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Holiday sighs


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Like so many others, we've been hit with the head colds/coughs this entire month, yet we'd managed to avoid fevers until last week. 3 of my dds were sick, then they were recovering and I was so happy because dd19 is flying home from Boston tonight and I didn't want to risk her getting sick. Last night, ds12 spiked a fever. This morning he had a lovely fever-induced delirium episode, and right after I got him calmed/cooled down, in came ds7 with red ears (telltale sign) and crying. Fever. Two more are showing signs of feeling punky. So dd19 will get picked up from airport by her older sister and will stay in Tucson with her for a few days. That is the one consolation - that the sisters, who have so little time together, have that time. But dd19 is only home for 20 days as she's heading back to Boston early, and I am just sad because yesterday I realized that one more night and she would be back home, and it was like an early Xmas present.

Then in my sleep-deprived state, I forgot to call our adopted grandmother who has come over every week since 2004 to visit with us. She's almost 80, went through COVID and cancer and a slew of other health stuff, keeps going into work twice/week, and is just an amazing gal. But I had to shoo her out of the house so she wouldn't be exposed to us and then stood outside and had a total meltdown. Didn't care if the neighbors saw me, just cried.

To top it all off, my mom announced that she is heading back East and renting a cabin for my older sister, her son, and my mom because those are the "only living family she (my mom) has left." I guess it's good to know that she won't be here, at least.

I know these are pitifully weak and lame things to be sad over when there are so many facing far worse things. I just needed that visit with our friend who loves us/the dc more than my own mom, and I so wanted my girl home tonight.

OK, that's all.

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20 minutes ago, fraidycat said:

that is a lot of suckage all at once

I am laughing for the first time today. Perfect way to phrase how this feels.

Thank you all for letting me whimper a bit. I know we're fortunate to not have things worse and am trying to be thankful for more than I'm whining about.

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I wrote a song (well, no, I copied from a song - totally cheated). My sleep-deprived lyrics:

On the first day of Christmas Break, this life gave to me: The promise of misery!
On the second day of Christmas Break, this life gave to me: One kid a-coughing and the promise of misery!
On the third day of Christmas Break, this life gave to me: Some kids with sniffles, more kids a-coughing and the promise of misery!
On the fourth day of Christmas Break, this life gave to me: Most down with headaches, some kids with sniffles, more kids a-coughing and the promise of misery!
On the fifth day of Christmas Break, this life gave to me: "MOM, I FEEL SICK!!" most down with headaches, some kids with sniffles, more kids a-coughing, and the promise of misery!
On the sixth day of Christmas Break, this life gave to me: Meds on the counter, "MOM, I FEEL SICK!!" most down with headaches, some kids with sniffles, more kids a-coughing, and the promise of misery!
On the seventh day of Christmas Break, this life gave to me: Tea by the gallon, meds on the counter, "MOM, I FEEL SICK!!" most down with headaches, some kids with sniffles, more kids a-coughing, and the promise of misery!
On the eighth day of Christmas Break, this life gave to me: No sleep for this mom, tea by the gallon, meds on the counter, "MOM, I FEEL SICK!!" most down with headaches, some kids with sniffles, more kids a-coughing, and the promise of misery!
On the ninth day of Christmas Break, this life gave to me: 104+ fevers, no sleep for this mom, tea by the gallon, meds on the counter, "MOM, I FEEL SICK!!" Most down with headaches, some kids with sniffles, more kids a-coughing, and the promise of misery!
On the tenth day of Christmas Break, this life gave to me: Puking in the bathroom, 104+ fevers, no sleep for this mom, tea by the gallon, meds on the counter, "MOM, I FEEL SICK!!" Most down with headaches, some kids with sniffles, more kids a-coughing, and the promise of misery!
On the eleventh day of Christmas Break, this life gave to me: Running so much laundry, puking in the bathroom, 104+ fevers, no sleep for this mom, tea by the gallon, meds on the counter, "MOM, I FEEL SICK!!" Most down with headaches, some kids with sniffles, more kids a-coughing, and the promise of misery!
On the twelfth day of Christmas Break, this life gave to me: Can I get a break now?? Running so much laundry, puking in the bathroom, 104+ fevers, no sleep for this mom, tea by the gallon, meds on the counter, "MOM, I FEEL SICK!!" Most down with headaches, some kids with sniffles, more kids a-coughing, and the promise of misery!!!!
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