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Need middle-of-the-road new mag.

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US News and World Report is a bit more conservative than Time or Newsweek, but it's no longer a weekly. Here's the quote from Wiki:


In June 2008, citing the decline in overall magazine circulation and advertising, "U.S.News & World Report" announced that it will become a biweekly publication, starting January 2009.[7] It hoped advertisers would be attracted to the schedule, which allowed ads to stay on newsstands a week longer. However, five months later the magazine changed its frequency again, becoming monthly.[8]




I used to read the magazine online and enjoyed it, but I wouldn't subscribe to it now given the uncertainty of its publication schedule. We get The Week, which is a compilation of news stories from other sources. I really like the short bits and wide range of opinion it represents. If you'd like a really complete news weekly, you can't beat The Economist but it's definitely not conservative by American standards.

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....... If you'd like a really complete news weekly, you can't beat The Economist but it's definitely not conservative by American standards.


I can't help but laugh. I once recommended that our office library get The Economist, but a collegue strongly objected. The Economist was far too CONSERVATIVE!!!!!!


The Economist is extremely good. And because it's a British publication, it gives a different perspective than we normally get through the US media. Also it covers more international news. The only drawback is that it's expensive. But then quality typically is.


BTW, my dh considers it a libertarian magazine.

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I ditto The Economist.

I consider myself a liberal and I take issue with some of their stances on fiscal policy but for keeping up to date and being an informed person, there is nothing like it. We've had a sub since we graduated from univ.


My fil reads Time and Newsweek and every once in a while he brings 'something of critical importance you just need to read' (in a very stern voice) and I always end up laughing because a) it's something we already know about & have often known about for a long time and b) the knowledge we have from The Economist is so much deeper and more sophisticated.


Time & Newsweek are like light beer, barely differentiated from water. The Economist is like stout - you practically have to chew it.

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National Reveiw, American Spectator and Weekly Standard are the most popular right leaning magazines. They are not "wacky" or anyting, just news and commentary. The Wall Street Journal is an excellent news source for right and left as well as economics. Very fact based. If we see a suspiciously bizarre story on the NYT we can go to the WSJ and get facts, not emotion.

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I can't help but laugh. I once recommended that our office library get The Economist, but a collegue strongly objected. The Economist was far too CONSERVATIVE!!!!!!


The Economist is extremely good. And because it's a British publication, it gives a different perspective than we normally get through the US media. Also it covers more international news. The only drawback is that it's expensive. But then quality typically is.


BTW, my dh considers it a libertarian magazine.


I am definitely what one would consider "leftist" and The Economist is my absolute favorite news magazine. Of course, I also love the WSJ... come to think of it, my college economics professor got me hooked on both. :001_huh:

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