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Allergic (or at least sensitive) to sunscreen. Any solutions?


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Over the past few years I've seemed to develop a sensitivity to sunscreens.  The first time it happened I had used a mineral based sunscreen and broke out in a horrible rash so I switched to using a "baby" version that my daughter-in-law had left here and it was fine.  I forgot last Saturday at a fair and used the regular that everyone else was using and then it took me until Wednesday last week to figure out why I had a rash (I'm a bit slow - lol!)  Yesterday was an air show so I made sure to take my baby version and confidently used it but now I'm broken out in a rash again . . maybe not as bad as last week but it's still there and it's early days.  

Are there any brands that may not have the same components or is the only solution to cover up more (I hate that idea).  I used an umbrella yesterday so I probably didn't even need the sunscreen so much so I'm really annoyed at myself!  

If you have this issue is there a brand that you've found might work?  I need to try the sensitive skin versions before I give up but I'm almost afraid to now.

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I'm allergic to all the x-benzoate. You may have to start looking beyond the big label and read the actual ingredient list. I would start with the sunscreen you are sensitive to and the "baby" version and see what is different.

I've found some sunscreens labeled "mineral" still use a percentage of chemical sunscreen. This is because the true mineral sunscreen will always put a sheen on your face (it's how it works). People don't like to be shiny or have a white-ish cast in pictures.

I've found Coola's Mineral sunscreens to be good for me. 

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I am allergic to most brands.  To the point last time I had what was labeled as chemical burns by the dermatologist. These are what work for me-  

Skin Aqua ( I use this one almost daily on my face).  I do apply moisturizer 5-10 minutes before but I have used it without the moisturizer.  

La Rosce  Posay-  I can wear this will kayaking or all day at a water park/pool and no reaction.



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My best advice is to:

1. Invest in sun protective clothing. I usually wear Columbia brand, but I do have some coolio.

2. Keep a running chart of ingredients and test the heck out of sunscreens (OR see a dermatologist, but sometimes they are very unhelpful) to specify what exactly you are reacting to. It's really hard to keep your face protected, even with hat wearing, in any sort of radiant sunlight situation---next to buildings or at the beach (reflection off water). 

FWIW, something we've bumped into this year particularly is that a lot of the baby/sensitive mineral formulas have started to add aloe vera, which people with strong latex allergies can react to.  We have very few safe brands right now that we can choose from between the chemical sunscreen issue and the aloe vera one.

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