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Dd10 homeschooling again... Thank you!

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I let my dd10 Allie read through my last thread about our horrid shopping day, her idea to return to homeschool, and my full-time job. She was genuinely interested in every response. Because of you lovely ladies, she really wants to homeschool again. It's one thing to hear opinions from her parents, but the opinions of other adults not so close to her impressed her.


I spoke to the owners of the preschool where I work. They want to work with me to keep me as an employee. I really do love working there but there is simply no way I can homeschool effectively while working full-time hours outside the home. My boss has an educational background and even offered to help homeschool Allie. In fact, she got kind of excited at the idea. Maybe I planted an idea in her head about homeschooling her own two children, the oldest is 4. :)


My DH and I feel the most important thing about homeschooling Allie is to make sure she has social opportunities outside the home. I told my boss that is the thing that will really keep me from working full-time. I've found several possibilities for classes and activities so I'm trying to work out a schedule that will work for all of us.


Thank you ladies! Now that we have Allie back home, my DH is stepping in and taking a more active role in homeschooling. I think it's a win-win for all of us. :)

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Wow, that's wonderful! I've had to put mine in school this year, and she now knows how much more flexible it is (or can be) to homeschool. As I think about homeschooling again, I'm ready to change some things to make homeschooling work better. The break helped me focus on what I could do to improve. Hope your break leads to an even better homeschooling experience! Bravo for working it out and thinking creatively.

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