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can you recommend a ham radio class?

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In addition to a local club, possibly your local 4-H might have a ham radio section.

For several years, our homeschool group had that available to them, due to one of the homeschool group parents being a licensed operator, and setting up a 4-H club for it.

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The ham radio exam pulls a subset of questions from a larger question pool that is freely available.  Like a lot licensing exams, the material it tests is related/adjacent to actually operating a ham radio, but not really.  

I downloaded a free app to my phone which contains the question bank, so I could review all of them.  Then I attended a half day certification class with the exam at the end.  During the class, they instructed us to read through the question bank and read the correct answer.  When you take the exam, they seriously instructed us to let our hands instinctively choose the right answer.  Don't overthink it, in fact, don't think about it at all.  It was funny and weird, but it works.  It also helped that I was familiar with circuit design symbols, which earned me a few free points.  

Weirdly, after I got my certification I only used a ham radio once.  It was partly bucket list, partly aspirational.  

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