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Question about minor car accident


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Yesterday I was in a car accident. I say minor because everyone was fine but my car is likely totaled. Another car ran a stop sign, made my Ford Explorer spin and roll on its side. Thankfully at this point, I'm just sore - only one in the car. 

I'm curious about what to expect on the claim side, it's been over 30 years since I've been in an accident and a long while since I've worked in insurance (worked in underwriting). This comes at a really bad time as I had hoped to keep that particular car for at least two more years,  and I cannot afford a car payment right now. Other driver admitted fault at the scence, police report was filed, and we both have the same reputable insurance company. 

  • My car was a 2009 model, it had lower mileage but it's not going to be worth much at this point - probably less than 10k. Will I be able to negotiate additional funds for taxes and license fees on another used car? I'll be looking up KBB values today. 
  • What's a reasonable time to ask to keep the claim open in case of medical issues? I'm not super sore right now and will go have xrays done if I feel they are necessary. I just don't want to settle too soon. 
  • What about incidental expenses like medical aids (like IcyHot and a new hot/cold pack), and things that may need to be replaced - my glasses got scratched? Have you been able to make these part of the negotiation? If the accident had been my fault I would just absorb those costs, yet I don't feel like I should be out any expenses at this point. 

Anything else I should consider? SO and I went and cleaned out the car. We'll probably go back one more time to double check. That was harder almost because this had been my dad's car before he passed away in 2015. All the little tools and things he had stashed in the back tool area were still there. In the end, it's just a car but I really didn't need one more negative thing to deal with. 

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Sending you hugs.  You may be in a little bit of shock right now, so it’s smart that you are thinking proactively but not rushing to make decisions.  

With cars so marked up right now, I would negotiate very aggressively to get yourself the highest valuation of your car.  I would look at any reasonable website like CarMax and Carvana in addition to KBB to get a better idea of what your car is worth so you can get as much as possible.  I would also start a list of items you will need replaced like your glasses so as you think of them, you just add it to the list.

I’m sorry something that belonged to your dad may be totaled and you have this stress now.  I hope you continue to not have residual injury from the accident. 

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is your insurance representing your interests?   you pay them to do that.  YOU need to know what your car was worth in your market  (same car can have different prices in different areas). - how much it would have cost to get an exact replacement.  The at-fault person's insurance is going to try to low-ball you.   especially now with the chip shortage causing such an issue in the car market (which has a trickle down for used cars.)


do get medically checked out.   adrenalin can had a multitude of injuries, so don't automatically assume you have no injuries.   I have one to my leg that is still troubling me years later - even though that morning I would have sworn I had no injuries.  The at-fault insurance company should pay for you to get checked out - they will not volunteer, but they are legally responsible anyway.

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Awww. That is definitely NOT a minor accident I am so glad no one was killed.  

Who is the insurance?  Sometimes having the same insurance as the at fault party can make it a little more difficult, but not always.  

A couple of things from my experience working in a collision repair shop.  

1)Your glasses will fall under the property portion of the claim (in my state anyway). Tell the adjuster and he will probably request a receipt and pay you for it with no problem.

2) reputable insurance companies have been paying very reasonably on totals lately.  I even had a few customers tell  received more than they had paid for the car.  

3)Do your own research now and know the value of your car.  Check out carguru.com as well as KBB.  If it went to a body shop ask them to give you a copy of what their program calculated the Actual Cash Value at.  Then when the adjuster gives you a copy of the Valuation go over it very carefully.  Verify that he has all the details about your vehicle correct (mileage, trim package, condition etc) Also verify the comps.  You can call the dealers where the comps are located and verify they even exist. Ask the adjuster if they saw the comps in person).

4) They will pay a portion of your tag and tax.  I can’t recall how they calculate that.  

5) Do you have a rental yet?  If you aren’t getting a rental or none are available (there is a terrible shortage) ask for Loss of Use.  

6) In a situation like this I have never seen it be helpful getting an attorney before you just wait and see what they offer.  And you can negotiate too.  They often will come up some if you ask and have a reason for the request. 

Medical I know less about professionally but when my son had an accident, the very horrible at fault insurance gave him and one of his passengers $1000 without even being asked.  The other passenger did not accept that amount.  He went to the doctor and received more overall I think.  So expect to be made an offer for the Pain and suffering.  Don’t downplay your injury/ soreness.  

Also I am sorry about it being your dad’s car.  I once had a customer cry the entire time she was cleaning out her car that had belonged to her late husband.  

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1 hour ago, Scarlett said:

Awww. That is definitely NOT a minor accident I am so glad no one was killed.  

Who is the insurance?  Sometimes having the same insurance as the at fault party can make it a little more difficult, but not always.  


same company.  I t-boned the guy (love my mid-size SUV, which get's better milage than dh's mid-size sedan).  after submitting traffic cam video showing the other guy was clearly at fault (was three cars behind me in the left-turn lane, then jumped out of the turn lane and was driving westbound in eastbound lanes), the insurance company then declared we were both at fault.    we had to sue our insurance company as well as the other party to get a full payout.  we wanted the rental reimbursed as well as loss of value of a newer low-milage car in addition to having it repaired.  (the police were not dispatched.  The police officer we spoke to later told us how to get a copy of the traffic cam video and bluntly stated I was not at fault (the guy's driving was so egregious; the video made the rounds at the precinct) - the guy should be grateful the cops didn't respond as they would have ticketed him.)   It actually gives me some comfort his brand new light pick-up was totaled.  Maybe he won't drive like that next time he's in a rush.

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2 hours ago, Scarlett said:


2) reputable insurance companies have been paying very reasonably on totals lately.  I even had a few customers tell  received more than they had paid for the car.   

That's a reflection of the car market because of the chip shortage.   2ds has been gloating his used car is currently selling for more than he paid for it.  (not that he has any plans on selling it anytime soon.)

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I'm seeing 2009 explorers list anywhere from $7000 to $14000 on Kelly Blue Book

When we were in an accident years ago (2008), we were reimbursed for time off work, for the "inconvenience of being in an accident", which I remember being $500/person that was in the car, for a replacement carseat for DS, all medical bills and any incidentals that came with them (I needed a wrist brace for a few weeks). The guy that hit us had Progressive and they just started shelling out money to keep us from suing. 

I hope you get a good enough price to avoid a car payment going forward and that you don't have any symptoms pop up!

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3 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:


same company.  I t-boned the guy (love my mid-size SUV, which get's better milage than dh's mid-size sedan).  after submitting traffic cam video showing the other guy was clearly at fault (was three cars behind me in the left-turn lane, then jumped out of the turn lane and was driving westbound in eastbound lanes), the insurance company then declared we were both at fault.    we had to sue our insurance company as well as the other party to get a full payout.  we wanted the rental reimbursed as well as loss of value of a newer low-milage car in addition to having it repaired.  (the police were not dispatched.  The police officer we spoke to later told us how to get a copy of the traffic cam video and bluntly stated I was not at fault (the guy's driving was so egregious; the video made the rounds at the precinct) - the guy should be grateful the cops didn't respond as they would have ticketed him.)   It actually gives me some comfort his brand new light pick-up was totaled.  Maybe he won't drive like that next time he's in a rush.

I'm sorry you had that experience. I haven't looked at the police report yet, but the wreck also hit our local crime alert (telling people to avoid that intersection). Someone posted a pic of my car and another person noted that they saw the accident and that the other guy didn't stop - so I'll make sure the insurance company has all that. 

2 hours ago, AmandaVT said:

I'm seeing 2009 explorers list anywhere from $7000 to $14000 on Kelly Blue Book

When we were in an accident years ago (2008), we were reimbursed for time off work, for the "inconvenience of being in an accident", which I remember being $500/person that was in the car, for a replacement carseat for DS, all medical bills and any incidentals that came with them (I needed a wrist brace for a few weeks). The guy that hit us had Progressive and they just started shelling out money to keep us from suing. 

I hope you get a good enough price to avoid a car payment going forward and that you don't have any symptoms pop up!

Well, those numbers are encouraging. I won't be out of work because I'm working at home and don't have set daily hours, but I am miffed about the "inconvenience" of it all. 

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  • 4 months later...

spam above reported. 

As for an update on this, I was able to buy a friend's car which has worked out wonderfully. It took me several calls to claims to get processing to pay for my glasses and a pair of shoes that were ruined in the accident. I drive through that intersection a lot and am still a bit skittish. I also claimed "loss of use" of the vehicle. 

The hardest part was going through my old car. It had been my dad's previously (he's deceased). His tools were still tucked in every corner of the car, we found a model car of his still in the box under the seat - which somehow got left there during a move. 

It was a lot of hassle because someone couldn't stop at a well-marked stop sign, but it's over. 

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