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Bird attacking another bird's nest: any way to stop it?


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There are a couple of chickadees nesting in the ivy on my fence. There are 2 small chicks that have hatched in the past week. When the parents are away foraging for food, a slightly bigger bird (a mockingbird?) flies into the nest and starts aggressively attacking the chicks. I happened to be around twice and heard the loud commotion that the chicks were making and was able to shoo the predator away and it dropped a small bird on the ground and fled. I gathered it up and put it back in the nest and it seems to be doing fine. It looked like the mockingbird was either trying to eat the hatchlings or to take over the nest, I am not sure which. These attacks are happening once a day and it is distressing to watch. Anything that I can do to help the chickadees? 

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