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6th grade planning 2023?


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I've looked high and low! Maybe I missed it somehow!

Here's mine just in case 

MUS Zeta

Fix It! Grammar, Dictation Day by Day, cursive practice,  written narrations, literature list 

Tiner's Exploring the History of Medicine, other...

SOTW 3 audio, A Child's History of America 

Family lessons: BF Geography/Ecology, English from the Roots Up,  Figuratively Speaking, SCM artist/composer/poetry/Scripture memory, Cherrydale Press Spanish.

Personal Development and Government reading from AO, AGF, and HOD

Piano lessons, monthly co-op, Ultimate Frisbee league, Mom's Morning Out volunteer, golf



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I just looked too using a google site search and I couldn't find it either...weird! I'm sure someone will find it now.  🤪

But I'll join your party here now as I am never ready to think about planning when these threads get posted for the first time.

DS11 is dyslexic, and I am Orton-Gillingham trained and work with him on reading/spelling using that approach. Beyond that we are doing:

Math:  Finish up Jacobs algebra, Probably start AOPS algebra after that?  Review previous skills with Alcumus.

Writing: Writing Our World from Redwood Literacy (based on The Writing Revolution)

Grammar: we're going to try KISS Grammar

History:  Ancients, using our own list of living books/literature (lots of audiobooks and read alouds!)

Science:  Possibly just interest-led using audiobooks and read-alouds.  Still considering using one of Jay Wile's science through history textbooks.

Electives/Extracurricular:  Band and gym at our neighborhood middle school.  Mountain bike team, chess club, board game club, church activities


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I actually searched for this too and didn’t find one. 

Math: TGTB & supplement with Beast

History & Literature: Middle Ages. The World’s Story vol 2, the David Macaulay Castle/Cathedral books, and I might have him read some of my Diane Stanley (and other similar) Middle Ages picture books to his 3rd grade sister; he’ll probably overhear her listening to Story of the World also. Beowulf & Sir Gawain (Michael Morpugo retellings), Questing Knights of the Faerie Queene, etc. We’ll be doing some King Arthur stories and Shakespeare and finishing up Lord of the Rings as a family 

Grammar and Writing: Rules of the game; not sure on writing—we may continue Writing and Rhetoric for another year or two but I can’t decide 😬

Science: Joy Hakim’s Story of Science (class at co-op) and Tiner’s History of Medicine (I know he will love this one) 

Spanish: my tentative plan is for him to go ahead & do Spanish 1 (BJU new edition) with his older siblings, because this kid soaks up language like a sponge and I think he’ll more than keep up with them. We’ll see how it goes…


piano lessons, taekwondo, swimming 

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I can't believe I am planning for 6th grade already. 


Math: MEP year 7, Gattegno

Reading: MP 6th grade

English: Rod and Staff English 5, Rod and Staff spelling 6th, Classical Composition 3 

Science: Rod and Staff 

History: Human Odyssey year 1, with lots of field trips tied in 

Latin: Keep Going with Latin

Logic: Fallacy Detective 

Extras: piano lessons, local language lessons, art, chess lessons 


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I can't believe I have a middle schooler!  We started up this week since we go year round.

Math:  Doing some review with Learn Math Fast books 1-3, then start Critical Thinking Company Pre-Algebra

Writing: EIW 6 on their accelerated summer schedule, then Classical Academic Press Writing & Rhetoric 5

Grammar: Fix-It Robin Hood and Christian Light Education LA 6 (skipping most of the writing stuff)

Literature: Exploring the World through Story Level G,  some of Core Knowledge's Literature stuff

History:  Christian Light Education World History and Critical Thinking Company World History Detective

Bible: Christian Light Education Bible 6, but only 1/2 (will do the other 1/2 next year)

Science: Finish up Science Shepherd Life Science then do Journey Homeschool Earth Science with some random labs from Real Science Odyssey 

Latin: Visual Latin 1 at a leisurely pace (I'm planning on doing volume 1 and 2 over three years)

Logic: Critical Thinking Company The Basics of Critical Thinking, then The Fallacy Detective/The Thinking Toolbox

Electives: She is playing around learning French on an app, likes to code Minecraft stuff and make animated videos and characters, I also plan on teaching her some life skills and study skills stuff this year in a more structured way.

Extracurricular: So much dance! She is taking four classes, is part of their leadership in dance training program and wants to assistant teach.  We also attend a mostly recreational Co-Op once a week.

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This will be my 4th time teaching 6th grade! 🙂

MM6 + Zacarro's Challenge Math for fun once/week

AAS (almost done with level 6 then going on to finish level 7)

AG season 1

W&R 5 & maybe continuing on to 6

Vocabulit workbook

Human Odyssey 2 + daily written narration + weekly outlines + reading list (45 min/day)

Science - mishmash of resources covering motion & energy, electricity & magentism, and inventions

Visits to ... geography (N America, S America, Australia, Europe)

The Fun Spanish - continue/finish this and then start CAP's Spanish for Children

Misc CTC stuff for analogies, building thinking skills, logic puzzles

Artistic Pursuits

Speech club & gym class (fall)

Drama troupe (spring)

Piano lessons


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My oldest is going into 6th. 🥺 Here is what we have lined up:

Math: Saxon 7/6

LA: BJU English 6 (mostly for the writing instruction), Fix-It Robin Hood, BJU Spelling 6, Pentime 6, Redefining School World Literature

Science: Apologia Earth Science 

History: Middle Ages using Human Odyssey vol. 1 and listening in on SOTW 2 with siblings 

We also do a weekly homeschool enrichment program that teaches Spanish, PE, Art, Music and fun science-y stuff

piano lessons, typing.com, track

ETA: I am adding in Abeka's 6th grade health curriculum and he wants to learn sign language, so looking for a resource for that.


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My plan should be set in stone since we are about to start, but I'm still working on a few things. I want this to be a year where she gets used to working a bit longer and doing more informational writing, but I also want her to be able to do a lot of interest-based work.

Math: Jousting Armadillos and following, unless she wants to switch to AOPS Prealgebra.

History: Ancient and medieval using Human Odyssey, supplemented with reading popular history works. A lot of her writing will come from history.

Literature: in the Fall shell be preparing for a reading bowl, so I won't give too much additional fiction until Spring. 

Science: overview year working through Khan Middle School courses. I think she'll likely do all three this year

English: finish AAS 7, finish MCT Town level, then probably move into Voyage level. 

PE: gymnastics

Health: we'll do something, including a drugs and alcohol unit to meet a scout requirement

Electives: I plan to have her choose a few merit badges that look interesting, then I'll help her find counselors and get started. She can then work through them, getting help as needed.

Extracurricular: Scouts, youth group. We'll see what happens with the church music program in the fall, but probably Bell choir.


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