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Can I tell you how much I love Math U See?

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Steve Demme just called me. I'm beyond impressed that he took the time to contact me personally. I sent an email regarding my issues with Emma and math facts, and I did get a great response from their help folks with ideas I could try for practice. He was going to use my question for his next newsletter, and decided to call me for more specifics on the situation. He talked with me for about a half hour, and gave me GREAT suggestions (some of which I'd already gotten from the brilliant ladies here) and also helped me brainstorm a bit about how I can work better with Emma, personality-wise. He was so nice, listened patiently to all my rambling, and was so helpful. What a nice man. I like the program a lot, and now I'm re-sold. I have HOPE that we can get through math facts! Woo hoo! :D

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I was blessed to meet Mr. Demme, his wife, and son, Johnny in person at a homeschool retreat at Sandy Cove a few years ago. My husband also took our oldest 2 boys to a "Man Camp" in West Virginia where Mr. Demme was the speaker. He is great. We love MUS, here, too. It has really silenced all the negativity in my 10yo re: math. So neat that your question will be in his next newsletter! And way cool that he contacted you personally!

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