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Ap computer science options

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I have a student wanting to self study for both AP computer science A, and AP computer science principles - to take both spring 2024.  He has taken aops intro and intermediate programming, and also through aops pre-calc.  He has asked if there is a good online Java class he could take to shore up on his Java prior to the AP.  The aops classes focus on python, and that is his comfort language.  Any suggestions?  We are looking towards testing May 2024 so this can be classes offered anytime over the next year.  I’m just planning ahead 🙂

Edited by BlessedMomto3
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Following, since my kid is in exactly the same place -- chose not to take AP computer science because relearning all the same stuff he knows in Python in Java sounded incredibly boring, but might want to jump through that AP hoop at some point to get access to other things. Also would be interested in non-class resources that would expediently teach Java to someone that's very comfortable with Python.

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FYI, I would skip CS Principles and just do CS A.  I don't think there is much to be gained by taking the easier CS course.

Since your student is already solid on python and just needs to get the gist of Java, I would look for ways to self-study if he has the EF skills to manage it.  It won't be a lot of new material.    

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Agreeing with previous posters. My oldest DS self studied for CS with Compu Scholar back when it was called Homeschool Programming and it easily got him a 5 even though it was his first intro to programming, so I imagine your studnet could self study pretty easily.

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Olympiad programming should keep him interested. He could likely learn all the AP CS A stuff in a few months; getting to the silver division in the USA Coding Olympiad would be more impressive and fun.

Many CS departments seem to be more open to students challenging intro courses even without AP credit so I wouldn't consider it mandatory unless he wants to get a CS degree with as few CS courses as necessary.

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