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Grammar for 8th grader who hasn't had formal grammar

Michelle My Bell

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My son is doing 8th grade here at home this year. I am utilizing Writing with Skill Level I and would like something for grammar. I am not looking for anything complicated and I really don't want anything with diagramming. My son hasn't had any formal grammar, just literature and good spoken english in the home. I think it would be good to do some basic grammar this year. I would like it to be easy for him to do on his own as I work full time and will look it over, but I won't be there to teach it. Any recommendations? I am open to anything that is easy to implement and learn. 

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You could jump into Abeka's grammar series, no problem. That's what I did with my dd around that age. I just had her do *3* in each section, never more. Skip the writing since you're doing WWS. Actually the writing was complementary and I think we did some of it. She was doing WWS1/2 around that age too btw. I don't recall there being diagramming at that level of the Abeka, but again just skip it. We kind of used it in a "just enough" fashion. It was thorough, with well written sentences, and it set her up well for editing college papers, etc.

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I’d do Analytical Grammar, Junior. I feel like the junior level including both the grammar and punctuation portions are basically all that is needed for a solid understanding of grammar as a tool to improve writing. It can be quite independent. If you feel it would be helpful, there are instructional videos available, but we just use the book.

My AG student (DD3, currently 15) is consistently scoring a 35 on her ACT English section during practice tests; took the real thing last week, so her actual score remains TBA.

I’ll definitely use AG again with my youngest in late-middle school.

Edited by fourisenough
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