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So sad about the loss of my ds' soccer coach...

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Many of you have heard about the bank explosion that happened yesterday in Woodburn, OR. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28203326/


I just learned that the bomb squad officer that was killed had been a soccer coach for my oldest ds for several seasons. I'm so sad, b/c he was such a nice guy. He gave so much time. For awhile he even coached two teams at a time when they needed coaches. He was willing to work with a very rough crowd, but he did amazing things with them and earned their respect season after season.


He will be missed. 15yo ds is at a wrestling tournament and won't be back until late tonight, so he doesn't know yet.


P.S. Another officer also lost his life in this incident and yet another is in critical condition. If you're so inclined to send thoughts and prayers, I know that would be appreciated.

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I just heard about the explosion this morning. We lived in the Canby/Woodburn area for several years and I'm still in touch with friends from there. One sent a prayer request for the families of the victims this morning. I'll be praying!

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