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What's this itchy rash??


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Aaargh, I have an itchy rash!

It started on Tuesday. The back of my neck felt like it was covered in tiny little goosebumps. No itch. The next day, it was slightly itchy, and now my neck isn't too itchy and the bumps are mostly gone, but how right along my hairline is super itchy, and the edges of my ears! I've tried apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and Selsun Blue shampoo. The Selsun seems to help temporarily. 

I can't get a good picture of the rash because it doesn't show up well in the camera for some reason. DH says it looks like pale pink spots. The edges of my ears just look inflamed.

Waaah, cry. I could do a telemedicine appt if I have to. 

What a bad week. I resigned my teaching position because I don't think the school's safety protocols are good enough. Maybe it's stress, or a fungal flare up from stress? 

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I am so sorry. image.png.5ea1cf3f6b82688b06029efb333c57b8.png

I'm sure you've probably already considered this, but did you recently dye your hair? Change your laundry detergent and sleep on freshly laundered pillowcases?

I get VERY itchy hives when I am very stressed or when I get overheated. Mine tend to be behind my knees and on the inside of my arms.

I would absolutely try taking an antihistamine. Benadryl is a good one to start with. When my hives were at their worst, I had to take a combo of Benadryl and Zyrtec and Pepcid (an antacid, but also technically an antihistamine).

Cortisone cream also helped some. Don't use super hot water in the shower right now.

Keep us updated! 

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4 hours ago, MercyA said:

I am so sorry. image.png.5ea1cf3f6b82688b06029efb333c57b8.png

I'm sure you've probably already considered this, but did you recently dye your hair? Change your laundry detergent and sleep on freshly laundered pillowcases?

I get VERY itchy hives when I am very stressed or when I get overheated. Mine tend to be behind my knees and on the inside of my arms.

I would absolutely try taking an antihistamine. Benadryl is a good one to start with. When my hives were at their worst, I had to take a combo of Benadryl and Zyrtec and Pepcid (an antacid, but also technically an antihistamine).

Cortisone cream also helped some. Don't use super hot water in the shower right now.

Keep us updated! 

Thank you for the hugs 🙂  I could use them! 

I can't think of anything that's recently changed, but I did get overheated last week and I thought maybe sweating from that did it. Hmm. I will get some antihistamines, good idea. It's probably good to have Benadryl in the house just in case. 

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7 hours ago, Kanin said:

Thanks. It sucks all around. 

On the rash front, maybe brown tails! I've never had that particular rash before, and always been afraid of it! 

Brown tailed moths seem to be spreading in the state.

My area is usually the epicenter, but this year they haven’t been as much of a problem here. But when we visited with a friend from out of state who has a lake cottage in Camden/Lincolnville area, she and her entire family were beside themselves with the rash. They thought it was from bedbugs but the telltale white moths were everywhere. 😞 

I can recommend a place that makes a magical spray for the rash, if that’s what it turns out to be. In most people it’s similar to poison ivy, but can also just be tiny bumps. The spray clears it up for DH almost immediately. 

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2 hours ago, MEmama said:

Brown tailed moths seem to be spreading in the state.

My area is usually the epicenter, but this year they haven’t been as much of a problem here. But when we visited with a friend from out of state who has a lake cottage in Camden/Lincolnville area, she and her entire family were beside themselves with the rash. They thought it was from bedbugs but the telltale white moths were everywhere. 😞 

I can recommend a place that makes a magical spray for the rash, if that’s what it turns out to be. In most people it’s similar to poison ivy, but can also just be tiny bumps. The spray clears it up for DH almost immediately. 

First it was ticks, now moths, and now all of that plus a pandemic! It would be just awful to go on vacation and then have it ruined by the brown tail moth rash. I'm so sorry for your friend!!

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9 minutes ago, Kanin said:

First it was ticks, now moths, and now all of that plus a pandemic! It would be just awful to go on vacation and then have it ruined by the brown tail moth rash. I'm so sorry for your friend!!

Don’t forget the rabid foxes! 

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