommy or Daddy it just felt like nails on a chalkboard to me and I would think that it showed an unhealthy relationship. I'm not saying I was right, just a different perspective. 

Now, my oldest who is almost 20 still calls me Mommy and my husband Daddy. Always has. I've noticed my other teens have mostly stopped using both. They do have familial nicknames for us they developed which I think they like using better, so it's not Mommy and it's not Mom. They do usually say Mom or Dad when they are referring to us to other people. "My Mom will be here..." etc. 

Interestingly, the one who has always used Mommy is probably our most independent kid and also the least sentimental. Like @Pawz4me said above, it may be partially the reason why he hasn't changed. He's also the only one who homeschooled all through high school by choice and he also is probably the least bothered by what other people think of him, has the least social anxiety. (Also probably the least social intelligence but that's a whole different story.) 

So, I've come to think it's fine for kids to call you whatever they want.

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What a load of crap.

It might be socially awkward if a 30 year old man talking to a third party says he went to mommy or daddy’s house over the weekend.  But when talking directly to his parents he addresses them as mama or mommy or daddy? Who would even care?

All my kids call me mama.  Sometimes Mommy, usually when scared or hurt. Unless they have a pickle up their rear about something, then they call me Mother.🙄

Being called Mother by my kids is the equivalent of when I use their full name, including confirmation name.😝

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