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Moderna vaccine and drug interactions


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Has anyone seen any info on this? I typed them all into a drug interaction website and nothing was noted. 

However, my 87 year old dad had the first shot of the moderna vaccine Friday. Typical reactions over the weekend- sore arm, chills, tired. Nothing bad. He had bad case of covid in November. Yesterday and today he had itching reaction in face and arms immediately after taking his meds and vitamins. Lasted about an hour. He says no visible hives. Pharmacy provides pill packs and said nothing new had been opened since 20 days ago so doesn’t sound like it’s that? 

Calling his dr this afternoon, but thought I’d ask here as well. Thanks! 

Edited by Toocrazy!!
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43 minutes ago, calbear said:

I'm curious about the timing of his vaccination. I thought they were recommending at least 90 days post Covid infection as the earliest to do a Covid vax.


I think that was because natural immunity is thought to last at least three months, so people who've recently had Covid are being asked to wait on the vaccine to give others--who have no immunity--a chance to get it first. I could be wrong, though.

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Yes, we were told no need to wait unless you’d had the antibody treatment in the hospital and to get it when your turn is available, even if less than 90 days. It’s not an issue. He was pretty much right at 90 days though. 

All his drs feel this is vaccine reaction. Strange to me it’s only brought on by meds, but the human body is a mysterious place! 

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He feels good now. Reaction only lasted about an hour. We’ll have Benadryl on hand tomorrow and break up his meds over the morning instead of taking them all at once to see if that helps. They expect it to only happen a few more days while the immune response is strongest. 

I have learned so much about covid from people sharing here, so I’m happy to provide some information that might help someone else. 

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I have been reading about the Moderna vaccine for many months.  My interest was because during the early tests, they discovered that it is almost as effective in elderly people as it is in younger people. Although I am not as old as the dad of the OP here, I am elderly and this is certainly of interest to me. 

We live in Colombia and the Moderna vaccine is one of 5 or 6 they have purchased. If I get vaccinated, and, if I have a choice, since I will be getting it free, that is doubtful, I would prefer the Janssen (spelling?) vaccine by Johnson and Johnson, because it only requires one (1) injection. It is somewhat less effective (that's tnot the word which begins with the letter "E") than the vaccines that require 2 injections. I believe it is much less sensitive to temperature when it is being stored or transported.  Also, I believe that's the vaccine that I read, many months ago, they had about 500 people here in the city of Cali, among the thousands around the world, participating in the tests of Janssen.

For me, if I have a choice, it will be Janssen or Moderna.

Drug interreactions are difficult if not impossible to predict and I hope that the dad of the OP will be feeling much much better in a few more days.

OT: God Bless Dolly Parton for donating one million dollars, when asked to donate to Vanderbilt University. Their research is in the Moderna vaccine.








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