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Mastery style grammar program?


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I have a grade 7 student who I have noticed is struggling with the spiral approach of their LA (we use CLE). Whenever a new concept is introduced, so little time is spent on it, that they don't have time to actually master it/necessarily understand it. So once the concept is introduced, they will struggle for quite awhile, getting most of the questions wrong for several lessons. Eventually, after they've been exposed to it enough, it finally clicks and they'll get it right, but it can take awhile, and in the meantime, the constant corrections and mistakes get wearying.

So, what is your favorite grammar program, that is mastery in approach?

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We’re using Analytical Grammar and it’s working well for us. (8th and 10th grades) We’re doing two “seasons” this year spreading each unit out to two weeks instead of one. Next year we’ll do the last season. My girls are doing great with it and doing it half the recommended pace keeps time spent to a minimum and seems to be allowing time for the concepts to sink in. 

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