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Tackling Saturday 9/9/23

math teacher

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Good morning, tackling friends!! Got my normal weekend stuff going on, dh is off, so also hanging out with him. The plan:

cook (spaghetti, corn on the cob, garlic toast made from english muffins)-done, ccoked a second meal as well


clean the floors

clean the bathrooms-done

clean the kitchen-done


put some medicine on my eyelid-been itching-done


make flashcards-done, but ran out of laminating sheets

tlc with skin products

bank statement

write church  checks

prayer and Bible


helped dh with mom's house-done

mail and shred-done


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Good morning! 

I woke to a neighbor’s dog yapping. Went back to sleep but still feel tired. Having coffee and b’fast now.

All day today is prep for tonight’s AHG event. Lists, prepping gear, buy some stuff, set up, have the event. Meals in between. Will make sure to use bug spray on location bc I got bitten by chiggers there on Sunday. I’ll be home late, shower, and fall into bed.

Ds works 11-3 and I will wake him and get him there. ✔️ 

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Good afternoon! 

I slept in! I had coffee and did my bible study. 

Today (and what is done marked off)

  • talked to my dad (he borrowed a phone to call me and tell me he left his phone at home)
  • load of laundry
  • lesson plans finished for next week
  • grading what has come in so far this weekend, more will come later
  • breakfast and lunch
  • take a break and watch something
  • tidy house
  • exercise video
  • shower and get ready
  • go to a dinner at a museum with friends
  • call my dad to see how his day on the train was
  • more grading
  • watch something and relax
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Howdie, happy weekend!

The weather has been great here for the past 3 days.  It's a relief after a lot of heat.  I hope to take the dog for a walk later.


  • Kid2 to chiropractor appointment.
  • 2 loads of laundry so far.
  • Repaired, reorganized, and purged part of my kid's dresser.
  • Addressed a stain on my kid's "dry clean only" band uniform.
  • Ate 2 fruits, took vitamins.
  • Various other odds and ends.

To do:

  • Lots of client work.
  • Probably 2 more loads of laundry.
  • Pay bills, make cash donations.
  • Box up and send a physical donation.
  • Probably a meal out?  Though the kid who is supposed to choose the restaurant says she doesn't want to go.
  • The kids are working / on-call tonight.
  • Various, hopefully quick personal tasks (esp. kids' school stuff).
  • Yoga etc., walk the dog.
  • Transfer some photos from texts to my computer so I can email them to my sister.
  • Whatever else gets done.  (I feel like I'm forgetting something.)
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Baked a new muffin recipe and they came out well! Will freeze some later, for school day b’fasts. Hiding them from Ds while they cool, so there will be some to freeze! Left 2 out. 🙄😉😆

Sorted and repacked troop First Aid/ emergency box. 

Having a snack, then picking up Ds, then making honey-siracha tofu. Always trying to cook ahead. 

Took ground beef out of the freezer.

Folded laundry

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Busy day...Worked in the basement. I cleaned the bathroom (sheetrock dust gets everywhere). Everything had to be wiped down. Then I washed floors to get rid of dust/mud drops. Windows were cleaned and tools we won't need to use with the rest of the project were taken out. We brought one of the kids beds downstairs (nothing else will go until ceiling is in place and flooring is in. Then minimal stuff until trim is installed). Big one is staying upstairs for now and so I helped with cleaning the upstairs room to get things re-sorted. Turns out young one has a fever and has been lethargic. Hopefully big one stays well as their anxiety peaks when anyone is sick/or if they get sick. 

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