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March 2020 Well-trained Bodies


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@Laura Corin Thanks Laura!  I'll put that on while I'm working this morning to check it out.


Well, I'm up too early again thanks to a sick little boy's coughing (bless his heart).  But at least I will have time to catch up on work.  I enjoyed both my workouts yesterday and the heavy storms never really materialized, so all good.  I was able to up my weight on squats, 1-legged Romanian deadlifts, and glute bridges, which is satisfying.  Got 5 pull ups in one set and 4 on the other two.  Progress!  I noticed I"m getting some ab definition (!!!!!), which is also quite satisfying, haha.  This morning I'm planning on an hour of CKD pattern practice and maybe a run this afternoon if I get restless. 

Eating has been going well.  I'm getting much better at the whole Eating Just Enough habit, thanks in part to an increase in veggies and grains.  I think the volume and fiber help me be more aware of my fullness cues, if that makes sense.  Plus I definitely notice a difference in my energy and mood when I'm eating more fruit, veggies, and grains.  Thankfully my sensitive stomach seems to be handling it well as long as I avoid stuff that is higher in soluble fiber (oats, barley, beans, etc).  Insoluble fiber seems to not have the same effect.

Y'all have a good day!

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16 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

I definitely have days where I'm not feeling very spunky!

Yesterday I did cardio core, today was arms, abs, and a**.  Only a couple more days left of A Little More Obsessed, then I have to figure out what I'm doing next!

So, what programs are you considering??

3 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Nordic walking went well yesterday. Today I plan to do another yoga session at lunchtime and then Nordic Walk after work. I'm really enjoying our current crisp, still weather.

Interesting talk on healthy ageing. Start at minute 13 to miss the introduction. I think I talked on the board about it when I attended it.


Thanks for the link, I'll be happy to check it out.

42 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@Laura Corin Thanks Laura!  I'll put that on while I'm working this morning to check it out.


Well, I'm up too early again thanks to a sick little boy's coughing (bless his heart).  But at least I will have time to catch up on work.  I enjoyed both my workouts yesterday and the heavy storms never really materialized, so all good.  I was able to up my weight on squats, 1-legged Romanian deadlifts, and glute bridges, which is satisfying.  Got 5 pull ups in one set and 4 on the other two.  Progress!  I noticed I"m getting some ab definition (!!!!!), which is also quite satisfying, haha.  This morning I'm planning on an hour of CKD pattern practice and maybe a run this afternoon if I get restless. 

Eating has been going well.  I'm getting much better at the whole Eating Just Enough habit, thanks in part to an increase in veggies and grains.  I think the volume and fiber help me be more aware of my fullness cues, if that makes sense.  Plus I definitely notice a difference in my energy and mood when I'm eating more fruit, veggies, and grains.  Thankfully my sensitive stomach seems to be handling it well as long as I avoid stuff that is higher in soluble fiber (oats, barley, beans, etc).  Insoluble fiber seems to not have the same effect.

Y'all have a good day!

I'm sorry your lil' one is sick 😞 Congrats on the strength gains. I'd guess with the eating as you add in more food to bring you up to maintenance it will help too, it is very good the stomach is cooperating, not fair when it doesn't like healthy food.


This feels like a middle-aged week. My heel was sore early this week, then I sat funny and my knee was hurting. Last night I was in horrible pain, seemed to be gall bladder (I've not had that issue before but dh has) we went for ice cream to celebrate testing last night. It is still hurting some, I had to lay a certain way to even sleep.

Anyway- I plan a short yoga this am as I'm going for a haircut, then I'm meeting a friend for a walk later. 

Hoping my period comes, it is due, to put me out of some of this misery.


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3 minutes ago, soror said:

This feels like a middle-aged week. My heel was sore early this week, then I sat funny and my knee was hurting. Last night I was in horrible pain, seemed to be gall bladder (I've not had that issue before but dh has) we went for ice cream to celebrate testing last night. It is still hurting some, I had to lay a certain way to even sleep.

Anyway- I plan a short yoga this am as I'm going for a haircut, then I'm meeting a friend for a walk later. 

Hoping my period comes, it is due, to put me out of some of this misery.


 Well, dang Soror!  What a crappy few days it's been for you, ugh!  I'm so sorry.  Hopefully after your period you'll have a great low hormone phase and feel wonderful.

I'm jealous of your haircut--I need to get that done.  My hair gets so heavy it's hard to put up past a certain point and that was like 3 months ago, lol.  Also jealous of friend time!  I hope you have a good day despite all the physical stuff going on.

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6 minutes ago, soror said:


This feels like a middle-aged week. My heel was sore early this week, then I sat funny and my knee was hurting. Last night I was in horrible pain, seemed to be gall bladder (I've not had that issue before but dh has) we went for ice cream to celebrate testing last night. It is still hurting some, I had to lay a certain way to even sleep.

Anyway- I plan a short yoga this am as I'm going for a haircut, then I'm meeting a friend for a walk later. 

Hoping my period comes, it is due, to put me out of some of this misery.


I'm sorry you are going through a rough patch.

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24 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

 Well, dang Soror!  What a crappy few days it's been for you, ugh!  I'm so sorry.  Hopefully after your period you'll have a great low hormone phase and feel wonderful.

I'm jealous of your haircut--I need to get that done.  My hair gets so heavy it's hard to put up past a certain point and that was like 3 months ago, lol.  Also jealous of friend time!  I hope you have a good day despite all the physical stuff going on.

I know 2 days this week exercising with friends 🙂 My hair is super thick too, it has been 8 months so I'm overdue.

24 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

I'm sorry you are going through a rough patch.

Thanks. I've had much, much worse and everyone has some bad times. It is good to see the bad times not as bad as they have been (even though I've been whining terribly I know).

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@Laura Corin  Thanks for the video link! I've watched part of it, and it's very interesting.

@IvyInFlorida Hope you little guy is doing better soon. Great job on finding foods that work well for you!

@soror  So sorry you aren't feeling well. I also had a flare up of suspected gall bladder pain. It's very uncomfortable. Hope you're feeling better soon.

@FarmingMomma Congratulations finishing the exercise program! Hope you enjoy your next choice. 

It's snowing quite a lot today, which is pretty thrilling! I'm hoping to go skiing sometime soon. I'll be hiking/snowshoeing with friends this afternoon for sure. 

Edited by wintermom
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Still waiting on some of my results but estrogen is above range again, and especially high for luteal phase. Last it was up my testosterone was also up but we'll see what that test shows. LOL'ing about study I read about higher levels of estrogen increasing PMS symptoms, living that RIGHT now. 

Confirmation I am not crazy. Currently fighting the urge to eat, although I am not in the least hungry, stupid cravings. I thought I had this conquered, it had really improved, but I guess I just got a short reprieve. 

So, praying for my period to start for some improvement(even if temporary) and really glad I have an appt in 2 weeks, considering looking into some meds (I've just been doing OTC) so far for hormonal funkyness. 

I did 20 min of yoga this am and an hr (moderate speed) walk with friend. Tired and still no umph, despite ok'ish(for me) sleep and my daily naps this week. Glad at least that tomorrow is my last 4:30 wake up for several months, hoping that helps the sleep although with hormones wonky it is no wonder I'm struggling, all these other things I've tried have been bandaids on a gushing wound.

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@soror oh man, high estrogen PMS is no fun.  I'm sorry.  I wonder what's causing it given that you are so lean so it's not high body fat %?  Stress or thyroid stuff?  Anyways, it makes you feel insane so I'm sorry you're going through it.  When mine was bad my insomnia, fatigue, and mood swings were horrendous.  Let us know how everything goes.

@wintermom I hope you had a fun snowshoeing excursion!


I finally got some decent sleep last night.  Not sure what all the day holds until my 5 year old wakes up and I see how he's doing with his cold? allergies? who knows.  But at least I'll be doing my last round of lifting for the week in the AM (pull ups, floor press, squats, 1 legged Romanian deadlifts, glute bridges)....maybe something active in the afternoon if all goes well.  I definitely have cabin fever and a general all-work-no-play type of malaise going on, bah.  Oh well!

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Not enough sleep again last night.  Not sure what's going on - I fear that despite the blackout blinds, the blackout curtains and the eye mask, I am still reacting (again) to the sun coming up earlier.  I just can't stay asleep past 5.

Today - strength yoga, then tonight we are going to a Ceilidh for some friends' 35th wedding anniversary.  I don't know any of the dances so I suspect I'll only dance some of the night, as I'll be tripping everyone else up.  I'm not thinking about all those hands I'll be touching...  Oh, and I'll walk the dog this afternoon.

Lovely breakfast of lentil sprouts, scrambled egg and wholemeal baguette toast.  Last night I discovered pumpkin seed butter on slices of fresh apple - delicious.

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10 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@Laura Corin pumpkin seed butter?!  Sounds great!!  Have fun tonight!

Thanks! I just watched a video of one of the dances and there's no way I'll work it out, even with a caller. There's a reason that I don't do martial arts or anything else that requires me to remember physical patterning.  One of my children is dyspraxic and, well...

Pumpkin seed butter is also supposed to be a good ecological decision because it uses something that is otherwise discarded, as opposed to putting lots of resources into growing almonds, for example.  I much prefer the texture to that of peanut butter.

Edited by Laura Corin
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10 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@soror oh man, high estrogen PMS is no fun.  I'm sorry.  I wonder what's causing it given that you are so lean so it's not high body fat %?  Stress or thyroid stuff?  Anyways, it makes you feel insane so I'm sorry you're going through it.  When mine was bad my insomnia, fatigue, and mood swings were horrendous.  Let us know how everything goes.

@wintermom I hope you had a fun snowshoeing excursion!


I finally got some decent sleep last night.  Not sure what all the day holds until my 5 year old wakes up and I see how he's doing with his cold? allergies? who knows.  But at least I'll be doing my last round of lifting for the week in the AM (pull ups, floor press, squats, 1 legged Romanian deadlifts, glute bridges)....maybe something active in the afternoon if all goes well.  I definitely have cabin fever and a general all-work-no-play type of malaise going on, bah.  Oh well!

Glad you got sleep and lil' one is doing better. Good luck on the workout.

IDK what is up with hormones, they went wonky after my last baby, or rather if they were wonky before I didn't know it and they didn't cause any big issues. Both the estrogen and testosterone came back down after awhile and I have been going along but I have had times I feel like they are off here and there. I'm curious if the fat loss triggered it, since the estrogen is stored in the fat maybe, I stay on the edge and that put me over?? IDK I have not been feeling well, this week especially, the second half is never as good as the first but this cycle ugh! 

13 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Not enough sleep again last night.  Not sure what's going on - I fear that despite the blackout blinds, the blackout curtains and the eye mask, I am still reacting (again) to the sun coming up earlier.  I just can't stay asleep past 5.

Today - strength yoga, then tonight we are going to a Ceilidh for some friends' 35th wedding anniversary.  I don't know any of the dances so I suspect I'll only dance some of the night, as I'll be tripping everyone else up.  I'm not thinking about all those hands I'll be touching...  Oh, and I'll walk the dog this afternoon.

Lovely breakfast of lentil sprouts, scrambled egg and wholemeal baguette toast.  Last night I discovered pumpkin seed butter on slices of fresh apple - delicious.

I'm so sorry for the disturbed sleep, what else can you do for the light, sounds like you are doing everything. Is an earlier bedtime possible to compensate? Have fun tonight!!! I've never had pumpkin seed butter, did you make your own or is that available where you live?


I slept well last night and over 7 overs (first time all week). Still feeling rather draggy but on the plus side my period started so I'm hoping for more energy and better mood. Really hoping my appetite is more normal too, or I'm going to be packing on the pounds it has been really up and down this week.

I had more pain last night, dh says he thinks I should trial a  low fat diet to see if it helps. I prefer to stay moderate but don't care for pain either.

Lifting today, not sure how it will go since my energy hasn't been great but I'm going to show up and give it a go.

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48 minutes ago, soror said:


I'm so sorry for the disturbed sleep, what else can you do for the light, sounds like you are doing everything. Is an earlier bedtime possible to compensate? Have fun tonight!!! I've never had pumpkin seed butter, did you make your own or is that available where you live?


I slept well last night and over 7 overs (first time all week). Still feeling rather draggy but on the plus side my period started so I'm hoping for more energy and better mood. Really hoping my appetite is more normal too, or I'm going to be packing on the pounds it has been really up and down this week.

I had more pain last night, dh says he thinks I should trial a  low fat diet to see if it helps. I prefer to stay moderate but don't care for pain either.

Lifting today, not sure how it will go since my energy hasn't been great but I'm going to show up and give it a go.

Glad you slept better.  Hope you manage to get a handle on the pain.  

Yes, pumpkin seed butter is available in whole food shops here.  I might have to think about an earlier bedtime and moving reading time to the morning.  In the past when I've gone to sleep before 10.30, I popped awake at 2, but who knows.

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22 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

5x3 pull ups, woo hoo!!!!

Already crushing goals, congrats!

3 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Glad you slept better.  Hope you manage to get a handle on the pain.  

Yes, pumpkin seed butter is available in whole food shops here.  I might have to think about an earlier bedtime and moving reading time to the morning.  In the past when I've gone to sleep before 10.30, I popped awake at 2, but who knows.

You know it always takes me a long while to adjust to changes in my sleep schedule but this fall I did adjust faster than last I think it was still a month at least. Maybe with a bit of time yours will line out. Do you have an time change there or not? Ours changes this weekend so I'll be able to sleep a bit later, I'm hoping the shift back to later sleeping is quicker. I am planning to keep my bedtime the same and hopefully get more sleep, we'll see. I've never seen pumpkin seed butter here although even Aldi's have pumpkin seeds.


Lifting with my friend. I did not crush it today but I showed up and did ok. Fatigue is not as bad as it was Thursday, so that is progress. I'm wishing I would have got my iron, b12, and d on my tests as those affect energy and/or thyroid & immune function but tests are expensive. 



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My snowshoeing yesterday was great. I'm going for another hike in the woods this afternoon. Dh and I started the long process of painting the house for our move. It's going to take a while, but the first step is done! 

My mysterious gall bladder pain has disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Very strange.

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No workout yesterday, had a business trip to look at irrigation set-ups, my husband's boss is putting me in charge of a new irrigation project this spring/summer.

A little More Obsessed day 5, booty, today.  One more workout and I'm done with ALMO.  Perfect timing, our first calf was born today and before I know it we'll be in the thick of calving season!  I've decided to do a round of PiYo (Beachbody's pilates/yoga/cardio mashup) next because the main thing I need during calving season is to keep my muscles stretched out and to stay limber.  I am going to sub in some weightlifting for some of the days just because I'd rather lift weights than do pushups for upper body strength, for example.  

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13 hours ago, wintermom said:

My snowshoeing yesterday was great. I'm going for another hike in the woods this afternoon. Dh and I started the long process of painting the house for our move. It's going to take a while, but the first step is done! 

My mysterious gall bladder pain has disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Very strange.

Oh, I was going to post on here to see if anyone has painted their house. I'm considering doing ours but I'll be pretty much on my own with dh's busy work and college schedule. I'd like to save the labor costs but am nervous about taking it on. And also coincidentally I didn't have any gall bladder pain yesterday either, I tried to be more mindful of fat intake but wasn't super low fat. Mine came on after icecream with hot fudge while out which is exceedingly rare for me, so I guessed that is what it did it. Ya, for both of us that it is gone!

10 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

No workout yesterday, had a business trip to look at irrigation set-ups, my husband's boss is putting me in charge of a new irrigation project this spring/summer.

A little More Obsessed day 5, booty, today.  One more workout and I'm done with ALMO.  Perfect timing, our first calf was born today and before I know it we'll be in the thick of calving season!  I've decided to do a round of PiYo (Beachbody's pilates/yoga/cardio mashup) next because the main thing I need during calving season is to keep my muscles stretched out and to stay limber.  I am going to sub in some weightlifting for some of the days just because I'd rather lift weights than do pushups for upper body strength, for example.  

Congrats on the first calf 🙂 Sounds like you will be very busy with calves and this irrigation project.


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Weekly recap:

Well, it was rough. I moved from bad PMS to squarely in PMDD. Horrible. If I had already not had an exercise habit established I would have been a sea slug the entire time but it was less work to keep momentum and the routine going. (And fwiw my testosterone tests came back high as well)

Yesterday my period came and the clouds parted.

I had: 3 weight lifting sessions; 3 days of walks; 1 BodyCombat; 2 Yoga

I skipped one day of yoga, subbed yoga for a day planned for BodyCombat due to fatigue, and my lifting sessions weren't as good as I'd like but I showed up and gave it my best. We're going to call it a recovery week.

I ended up taking not 1 but 2 long walks/hikes yesterday, getting outside was good for me although I didn't want to at first I made myself a deal that I was just going to walk so much and kept going. 

This week's plan-

Time change is going to make things wonky but I'm looking forward to the extra sleep once my body adapts (I will be working later since China doesn't have time change).

The kid's are out of TKD this week (instructor is on vacation) so I will be lifting at home in the mornings ( I'd rather stay home an have family time if they aren't going to be in class).

And I'm very excited the gym has some new class, mixed Martial Arts, kind of? Mon/Wed, Mon will be hard due to Scouts but Wed I'm open. I'm going to try it out this week, I had been wanting a class like this so I'm hoping it is good. I've never done anything like this and have been itching for something different. I know it will have some bag work too 🙂 I usually do yoga Tues/Wed/Thurs at home in the am but since I'm lifting in the morning I don't know if I'll have time. 

This upcoming Saturday is supposed to be my Obstacle Course race but with the virus out and about and CDC suggesting limited travel and contact I think I'll skip it. This is just some little one that I didn't pay much for, so that is good, seems imprudent to go crossing state lines in some event thick with people touching everything. I'm hoping for a long bike ride on a new local trail instead if I can get some dry weather this weekend.

Mon: BodyCombat

Tues: Lifting/Strong Curves w/ UPUP

Wed: Yoga- AM: MMA Class PM

Thurs: Lifting/Strong Curves w/ UPUP

Fri: Yoga

Sat: Lifting am; Bike ride? 

3+ walks- whenever I have time, energy, and weather is good (thunderstorms coming some this week)

Food- just hoping for normal, the crazy appetite and hormonal cravings had calmed yesterday. I think I'm going to do some meal prep today to help get back in the groove. I think I'll make some bowls- chicken, beans, grain, greens and some low fat homemade turkey breakfast sausage to go with oats in the morning.


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Hi all!

@soror Sorry to hear about the week from hell!  @IvyInFlorida Great work on the pull ups!  BTW, don't think I've mentioned it, but one of my girls is named Ivy.  

I had a good week, and am feeling back to normal energy levels.  I have no idea why that particular bug I had zapped me so hard, usually I'm never sick.  But I'm glad to be over it.  I'm back to trending towards whole food plant based, weight is trending down again, and runs are happening.  The kids really want to try a wake-up walk-run in the mornings before school, so I guess we'll try to add that in next week.  😬  I have mixed feelings about it, lol.  It'll work if I run first, and then stay all sweaty and go out with them again.  But the idea of getting slightly sweaty with the kids, then sitting around sweaty all day until I run myself, then showering... is not appealing to me, nor is 2x a day showers nor 2x a day clothes changes.  Wow, that last sentence really shows just how lazy I really am!  🤣

It's funny how the corona scare has me thinking about lifestyle more- like, if the kids sports are cancelled, then what can we do to get out the wiggles?  And then the realization that I should be doing those things with them anyway, for health.  Plus I'm rereading to Go Wild, and that has me inspired to do more with the kids for overall heath, including brain health.  

Today I'm going to go run o the bitty loop of trail I can get to without public transport, as I'm a bit tired of my current loop on road.  I actually love road running because I like to zone out, but I know I need to work on my hip stretgth with more uneven terrain.  

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The ceilidh last night was fun and I managed a decent amount of sleep in the end. We have guests coming to stay this evening so I'll be buzzing about today. We'll walk the dog in our new neighbourhood and I'll try to fit in some yoga.

I'm enjoying the Empower series. When I finish that, I want to spend a month concentrating on headstand and other specific poses, yet to be decided.

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13 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

No workout yesterday, had a business trip to look at irrigation set-ups, my husband's boss is putting me in charge of a new irrigation project this spring/summer.

A little More Obsessed day 5, booty, today.  One more workout and I'm done with ALMO.  Perfect timing, our first calf was born today and before I know it we'll be in the thick of calving season!  I've decided to do a round of PiYo (Beachbody's pilates/yoga/cardio mashup) next because the main thing I need during calving season is to keep my muscles stretched out and to stay limber.  I am going to sub in some weightlifting for some of the days just because I'd rather lift weights than do pushups for upper body strength, for example.  

Congratulations on the first calf!!! Busy times ahead for you. Hope it all goes well! Stretching sounds like the perfect plan.

3 hours ago, soror said:

Oh, I was going to post on here to see if anyone has painted their house. I'm considering doing ours but I'll be pretty much on my own with dh's busy work and college schedule. I'd like to save the labor costs but am nervous about taking it on. And also coincidentally I didn't have any gall bladder pain yesterday either, I tried to be more mindful of fat intake but wasn't super low fat. Mine came on after icecream with hot fudge while out which is exceedingly rare for me, so I guessed that is what it did it. Ya, for both of us that it is gone!

I'm scared about painting mostly because I know other people will be examining the results closely. When it's just for me, I don't worry about perfection as it's not going to happen. 😉  Glad your gall bladder pain is over and that you have a clue as to what sets it off. I'm still clueless, but happy the pain is gone for now.

2 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Hi all!

I had a good week, and am feeling back to normal energy levels.  I have no idea why that particular bug I had zapped me so hard, usually I'm never sick.  But I'm glad to be over it.  I'm back to trending towards whole food plant based, weight is trending down again, and runs are happening.  The kids really want to try a wake-up walk-run in the mornings before school, so I guess we'll try to add that in next week.  😬  I have mixed feelings about it, lol.  It'll work if I run first, and then stay all sweaty and go out with them again.  But the idea of getting slightly sweaty with the kids, then sitting around sweaty all day until I run myself, then showering... is not appealing to me, nor is 2x a day showers nor 2x a day clothes changes.  Wow, that last sentence really shows just how lazy I really am!  🤣

It's funny how the corona scare has me thinking about lifestyle more- like, if the kids sports are cancelled, then what can we do to get out the wiggles?  And then the realization that I should be doing those things with them anyway, for health.  Plus I'm rereading to Go Wild, and that has me inspired to do more with the kids for overall heath, including brain health.  

Today I'm going to go run o the bitty loop of trail I can get to without public transport, as I'm a bit tired of my current loop on road.  I actually love road running because I like to zone out, but I know I need to work on my hip stretgth with more uneven terrain.  

Glad you are feeling better!  When I did some running with my dc I never actually sweated as they ran too slow (or got bored, took a LOT of breaks, wanted to jump over all the obstacles they could find). 🤪  Hope you all have fun exercising together!

1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

The ceilidh last night was fun and I managed a decent amount of sleep in the end. We have guests coming to stay this evening so I'll be buzzing about today. We'll walk the dog in our new neighbourhood and I'll try to fit in some yoga.

I'm enjoying the Empower series. When I finish that, I want to spend a month concentrating on headstand and other specific poses, yet to be decided.

I'm laughing at myself, because my first thought when you mentioned a ceilidh was, "Wow, they have those in Scotland, too? I've only experienced them in Nova Scotia." Nova Scotia = New Scotland. Pretty sure you had them first! 😂

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I'm going to go snowshoeing AND skating today! It will be my first skate this winter, and could be my last. We used to do more skating as a family, but ds prefers playing hockey. Skating around in circles is not a thrill for anyone anymore. I like hiking or skiing around in much bigger circles. 😉

More painting will also be happening this afternoon. 

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Big question:

Does anyone ever notice when their body tends to hold onto water (or release water) and their weight does makes some pretty drastic changes? What are some things that tend to cause this with you? Or what's your best guess? (besides the more obvious cases of diarrhea) 

I used to notice water retention right before my periods, and then the water would be released during the period. Now, with virtually no regular periods, I haven't got a clue when this happens, or if it's happening. I think it happened last week when I had my sugar cravings, and I indulged in eating a lot more sugar. I'd be interested in hearing about other people's experiences.

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18 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Big question:

Does anyone ever notice when their body tends to hold onto water (or release water) and their weight does makes some pretty drastic changes? What are some things that tend to cause this with you? Or what's your best guess? (besides the more obvious cases of diarrhea) 

I used to notice water retention right before my periods, and then the water would be released during the period. Now, with virtually no regular periods, I haven't got a clue when this happens, or if it's happening. I think it happened last week when I had my sugar cravings, and I indulged in eating a lot more sugar. I'd be interested in hearing about other people's experiences.


I get this before my periods, and any time I eat anything processed.  Like, even if I'm below on calories, I know my weight will be up if I eat a Beyond Burger because they have a ton of salt.  

I know muscles store glycogen with water, so I'd guess any carb loading, either intentional or not, would lead to water weight gain also.  

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3 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

The ceilidh last night was fun and I managed a decent amount of sleep in the end. We have guests coming to stay this evening so I'll be buzzing about today. We'll walk the dog in our new neighbourhood and I'll try to fit in some yoga.

I'm enjoying the Empower series. When I finish that, I want to spend a month concentrating on headstand and other specific poses, yet to be decided.


4 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Hi all!

@soror Sorry to hear about the week from hell!  @IvyInFlorida Great work on the pull ups!  BTW, don't think I've mentioned it, but one of my girls is named Ivy.  

I had a good week, and am feeling back to normal energy levels.  I have no idea why that particular bug I had zapped me so hard, usually I'm never sick.  But I'm glad to be over it.  I'm back to trending towards whole food plant based, weight is trending down again, and runs are happening.  The kids really want to try a wake-up walk-run in the mornings before school, so I guess we'll try to add that in next week.  😬  I have mixed feelings about it, lol.  It'll work if I run first, and then stay all sweaty and go out with them again.  But the idea of getting slightly sweaty with the kids, then sitting around sweaty all day until I run myself, then showering... is not appealing to me, nor is 2x a day showers nor 2x a day clothes changes.  Wow, that last sentence really shows just how lazy I really am!  🤣

It's funny how the corona scare has me thinking about lifestyle more- like, if the kids sports are cancelled, then what can we do to get out the wiggles?  And then the realization that I should be doing those things with them anyway, for health.  Plus I'm rereading to Go Wild, and that has me inspired to do more with the kids for overall heath, including brain health.  

Today I'm going to go run o the bitty loop of trail I can get to without public transport, as I'm a bit tired of my current loop on road.  I actually love road running because I like to zone out, but I know I need to work on my hip stretgth with more uneven terrain.  

1 hour ago, wintermom said:

I'm going to go snowshoeing AND skating today! It will be my first skate this winter, and could be my last. We used to do more skating as a family, but ds prefers playing hockey. Skating around in circles is not a thrill for anyone anymore. I like hiking or skiing around in much bigger circles. 😉

More painting will also be happening this afternoon. 

All my quotes went together--

@wintermom Have fun skating and painting 🙂 We don't have ice skating here, so I've never been. 

@Laura Corin Enjoy your company! What fun to be working on headstands! The strength and flexibility is so good for you but that kind of stuff is what gives yoga the fun factor for me.

@Monica_in_Switzerland So glad you are feeling better, some bugs are just worse than others. ITA ideally we get plenty of exercise all the time, that is the goal anyway, with the weather warming up we do pretty well here but we slack in the winter. 

I looked up the teacher for the new class at the gym, it is the Personal Trainer who is also a Physical Therapist and evidently was previously a police officer on a special tactical team and has training in various martial arts, so he should know what he is doing. So, tomorrow night is the first class and I so badly want to go. We have Scouts starting at 6 and the class ends at 6 🙂 Thinking of going anyway and planning on leaving a few minutes early. I know the responsible thing is to wait until Wed.....

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12 hours ago, wintermom said:

Snowshoeing, skating and painting all done! Now I'm going to crash early and pretend it's due to the time change. 😉

You've been busy, I'm sure you need the rest!


I caught up around the house yesterday- cleaning, some food prep, and laundry. I love to start the week all caught up. 

For my lunch I made burger (local beef from my uncle- very lean), purple cabbage slaw, sauteed spinach & onions, sweet potatoes and black beans. I planned chicken but realized what I had was for dinner tonight. I also grilled some chicken for Tues, so I don't have to cook before TKD. I did not make any sausage for breakfast but do have a few days cooked oats and some potatoes and squash left from last night.

Today's exercise plan:

Yoga and hopefully MMA tonight, if I can't catch MMA tonight then I'll do another BodyCombat at home on Friday.

Short walk if I can beat the storms

breakfast - oats w/ nuts and blueberries

lunch is my packed meal; dinner is gf chicken and cheese quesadilla(dd1 cooking) w/ avocado crema(homemade) and salad


I took a short nap yesterday and slept pretty well last night and 'slept in' until 5:15 new time, although I didn't get to sleep until after 9 I ended up with a bit over 7 hrs of decent sleep, so that is great for me.


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Yesterday ended up being a rest day - a very quick dog walk, but otherwise busy with guests.  I'm at work today so I'll walk with a friend at lunchtime and then do some yoga before going home to the guests.  It's quite fraught at work (we are short-staffed and I'm having to work with some systems that I'm not so familiar with) so a yoga break will make me a better host

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Hi everybody!  Been pretty quiet here, just keeping on with the regular routine.  I rested yesterday, then this morning did about a half hour of CKD drills and a half hour of running intervals.  CKD class tonight.  The boys are still sick with a cold and/or allergies so we can't get out to do much.  I def have cabin fever and the blahs in general!  Boo.  Enjoying y'all's updates though!

@soror Looking forward to hearing about the MMA class if you make it!

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I just took my skis out of the van where they've lived for the past month. The forecast is very sad for skiing. ☹️  I'll still be out hiking and possibly snowshoeing, but there aren't going to be many ski days left at the local trails. I'm so glad I squeezed in as many ski days as I could! The plus side is that it's almost dry enough to pull out the bikes. 😉

The bathroom renos are virtually finished! it looks great. Next on the list is more painting, installing 4 new windows, and removing a bunch of dead trees in the backyard. Dh and I will be doing the painting, and the rest is being contracted out. Busy times ahead. 

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13 hours ago, wintermom said:

I just took my skis out of the van where they've lived for the past month. The forecast is very sad for skiing. ☹️  I'll still be out hiking and possibly snowshoeing, but there aren't going to be many ski days left at the local trails. I'm so glad I squeezed in as many ski days as I could! The plus side is that it's almost dry enough to pull out the bikes. 😉

The bathroom renos are virtually finished! it looks great. Next on the list is more painting, installing 4 new windows, and removing a bunch of dead trees in the backyard. Dh and I will be doing the painting, and the rest is being contracted out. Busy times ahead. 

Aww, I know you will miss the skiing! I'm hoping to start some biking soon myself.

17 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Hi everybody!  Been pretty quiet here, just keeping on with the regular routine.  I rested yesterday, then this morning did about a half hour of CKD drills and a half hour of running intervals.  CKD class tonight.  The boys are still sick with a cold and/or allergies so we can't get out to do much.  I def have cabin fever and the blahs in general!  Boo.  Enjoying y'all's updates though!

@soror Looking forward to hearing about the MMA class if you make it!

Sorry the boys are still sick. How are you feeling?


Laura I meant to ask how is the sleep coming along?


Today's plan: lifting at home & walk

So, the class last night was not exactly as I expected, although perhaps should have expected. We worked specifically on Krav Maga moves and as we were learning them it was rather slow. It was only 30 min but he plans to move it to 45 minutes (I thought it was going to be an hour) in a couple weeks we are to move to punching bags but he wants us to get technique first. He was an excellent teacher, seemed to know what he was doing (he has been to Isreal for training) and I liked his demeanor, he was encouraging. We ended up  in the main gym however, due to a schedule snafu and I hope that is remedied soon because I don't want to be in the middle of the gym at all.


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18 minutes ago, soror said:


Laura I meant to ask how is the sleep coming along?


Today's plan: lifting at home & walk

So, the class last night was not exactly as I expected, although perhaps should have expected. We worked specifically on Krav Maga moves and as we were learning them it was rather slow. It was only 30 min but he plans to move it to 45 minutes (I thought it was going to be an hour) in a couple weeks we are to move to punching bags but he wants us to get technique first. He was an excellent teacher, seemed to know what he was doing (he has been to Isreal for training) and I liked his demeanor, he was encouraging. We ended up  in the main gym however, due to a schedule snafu and I hope that is remedied soon because I don't want to be in the middle of the gym at all.

Glad the class went well overall.

My sleep has been better the last two days.  I've had an idea about it.  Husband wears a CPAP, but if he gets up in the early morning, he often doesn't put it back on for the last hour of sleep.  I'm wondering if his snoring is waking me up in that period (despite my earplugs).  Next time I wake up early, I'll make a note of whether the room is noisy.

Busy at work.  I'll get a quick walk in at lunchtime and try for some yoga later.  But I have to see my mum, so that might not happen.  Our guests are going - it's been rather exhausting as I don't know them: three hours per night of conversation is more than I normally seek out.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

My sleep has been better the last two days.  I've had an idea about it.  Husband wears a CPAP, but if he gets up in the early morning, he often doesn't put it back on for the last hour of sleep.  I'm wondering if his snoring is waking me up in that period (despite my earplugs).  Next time I wake up early, I'll make a note of whether the room is noisy.

Busy at work.  I'll get a quick walk in at lunchtime and try for some yoga later.  But I have to see my mum, so that might not happen.  Our guests are going - it's been rather exhausting as I don't know them: three hours per night of conversation is more than I normally seek out.

Shouldn't they be outside playing golf or enjoying the coastline? 😉  That's a lot of time sitting. I can imagine you'd be going squirrelly! I wouldn't survive. I'm a rotten guest and host as I always want to be outside exploring. 

Hope your sleep improves. I'm having trouble navigating our time change. I was just enjoying early morning sun, and now it's gone. 🙁

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2 hours ago, soror said:

So, the class last night was not exactly as I expected, although perhaps should have expected. We worked specifically on Krav Maga moves and as we were learning them it was rather slow. It was only 30 min but he plans to move it to 45 minutes (I thought it was going to be an hour) in a couple weeks we are to move to punching bags but he wants us to get technique first. He was an excellent teacher, seemed to know what he was doing (he has been to Isreal for training) and I liked his demeanor, he was encouraging. We ended up  in the main gym however, due to a schedule snafu and I hope that is remedied soon because I don't want to be in the middle of the gym at all.


Sorry the class wasn't quite what you were expecting. Once the fundamentals are introduced, then you can let loose and punch those bags! Safety first is usually a good idea. 😉

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It's overcast and may rain, but I'm still determined to get in some outdoor activity. I have to keep up my streak! I'll probably be limited to hiking until more snow comes. This 'between seasons' time is frustrating. 

I don't know if I mentioned before, but ds and I are doing a push-up/pull-up challenge. I'm doing 10 push-ups a day for a week, then I'll increase to 20. He's doing 3 pull-ups a day. For some reason he finds push-ups really hard, but can do pull-ups. 

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40 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Shouldn't they be outside playing golf or enjoying the coastline? 😉  That's a lot of time sitting. I can imagine you'd be going squirrelly! I wouldn't survive. I'm a rotten guest and host as I always want to be outside exploring. 

Hope your sleep improves. I'm having trouble navigating our time change. I was just enjoying early morning sun, and now it's gone. 🙁

Husband took them out during the day, but the evening was conversation. Actually four hours: 6 to 10, at which point I excused myself.

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

Sorry the class wasn't quite what you were expecting. Once the fundamentals are introduced, then you can let loose and punch those bags! Safety first is usually a good idea. 😉

No, no, it was good, I should have expected that if we are learning skills it will take time and I don't want to hurt myself. We'll see how I feel as we go but I want to try it out.

3 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Glad the class went well overall.

My sleep has been better the last two days.  I've had an idea about it.  Husband wears a CPAP, but if he gets up in the early morning, he often doesn't put it back on for the last hour of sleep.  I'm wondering if his snoring is waking me up in that period (despite my earplugs).  Next time I wake up early, I'll make a note of whether the room is noisy.

Busy at work.  I'll get a quick walk in at lunchtime and try for some yoga later.  But I have to see my mum, so that might not happen.  Our guests are going - it's been rather exhausting as I don't know them: three hours per night of conversation is more than I normally seek out.

Glad to hear the sleep is better, I hope it stays that way. I tend to be a light sleep and dh can bother me at times, he does try and go to the couch when he is really restless but sometimes he has already awoken me I get irrationally annoyed at that.

1 hour ago, wintermom said:

It's overcast and may rain, but I'm still determined to get in some outdoor activity. I have to keep up my streak! I'll probably be limited to hiking until more snow comes. This 'between seasons' time is frustrating. 

I don't know if I mentioned before, but ds and I are doing a push-up/pull-up challenge. I'm doing 10 push-ups a day for a week, then I'll increase to 20. He's doing 3 pull-ups a day. For some reason he finds push-ups really hard, but can do pull-ups. 

Awesome challenge! It is rough between the seasons but at least its warmer!


Lifting done. Feeling some more spunk, although still need more. I added back in iron, I hadn't taken it regularly in a while and I tend to go low without supplements, I wonder if my big blood draw pushed me over the line and that was part of the fatigue? IDK. I'm sure I need it anyway.

Veggie Omelette today w/ my toast, nutbutter+ banana

Lunch- local lean beef patty, sauteed onions w/ spinach, black beans, sweet potato, purple cabbage slaw (dressing made w/ yogurt recipe from Run Fast.Cook Fast. Eat slow.)

Dinner- grilled chicken + broccoli and rice

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6 hours ago, soror said:

Lifting done. Feeling some more spunk, although still need more. I added back in iron, I hadn't taken it regularly in a while and I tend to go low without supplements, I wonder if my big blood draw pushed me over the line and that was part of the fatigue? IDK. I'm sure I need it anyway.

Veggie Omelette today w/ my toast, nutbutter+ banana

Lunch- local lean beef patty, sauteed onions w/ spinach, black beans, sweet potato, purple cabbage slaw (dressing made w/ yogurt recipe from Run Fast.Cook Fast. Eat slow.)

Dinner- grilled chicken + broccoli and rice

I always had to supplement my iron when I was having regular periods. Happily those days are gone. Hope you're back to your spunky self very soon! 😁

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I'm sorry I haven't been all that involved in the last few days...stress is kind of high here and I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed.  My oldest son desperately needs to go up on his dose of ADHD meds, but the pediatrician won't sign off on that unless he gains some weight.  So I am trying to feed him high calorie density foods that he can deal with (he has a few food issues stemming from being on the spectrum), trying to meet the preferences of my picky younger son and picky husband, and feed myself my usual athlete's diet.  I feel like all I do is cook and clean up at the moment!

Plus, since both boys have a mild cold, we haven't been able to go to my parents' place, which means they don't get their usual time to run wild in the woods.  And believe me, we are feeling the impact in their behavior!!  And just various issues in other areas of life...not the least of which is that there has just been a MAJOR change to CKD international curriculum that will affect our black belt test.  For instance, if the instructor tells me to do orange belt senior speed drill, it is a totally different speed drill than I have learned for the last 2 1/2 years.  The techniques aren't any harder, they're just not smoothly integrated into my muscle memory and I will be a lot more stressed about the upcoming test as a result, BLAH.  WHY.

Anyways, today has gone pretty well.  I ate right, lifted in the morning and did 45 mins of running intervals in the afternoon just to blow off angst.  Hopefully I will get tons of sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow ready to face the day.

Thanks for letting me vent here, ladies! 

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10 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

I'm sorry I haven't been all that involved in the last few days...stress is kind of high here and I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed.  My oldest son desperately needs to go up on his dose of ADHD meds, but the pediatrician won't sign off on that unless he gains some weight.  So I am trying to feed him high calorie density foods that he can deal with (he has a few food issues stemming from being on the spectrum), trying to meet the preferences of my picky younger son and picky husband, and feed myself my usual athlete's diet.  I feel like all I do is cook and clean up at the moment!

Plus, since both boys have a mild cold, we haven't been able to go to my parents' place, which means they don't get their usual time to run wild in the woods.  And believe me, we are feeling the impact in their behavior!!  And just various issues in other areas of life...not the least of which is that there has just been a MAJOR change to CKD international curriculum that will affect our black belt test.  For instance, if the instructor tells me to do orange belt senior speed drill, it is a totally different speed drill than I have learned for the last 2 1/2 years.  The techniques aren't any harder, they're just not smoothly integrated into my muscle memory and I will be a lot more stressed about the upcoming test as a result, BLAH.  WHY.

Anyways, today has gone pretty well.  I ate right, lifted in the morning and did 45 mins of running intervals in the afternoon just to blow off angst.  Hopefully I will get tons of sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow ready to face the day.

Thanks for letting me vent here, ladies! 

I'm so sorry Ivy 😞 that sounds like a whole lot of stress all at once and so much out of your control which is the worse 😞 I hope today is a better one.

12 hours ago, wintermom said:

I always had to supplement my iron when I was having regular periods. Happily those days are gone. Hope you're back to your spunky self very soon! 😁

Thanks! I do try to remember at my cycle to supplement, really I should just do a low level all the time. 


Slept well last night. Did a 3 mile walk yesterday afternoon.

Today- yoga + short HIIT (trying out LM HIIT- aiming for a 10-15 minute session)

Evening: 45 min MA Class

And did I tell you instead of the regular class room this is in the main room of the gym, they say they are going to change it soon, I hope so, that itself might be a deal breaker. I do not care to learn new things in the middle of the gym, ugh.

breakfast: oats + fruit & nuts; lunch- planned lunch (see above); snack- gf bagel w/ slice cheese & pineapple; dinner chicken pho mix of rice and zucchini noodles for me w/ cucumber salad

Yesterday the girls made treats so I had 1 chocolate chip cookie and 1 rice krispie treat so I skipped the rice at dinner. Amazing difference hormones make in appetite and ability to just have a small treat and stop.

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16 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

I'm sorry I haven't been all that involved in the last few days...stress is kind of high here and I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed.  My oldest son desperately needs to go up on his dose of ADHD meds, but the pediatrician won't sign off on that unless he gains some weight.  So I am trying to feed him high calorie density foods that he can deal with (he has a few food issues stemming from being on the spectrum), trying to meet the preferences of my picky younger son and picky husband, and feed myself my usual athlete's diet.  I feel like all I do is cook and clean up at the moment!

Plus, since both boys have a mild cold, we haven't been able to go to my parents' place, which means they don't get their usual time to run wild in the woods.  And believe me, we are feeling the impact in their behavior!!  And just various issues in other areas of life...not the least of which is that there has just been a MAJOR change to CKD international curriculum that will affect our black belt test.  For instance, if the instructor tells me to do orange belt senior speed drill, it is a totally different speed drill than I have learned for the last 2 1/2 years.  The techniques aren't any harder, they're just not smoothly integrated into my muscle memory and I will be a lot more stressed about the upcoming test as a result, BLAH.  WHY.

Anyways, today has gone pretty well.  I ate right, lifted in the morning and did 45 mins of running intervals in the afternoon just to blow off angst.  Hopefully I will get tons of sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow ready to face the day.

Thanks for letting me vent here, ladies! 

So sorry you're all going through this, Ivy. Big hugs! Hope your boys ditch the colds so you can visit your parents soon. I'm sure they are missing you all as well.

That's unfortunate with the CKD curriculum changes. Do you have an option to test with the old material, seeing as it's so short notice? If not, at least you'll be right on top of all the new curriculum if you plan to stay on and do some teaching. 

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