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Smack me upside the head... MOH audio vs. text

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I'm thinking about buying MOH to use with ds and definitely want the audio. Do I want the text as well, when he will at MOST look at the pictures and read the captions, or do I just skip the text? I'm not going to read the text to him. I have pneumonia again (AGAIN) and I'm just done. I'll probably go through MOH 1 and 2 with him pretty swiftly, having him listen to the audio and doing the upper level activities and worksheets. He's fine with worksheets. He's going to be relatively familiar with much of the material, but the language level suits him. But I can't decide if I should pay the premium to get the printed text as well (which basically adds another $40 x 2 levels=$80) or if that's silly.

Ds=dyslexic, dsygraphic, autistic, dyscalculic, and language disability, plus quite bright. He'd rather learn by youtube or play video games all day, but youtube involves zero SYNTHESIS. He needs to DO something with the material, and the companion guide looks like it will accomplish that adequately.

And if you say Notgrass, it just bores me to tears to try to read it. Also not sure if there's an audio. I have the K12 history texts (history odyssey, human odyssey, world history, etc., a pile) but those aren't audio. They also don't have any synthesis, just lots of interesting info. If I had audio of those they could be an option. I have this small concern that he might complain about MOH, but I think he'd complain about anything.

I don't know, see anything there? Has anyone used MOH using just the mp3 audio and companion guide and skipping the text? Is that crazy? Maybe it's fine for MOH 1 and less smart by MOH3 and 4?

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Just bouncing ideas for you but if he really prefers videos I might be tempted to get the companion guide for the activities and sequence. Then find some history videos for him to watch on it and do the activity/answer question stuff from the guide.

If you don't think there's any chance he'll read the text, even if I buy the audio book to listen to I won't get the text and spend that money on a history encyclopedia with much better pictures.

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2 minutes ago, Clarita said:

Just bouncing ideas for you but if he really prefers videos I might be tempted to get the companion guide for the activities and sequence. Then find some history videos for him to watch on it and do the activity/answer question stuff from the guide.

If you don't think there's any chance he'll read the text, even if I buy the audio book to listen to I won't get the text and spend that money on a history encyclopedia with much better pictures.

Ok now you're getting me out of the box!! You're right that the companion probably lists some videos. He could easily find things on each topic. It's a really intriguing suggestion. And you're right, I was glancing through a book I had lying around on Rome and one of the images was in the book, meaning they're common. 

It is SO easy to get sucked into the curriculum trap and so hard to back up and say he is who he is. And I think the audio sections are so short that if we make it sound like he's SUPPOSED to go look the topic up on youtube, haha, he'll like that. Then I'm actually embracing where he is.

And yeah, fat chance on him reading it. He will read something he's INCREDIBLY interested in. It's a lot of work for him and very little merits the effort. 

Ok, I love this embrace the youtube thing. You are so right. I want some structure, some permission not to do much and he likes freedom. It really accomplishes all the goals. Thanks!!!

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9 minutes ago, Clarita said:

Just bouncing ideas for you but if he really prefers videos I might be tempted to get the companion guide for the activities and sequence. Then find some history videos for him to watch on it and do the activity/answer question stuff from the guide.

If you don't think there's any chance he'll read the text, even if I buy the audio book to listen to I won't get the text and spend that money on a history encyclopedia with much better pictures.

Ok, 2nd question. Should I get sucked into buying the timeline figures or skip? LOL I have the poster for him to cut and stick them on. It's one of those things we've never actually done. I'm not sure if it would be great brain organization or a great waste. Or maybe we use the timeline poster thing a different way, like just writing the names or something? He swears he's not good at drawing and not going to draw his own. I don't want to waste time googling for them. He's 14 and functioning sort of middle school level. What do you think? 

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11 hours ago, PeterPan said:

And I think the audio sections are so short that if we make it sound like he's SUPPOSED to go look the topic up on youtube, haha, he'll like that. Then I'm actually embracing where he is.

That's even better than what I was thinking. I was just thinking you find the videos but nothing is keeping him from finding the videos himself.

11 hours ago, PeterPan said:

Should I get sucked into buying the timeline figures or skip?

I would purchase the one from Curiosity Chronicles first (because it's a dollar) and see if you all are actually going to do it. Then you can purchase the one from MOH. 

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5 hours ago, Brittany1116 said:

Okay, my emailed invoice says they were 5.50 in 2021. They are now 8.50. They have 2 sizes and you can color them in. 



Aw shucks, I totally would have done that had I seen the post first. I went ahead and bought the other more $$ figures. We started today. I'm hoping we can do two lessons a day. He seemed to engage well with the youtube clip (which in this case I selected) and he was fine with the short lessons. It pushes his buttons a bit but in a good way. I'm reading Thinking Like a Lawyer right now and he talks about the irony that *engagement* doesn't necessarily mean better learning. Sometimes relevance or good enough with a slightly duller method can get you farther. I think that's where I'm at, that this is good enough and we can work the youtube angle to bring relevance. I needed easy and it doesn't get easier than clicking the next lesson on my phone, haha. 

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6 hours ago, ByGrace3 said:

We use Biblioplan but might be a similar situation -- my dd listens to the audio and rarely follows along in the text, but the text is very helpful for the worksheets-- being able to go back and find answers and reference the reading. 

Yeah, I suspect that could happen. I'm waiting on buying the MOH 2 audio to see how it goes. If we want the text at that point, which could shift and use it. The MOH post-tests are multiple choice and matching so he might get away with not needing even that. 

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9 hours ago, Clarita said:

That's even better than what I was thinking. I was just thinking you find the videos but nothing is keeping him from finding the videos himself.

I would purchase the one from Curiosity Chronicles first (because it's a dollar) and see if you all are actually going to do it. Then you can purchase the one from MOH. 

I think it will go both ways. I'm happy to do find things when I know the topic, but he also has his own favorite haunts for learning history, meaning he'll be good at finding things. 

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8 hours ago, smfmommy said:

Just as an FYI - Layers of Learning has playlists for their different years (which follow a classical progression).  I don't know what level they are at and they might be too easy for your kiddo, but they have been curated by homeschool moms.



Thanks, I'll go check it out! 

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