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I did NOT want that for Christmas


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I have the flu, too.  It's miserable. I hope you guys feel better soon.  I'm on Day 4 and I'm sort of feeling better. I still can't swallow without a ton of pain.  I actually lost several pounds, because I can't eat.  

I would cancel the visit if you can.

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Thanks for the kindness. 4 of 6 eventually up with symptoms, but it didn't turn out to be a full blown stomach virus situation.  I posted right after the big puke episodes.  Nothing through the night.  The babies actually slept through the whole night and let me sleep late which NEVER ever happens.  Yay for that!  That was not nearly as disasterous as I predicted.  

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8 hours ago, tbog said:

We went to theirs. I think we got Norovirus. It was pure hell. My oldest stayed home with our dogs (one requires 3x daily epilepsy meds), and he got it right after my daughter and I. I went from ok, to on the floor of the bathroom so sick that dh couldn’t get me to respond. Mom found out later that they’d passed it around my brother’s house and that my niece had it the day before. I was livid. Both my son and daughter missed work from it. My husband slept 36 hours straight, so that kept him from the hanging out in the bathroom. 


Yeah, we get really upset when people let their sick kids come around our kids, because both dh and I have horrible immune systems (he's from a country overseas where they were basically starving and I was born to someone who had anorexia while pregnant).  Both of us have had pneumonia that started as some stupid cold someone's kid gave us.  And he's in charge of like 50 people at work and it's a clean room environment, so he's not allowed in the facility if he's sick.  So, he ends up missing a ton of work and they get mad.  I'm getting to the point where I can't even get rid of simple things anymore.  My son was sick for 3 days last week and then it just went away.  I had it for a week and had to drag myself to urgent care, because my throat was closing and I could no longer eat/drink.  I ended up on steroids and antibiotics.  Ugh!  It's frustrating!

Elizabeth86 - I hope Baby is feeling better this morning and was able to sleep through the night!  

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