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Small vent of the day


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Warning - This is very much first world problems.  

its our break week from school and I had big plans today for cleaning, catching up on laundry etc.  Only our power has just gone off.  Apparently it’s scheduled maintenance and will be off till 3 this arvo.  No notification so I’m totally unprepared.  No power here equals no water and seeing as I didn’t know I didn’t even get up and shower early etc.  😬. It’s also the first time in like a month that I didn’t bother to charge my phone overnight.  

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I got burned on that deal with water maintenance not too long ago.  Had I known I would have showered, collected some water, planned my laundry accordingly, but instead I was blindsided.  It started around noon, so there was no real excuse that I hadn't showered yet and complaints would just open me to ridicule.  Thinking I didn't want to go through that again, I signed up to get an email alert when the city is shutting of water for repairs.  The trouble is, they email me EVERY time the do something anywhere and not just when it effects me.  So now I just get junk mail from public works that I don't read and I'll still be surprised when it happens again. 


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Mine was Hurricane Hanna and a power outage.  We knew it (Hanna and the power outage) was coming.  It's just so stinking hot.  So hot.  So very very hot.  Thank goodness they got the power back on last night at 9pm.  We did lose most of our food in the side by side, but the chest freezer was good.  And the a/c came on beautifully and cooled the house down pretty fast.  

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