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Repeat the 8th Grade year?

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Hi Everyone!  

My 14-year-old DD has really been struggling this year in school.   My husband is asking if it might be best to hold her back a year and have her repeat the 8th grade.   Her birthday is mid-April, so this would mean that she would be 19 when she graduates high school (the last month of school basically.). 

What ramifications would this have on her getting into college or any other options she might want to pursue post graduation?  I want to make sure I make an informed choice.


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If kiddo is homeschooled, repeating is a paper issue, not a real one. I'd let the year go. Help kiddo feel comfy/secure/happy all summer long, and start again in the fall wherever they are.

If kiddo is in public school...ugh...different animal. Emotional/people issues or academic ones?

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My current senior got an "extra" 8th grade year (May birthday, so he'll be 19 right after he graduates); hasn't been a problem at all. It's very common these days for kids to graduate at 19 (when they're in school it's usually because they started kindergarten or 1st grade a year later, but it all comes out the same come college application time).

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Zero issues. Do as you will for homeschoolers.

But I'll add that you don't have to make a decision now. You could have a conversation about how it's the 8th/9th grade year. As in, you're keeping your options open and waiting to see which path presents the best. You don't have to really decide until junior/senior year in terms of colleges. You definitely need to know before senior year because that's when you need to have ducks in a row, letters of rec ready, etc. So that means ideally you've set up junior year to be strong for colleges to see. If college isn't in the goals, you may just want to promote anyway. She will mature! And by that age, she'll be ready to do something, even if it's a trade program, community college, etc. So consider that.

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I agree 100% with @Farrar.  That us what I would do. 

You don't say exactly what is going on, but if you think that she may have a learning difference such as ADD, APD, dyslexia, I encourage you to start getting evaluations.  Sometimes kids can cope and accommodate until the pace is faster, then they flounder.  As homeschoolers,  we sometimes don't realize we are giving our kids accommodations. This is the time to reflect and see if you need to have formal documentation in place, before college.  (I am speaking from experience)

Kids change a lot in 4 years, so I wouldn't make the choice right now.  Just wait and see where she's at Jr year.  

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One of mine did two years at 8th grade. He just wasn't ready for the level of work high school needed, especially in writing. He was young for his grade at the time. 

It was a great choice. He had time to develop more foundational skills without feeling like everything would go on his high school transcript that year. He had several great college admissions and got wonderful grades as a college freshman. 

What I'd suggest is making sure you address areas of concern. For us it was writing. If there is something where a diagnosis would help, use the time to do that. 

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