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crochet question


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dd likes making crochet animals with the fluffy "blanket" yarn. Most of the patterns we see online use regular acrylic yarn and when she uses her fluffier yarn they come out too big. Can we still use these patterns and just reduce then 25% or so? Or would that mess everything up? Thanks!

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(Caveat: I'm a knitter)

Yes, you could cut back on the number of stitches per row and the number of rows to get the size you want. The trick will be at inflection points in the pattern. If you are supposed to, say, increase by x number of stitches, you would want to increase by a smaller, proportional amount. You would also have to watch out for places where you, maybe need 4 stitches on either side for a leg, but you've cut it down to 4 stitches total.

Another approach to try is using a (much?) smaller hook than the yarn or the pattern calls for. She could make a test piece that looks like a small scarf and do a couple of inches with one size him and then a couple inches with a smaller hook, and try a few more if needed. Then she can measure the number of stitches and rows per inch.

Lastly, perhaps she can find a thinner yarn with the characteristics she really likes.

So, do some testing and study the pattern first OR just dive in and wing it but be mentally prepared that you/she may run in to a dead end.

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You can't simply reduce number of stitches... while that may reduce the 'width' of the row it will not reduce the 'height' of the row...

There are TONS of free patterns around for bulky yarn-- try those or have her switch to the yarn the patterns were designed for...


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