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New cat with old cat?


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If you do decide to get another cat, I suggest you try to find an adult cat that likes other cats.  Kittens can be extremely annoying to older cats, who don't always appreciate being pounced on, bitten, chased, etc.  I had a friend who had four cats, two very old and two very young, and the younger ones - particularly the young male -  irritated the older ones to no end.  

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After our 16 year old cat (male) passed I was depressed and so were the dog (10) and the 14 year old cat (female). The house just seemed too quiet.

About a month later I applied online to a local animal rescue group in my town and they called me hours later to tell me I had been approved. Later that day I bought home an 11 month old female cat who has kept us all entertained.

My older cat no longer walks around crying and looking sad.  While the younger cat gets on her nerves at times they have found a sort of friendship. They even sleep about 3 inches apart.

My dog who ignored cats her whole life now has a new cat best friend.

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