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11/24-11/30 exercise check

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I just walked in and headed straight for the computer to tell y'all!


I just jogged 20 minutes in a row!!!


Week 5 is done!! Maybe I should sign up for that 5K??? ;)


I just got chills!!!!! Congratulations!! That is really amazing!! YES - sign up for that 5K!!!! You CAN do it - Seriously - the adrenaline will take you the full distance!


I was out running errands and thus arrived at the park early for swim, so I got my longest time in yet.


3.47 mi/42:44 time/12:16 pace/366 Calories


I went 3 laps, stopped to get ds off the playground and into the dome to swim and then went for 2 more....I'm pretty pleased with myself. :D


Great job!!! Your mileage is really increasing steadily. How are your calves today?


Wacky because of all the stuff I need to do. 2 things checked off - take the dogs to the kennel and exercise. Today would normally be a swim day, but I'll wait until the stitches are out. I ran instead. As I told the kids I was going to listen to my fast music. I say, music does impact your speed. I knew that, but listening to fast music induces me to go faster! :)


38 degrees - long sleeves, capri length pants, ear flap hat


2.21 miles, 20:44 minutes, 9:22 (!) pace, 255 calories


Ok, so my fast isn't as fast as Colleen's training pace. But I try so hard not to compare myself to you fast people.


AWESOME!!!! Maybe I need to get music! You were SMokin'!


Got up, dragged myself to the bike, and did my 30 minutes.


Also, I managed to do my pilates AND cook my sweet potatoes last night -- my husband took the boys to the pool.


He's off work early today, so I'm hoping to get out for a walk. It was unbelievably dreary here yesterday -- even by Seattle standards. I'm feeling very cooped up, and the bike in the closet only adds to the feeling of cooped-upness.


Way to go, everyone, on sticking with the exercise!


Great job!!!!


I shoveled snow/slush for over an hour. Does that count?


We will get back to our regularly scheduled walking by Monday.


Oh yes - that counts!!!! Very good!


I did a quick run this morning as I'll be in two races in the next two days. 2 miles 15:31!!!! Woohoo!!!! I've been working on speed. Now, if I could only keep that up for a third mile, my 5K time would be great! We'll see how I do tomorrow!


SOOOOO much to do the rest of the day!

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I did a quick run this morning as I'll be in two races in the next two days. 2 miles 15:31!!!! Woohoo!!!! I've been working on speed. Now, if I could only keep that up for a third mile, my 5K time would be great! We'll see how I do tomorrow!


SOOOOO much to do the rest of the day!


You are the one who is smokin'! Great job! Turkey trot tomorrow, but what is Friday? Oh and is your Trot a 5K or 8K. I was searching last night and there are both.


I'm visiting my folks and I don't think mom will go for me being out of the house that long tomorrow. The race is 1/2 hour away - so we're talking 2 hours (at least) once you get there in time to register(!), run and drive home.

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You are the one who is smokin'! Great job! Turkey trot tomorrow, but what is Friday? Oh and is your Trot a 5K or 8K. I was searching last night and there are both.


I'm visiting my folks and I don't think mom will go for me being out of the house that long tomorrow. The race is 1/2 hour away - so we're talking 2 hours (at least) once you get there in time to register(!), run and drive home.



Friday my town is having a Jingle Bell Run. It's just a 2 1/2 mile run. The Turkey Trot is a 5K. I could've done the 10K, but I just didn't want to train for that with the cold!


Bummer that you can't run though. Have you talked to your mom about it? I found that the race is so early, I'll be back here on Friday before most of my guests are even up!

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Friday my town is having a Jingle Bell Run. It's just a 2 1/2 mile run. The Turkey Trot is a 5K. I could've done the 10K, but I just didn't want to train for that with the cold!


Bummer that you can't run though. Have you talked to your mom about it? I found that the race is so early, I'll be back here on Friday before most of my guests are even up!


Wow! That's an early race. Haven't talked to mom yet. I need to pick my "wants" with her. Would I rather run a 5K or go shopping on Black Friday? I can run at her house, so I chose the shopping. :tongue_smilie: AND for the first time ever, my girls want to come with me. I haven't figured out if I'm going to let them or not.

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Great job!!! Your mileage is really increasing steadily. How are your calves today?


Can you believe my calves are not sore at all? One hip/bottom area is a little tender, but otherwise I feel great. I cannot believe how great this makes me feel. I feel like superwoman.

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Just stopping in to see if I can join you!


I finished my first 5K this morning! I started the couch to 5K program in September. Is that what you are doing Scarlett? I remember how excited (and sore) I was to have finished 20 minutes! I thought about doing an official Turkey Trot, but this was cheaper and easier to fit in. Plus, the weather is gorgeous today.


Before this, I had never run more than a mile in my life. Truthfully, I've always hated running. I'm more of a sports person--tennis, volleyball, softball. I've done exercise classes and ellipticals, but I've avoided running.


Unfortunately, I've reached that age where the pounds just seem to pack on and never leave. I decided that I needed to do something drastic. Yes, running is drastic to me! I haven't really lost any weight, but I feel great and I know that I've got to look better too.


I'm a LOT slower than the rest of you. My 5K took 40 minutes. I plan to stick with running 30 minutes 3 days a week and add in some exercise videos on my off days. I need to get my upper body strength back. I just bought a few DVDs to use this winter. I'm hoping that we have enough nice weather this winter so that I can keep running outside. I don't plan to run if the temps are below 30--cold really hurts my lungs. I'm learning how to ski this winter too--we're going to do that tomorrow morning.


Thanks for letting me share my journey!

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Just stopping in to see if I can join you!


I finished my first 5K this morning! I started the couch to 5K program in September. Is that what you are doing Scarlett?


Of course you can join us! I find it so motivating to check in and see who is doing what. I am very impressed that you did a 5K. Wow. I will never get there. I am not doing the couch to 5K program...I'm just sort of winging it, trying to b uild up my endurance and speed. I have yet to run 1 mile without stopping to walk. And I've been doing this fairly consistantly since July I think. I did stop for a while when I had a dog scare when I was trying to run in the dark in the mornings. But now Im running at the park where my ds is doing swim 3 times a week and that is working out great.


Someone, usually momofkhm, starts a new thread once a week and we post every day all through the week to that same thread. It really helps me.



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Just stopping in to see if I can join you!


I finished my first 5K this morning! I started the couch to 5K program in September. Is that what you are doing Scarlett? I remember how excited (and sore) I was to have finished 20 minutes! I thought about doing an official Turkey Trot, but this was cheaper and easier to fit in. Plus, the weather is gorgeous today.


Before this, I had never run more than a mile in my life. Truthfully, I've always hated running. I'm more of a sports person--tennis, volleyball, softball. I've done exercise classes and ellipticals, but I've avoided running.


Unfortunately, I've reached that age where the pounds just seem to pack on and never leave. I decided that I needed to do something drastic. Yes, running is drastic to me! I haven't really lost any weight, but I feel great and I know that I've got to look better too.


I'm a LOT slower than the rest of you. My 5K took 40 minutes. I plan to stick with running 30 minutes 3 days a week and add in some exercise videos on my off days. I need to get my upper body strength back. I just bought a few DVDs to use this winter. I'm hoping that we have enough nice weather this winter so that I can keep running outside. I don't plan to run if the temps are below 30--cold really hurts my lungs. I'm learning how to ski this winter too--we're going to do that tomorrow morning.


Thanks for letting me share my journey!


That's so encouraging to me! I'm starting Week 6 tomorrow in the Couch to 5K program! I've got to decide by Friday if I want to do a 5K on December 13th. It would be my first and I'm nervous. My pace is slow like yours... did you have any problem with anyone being mad at your slow pace? I wish I had someone to go with me. It would make it easier to sign up if I had a buddy.


I'm not a sports person at ALL! I never did ANY sports at all growing up. I worked out at a gym for the last 2 years, doing the elliptical and the treadmill, but only at a walking pace, and I did the Walk Away the Pounds DVDs. I had to drop my gym membership this summer.


About the same time, one of my best friends asked me if I'd like to train for a half-marathon in the spring of 2010. I laughed and said that bad knees run in the family, but I'd give it a shot. I start out with hurting myself by wearing old shoes, and was out of it for a month or so. I'm starting Week 6 tomorrow, now, and ran 20 minutes in a row yesterday for the first time in my WHOLE life! That was a little more than the distance around my entire neighborhood!! It was so exciting!


To my surprise, my knees haven't hurt me AT ALL yet! I know that I haven't made it to a full 5K distance or time yet, and I'm incredibly slow. But I feel so proud of myself and so strong! I can understand why folks end up running such long distances. I love how I feel when I'm done!


Congrats again on your 5K! You're a great inspiration to me!

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That's so encouraging to me! I'm starting Week 6 tomorrow in the Couch to 5K program! I've got to decide by Friday if I want to do a 5K on December 13th. It would be my first and I'm nervous. My pace is slow like yours... did you have any problem with anyone being mad at your slow pace? I wish I had someone to go with me. It would make it easier to sign up if I had a buddy.


To my surprise, my knees haven't hurt me AT ALL yet! I know that I haven't made it to a full 5K distance or time yet, and I'm incredibly slow. But I feel so proud of myself and so strong! I can understand why folks end up running such long distances. I love how I feel when I'm done!



Well, if I can do it, you certainly can! I was nervous today and I wasn't even doing an official race! My dh marked off a 5K on our bike trail, so I didn't have to worry about anyone else. He even ran it with me, even though he could have gone much faster. I can't imagine anyone being mad at you for your pace. I get the impression that a lot of these races even have walkers. Go for it!


My knees hurt a bit for the first couple weeks, but they are just fine now. I think, now that your legs are stronger, your knees should be just fine.


Thanks for your encouraging words. Keep it up. You can do it! It's a great feeling to get through week 9.

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I started to and planned to exercise yesterday but just did not feel like it:tongue_smilie: I ended up doing a house cleaning marathon...does that count...lol. I will get a good walk in this afternoon with my sister and all those lovely hills around her neighborhood.

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Just stopping in to see if I can join you!


I finished my first 5K this morning! I started the couch to 5K program in September. Is that what you are doing Scarlett? I remember how excited (and sore) I was to have finished 20 minutes! I thought about doing an official Turkey Trot, but this was cheaper and easier to fit in. Plus, the weather is gorgeous today.


Before this, I had never run more than a mile in my life. Truthfully, I've always hated running. I'm more of a sports person--tennis, volleyball, softball. I've done exercise classes and ellipticals, but I've avoided running.


Unfortunately, I've reached that age where the pounds just seem to pack on and never leave. I decided that I needed to do something drastic. Yes, running is drastic to me! I haven't really lost any weight, but I feel great and I know that I've got to look better too.


I'm a LOT slower than the rest of you. My 5K took 40 minutes. I plan to stick with running 30 minutes 3 days a week and add in some exercise videos on my off days. I need to get my upper body strength back. I just bought a few DVDs to use this winter. I'm hoping that we have enough nice weather this winter so that I can keep running outside. I don't plan to run if the temps are below 30--cold really hurts my lungs. I'm learning how to ski this winter too--we're going to do that tomorrow morning.


Thanks for letting me share my journey!


Welcome Donelda! Yes, join us please! That is wonderful you set to it and finished it.

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My pace is slow like yours... did you have any problem with anyone being mad at your slow pace? I wish I had someone to go with me. It would make it easier to sign up if I had a buddy.


Niffercoo, no one will be mad at you for your pace! For one thing, you will be running. There are always people who walk at the races as well. Also, you can always fin out what time they will close the course. Just make sure you can finish by then. And usually it's a slow walking time. No problems.

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I started to and planned to exercise yesterday but just did not feel like it:tongue_smilie: I ended up doing a house cleaning marathon...does that count...lol. I will get a good walk in this afternoon with my sister and all those lovely hills around her neighborhood.


Walk in the neighborhood with sis sounds wonderful. I don't have a sister though.


I think marathon cleaning should count as cross training. After all, ther is heavy lifting involved.

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We're visiting my folks for the weekend. The only hills around here involve bridge overpasses. We're talking flat. I felt slow today. I finished my run with a fast (for me) pace.


I started before dh and dad and then went a completely different way. At my 1/2 way point I saw them. They didn't slow down so I could catch them! So I had to really pick up the pace to catch them and slow down and then they claimed I was pushing the pace! The nerve! :tongue_smilie:


40 degrees - tech long sleeves, capri pants, dad's golf hat.


3.5 miles, 34:30 minutes, 9:49 pace, 405 calories


Forgot to add: Jen what are the specs for your Garmin watch? Or anyone else's Garmin watch. Why did you pick the one you did? I thought dh was finished with Christmas and my birthday (4 days later) but he claims he's still looking.

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I just got back from doing my first day of Week 6 in Couch to 5K. It was a lot harder, even though the total jogging time was less than Tuesday's, and it was broken into 3 segments instead of all at once.


Could it be the difference in temps? I usually run at 5:30 PM and it's around 48 degrees. I ran today at 3 PM and it was 62.


I'm feeling sort of bummed. I ran 20 minutes in a row 2 days ago and felt just fine. I ran 5 min/walk 3/ran 8/walk 3/ran 5 today and feel like I've been hit by a truck.


Is this normal? Or should I skip the 5K. I have to register by tomorrow.

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I just got back from doing my first day of Week 6 in Couch to 5K. It was a lot harder, even though the total jogging time was less than Tuesday's, and it was broken into 3 segments instead of all at once.


Could it be the difference in temps? I usually run at 5:30 PM and it's around 48 degrees. I ran today at 3 PM and it was 62.


I'm feeling sort of bummed. I ran 20 minutes in a row 2 days ago and felt just fine. I ran 5 min/walk 3/ran 8/walk 3/ran 5 today and feel like I've been hit by a truck.


Is this normal? Or should I skip the 5K. I have to register by tomorrow.


I'm no expert, but I definitely had days when it was more difficult to run even when I thought that it should be easier. I think it could be a lot of things--temp., fatigue, what you had to eat, that-time-of-month. But don't give up! You'll have days when it seems easier too.


I can't tell you what to do about your 5K, but the worst-case scenario is that you need to walk part of it. There is no shame in trying and you might even surprise yourself.

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I just got back from doing my first day of Week 6 in Couch to 5K. It was a lot harder, even though the total jogging time was less than Tuesday's, and it was broken into 3 segments instead of all at once.


Could it be the difference in temps? I usually run at 5:30 PM and it's around 48 degrees. I ran today at 3 PM and it was 62.


I'm feeling sort of bummed. I ran 20 minutes in a row 2 days ago and felt just fine. I ran 5 min/walk 3/ran 8/walk 3/ran 5 today and feel like I've been hit by a truck.


Is this normal? Or should I skip the 5K. I have to register by tomorrow.


When I'm restarting my running program after a long break, I always feel great my first day, maybe 2 days, but then by the third day I feel awful! I haven't figured it out yet. Maybe this is the issue with you as well.


You have a tad over 2 weeks before the race. And you said you don't have decide until Friday. Can you run again tomorrow and decide then? Also, why do you have to decide by Friday? Most races have a register by date, but you can still register until/on race day for like $5 more. I think I would register for the race to give me something to look forward to. But then put no pressure on myself so that if I need to walk, I allow myself to do it.


I'm saying this in an effort to encourage you: before the marathon that I ran started, I was really worried about what my time would be. Then I realized that it didn't matter what my time was because it would automatically be a personal best. I can only get faster after the first race. It will be the same for you. This race will be a PR. After the first race, then you can worry about getting faster.


No one is going to care what your time except you! I will be very proud of you if all you do is try!

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I'm a LOT slower than the rest of you. My 5K took 40 minutes. I plan to stick with running 30 minutes 3 days a week and add in some exercise videos on my off days. I need to get my upper body strength back. I just bought a few DVDs to use this winter. I'm hoping that we have enough nice weather this winter so that I can keep running outside. I don't plan to run if the temps are below 30--cold really hurts my lungs. I'm learning how to ski this winter too--we're going to do that tomorrow morning.


Thanks for letting me share my journey!


Wonderful!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!! Who cares about time????? You RAN a 5K today!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!! Please keep posting!!!!


We're visiting my folks for the weekend. The only hills around here involve bridge overpasses. We're talking flat. I felt slow today. I finished my run with a fast (for me) pace.


I started before dh and dad and then went a completely different way. At my 1/2 way point I saw them. They didn't slow down so I could catch them! So I had to really pick up the pace to catch them and slow down and then they claimed I was pushing the pace! The nerve! :tongue_smilie:


40 degrees - tech long sleeves, capri pants, dad's golf hat.


3.5 miles, 34:30 minutes, 9:49 pace, 405 calories


Forgot to add: Jen what are the specs for your Garmin watch? Or anyone else's Garmin watch. Why did you pick the one you did? I thought dh was finished with Christmas and my birthday (4 days later) but he claims he's still looking.


AWESOME run!!!! Seriously - it's so fun to see you improve!


I opted for the 205. The difference between the 205 and the 305 was the look and the heart rate monitor. I decided that it wasn't worth more than $100 more for that. Mine is pretty big, but not awful. It is hard to pull up a sweatshirt over my wrist and the watch, so I wear it over the sweatshirt/jacket.


The other thing that's annoying is that it takes a while to find the satellite. So if I want it to accurately measure my run, I need to wait a bit before starting my run. I just need to take that into account each morning. Ask at your local running store about the differences to see which is right for you. I love downloading mine to my computer to see how I do by mile. It's awesome!!!


I just got back from doing my first day of Week 6 in Couch to 5K. It was a lot harder, even though the total jogging time was less than Tuesday's, and it was broken into 3 segments instead of all at once.


Could it be the difference in temps? I usually run at 5:30 PM and it's around 48 degrees. I ran today at 3 PM and it was 62.


I'm feeling sort of bummed. I ran 20 minutes in a row 2 days ago and felt just fine. I ran 5 min/walk 3/ran 8/walk 3/ran 5 today and feel like I've been hit by a truck.


Is this normal? Or should I skip the 5K. I have to register by tomorrow.



Totally normal!! There are days where I feel GREAT when I run. And, there are days where I have to stop after I run a mile or two to rest a bit. It's those days where I wonder why I do it! But, it DOES get better!!! Sign up fo rthe 5k!!! I SWEAR the adrenaline will keep you going!!!!


That said, I ran a 5K this morning with a friend. There were 10,000 people running. So, the first mile was VERY slow as we made our way up to a faster group. Our first mile was a 13:00 mile. We finished in 28:10. So our next two miles averaged 7:35 each!!! I was DYING at the end, but I was happy.


Tomorrow another race!!

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If encouragement is the purpose of these threads, it's certainly working!


I just completed my registration for the 5K... I was afraid I'd completely chicken out if I didn't do it right now. I found some pictures of last year's event and saw folks with strollers (regular ones, not jogging strollers), so I figured that I would be OK if I had to stop and walk.


My goal for this 5K is completion, and not even jogging the entire way, though if I can that's even better. But since I won't be done with my training, I'll set a very low goal! LOL


Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and inspiration! I'm going to need it so much more in these next two weeks! ;)

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If encouragement is the purpose of these threads, it's certainly working!


I just completed my registration for the 5K... I was afraid I'd completely chicken out if I didn't do it right now. I found some pictures of last year's event and saw folks with strollers (regular ones, not jogging strollers), so I figured that I would be OK if I had to stop and walk.


My goal for this 5K is completion, and not even jogging the entire way, though if I can that's even better. But since I won't be done with my training, I'll set a very low goal! LOL


Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and inspiration! I'm going to need it so much more in these next two weeks! ;)


AWESOME!!!!! You will be fine and you'll feel SOOOO good! I bet you'll be able to run the whole thing. The adrenaline will keep you going.

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My race results from yesterday!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!! I came in 14th out of 193 runners in my age group!!! I got 490 overall (there were 7000 runners!). I ran with another woman and we ran SO well together. I tend to slow down the second mile and she speeds up, so I kept up with her. Her third mile tends to slow, so I kept her going.


Our time wasn't so hot - 28:12. BUT, our first mile was a 12:00 because it was SO crowded. We had to walk for part of it because we were afraid of getting plowed over. The need to have a better start!


Anyway, I'm SO happy with how we did.

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If encouragement is the purpose of these threads, it's certainly working!


I just completed my registration for the 5K... I was afraid I'd completely chicken out if I didn't do it right now. I found some pictures of last year's event and saw folks with strollers (regular ones, not jogging strollers), so I figured that I would be OK if I had to stop and walk.


My goal for this 5K is completion, and not even jogging the entire way, though if I can that's even better. But since I won't be done with my training, I'll set a very low goal! LOL


Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and inspiration! I'm going to need it so much more in these next two weeks! ;)


Awesome! You will do great and we will be cheering you on as well!

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My race results from yesterday!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!! I came in 14th out of 193 runners in my age group!!! I got 490 overall (there were 7000 runners!). I ran with another woman and we ran SO well together. I tend to slow down the second mile and she speeds up, so I kept up with her. Her third mile tends to slow, so I kept her going.


Our time wasn't so hot - 28:12. BUT, our first mile was a 12:00 because it was SO crowded. We had to walk for part of it because we were afraid of getting plowed over. The need to have a better start!


Anyway, I'm SO happy with how we did.


That is great! I love it when you find someone else to run with and you keep each other going. Unfortunately, I'm a candidate for a shirt that says "doesn't run well with others".

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Unlike you, Cheryl, running from my parents' place provides some hill options. I haven't mentioned that I don't "do" hills, have I?;) I did average a pace of roughly 8:15 min/miles during both my Thursday (5+ miles) and Friday (6+ miles) runs. I need to get some input from people who are good at tackling hills, though. I slow down, lean into the hill, use my arms...but even a small incline wipes me out ~ and worse, makes me feel totally nauseated. Weird!

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Hi! I'm new here-not a runner-but need all of the help I can get!


I did 1/2 hour on the treadmill-little over 2 miles, and then used my pilates chair. Yeah!:001_smile:



Welcome Tammi! Way to go! (I'm new too. And I don't really consider myself a runner although I've been running for the last 3 months.) :D


What is a pilates chair? I'm just starting to do a pilates video. I'm feeling muscles that I didn't know existed. :001_huh:

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Welcome Tammi! Way to go! (I'm new too. And I don't really consider myself a runner although I've been running for the last 3 months.) :D


What is a pilates chair? I'm just starting to do a pilates video. I'm feeling muscles that I didn't know existed. :001_huh:


I got it from an infomercial & love it! It has tension pedals that you push down on, and you can basically do all the pilates moves on it. It comes with dvd's, but usually I'm in a rush, so I just use the chart that comes with it and do it for maybe 15-20. I am totally feeling it too, and haven't even used it to its full potential.:w00t:

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My race results from yesterday!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!! I came in 14th out of 193 runners in my age group!!! I got 490 overall (there were 7000 runners!). I ran with another woman and we ran SO well together. I tend to slow down the second mile and she speeds up, so I kept up with her. Her third mile tends to slow, so I kept her going.


Our time wasn't so hot - 28:12. BUT, our first mile was a 12:00 because it was SO crowded. We had to walk for part of it because we were afraid of getting plowed over. The need to have a better start!


Anyway, I'm SO happy with how we did.


I am so impressed! Tell me again when you first started running?

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I am so impressed! Tell me again when you first started running?


Thanks Scarlett. I started working out in January and running in March or April. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I was a runner in high school and college and I worked out intermittently between having babies.


I am SO in love with running! It's been SO good for me. I feel like I can do anything!


That is great! I love it when you find someone else to run with and you keep each other going. Unfortunately, I'm a candidate for a shirt that says "doesn't run well with others".


LOL!!! I didn't think I would, but I loved it!


Unlike you, Cheryl, running from my parents' place provides some hill options. I haven't mentioned that I don't "do" hills, have I?;) I did average a pace of roughly 8:15 min/miles during both my Thursday (5+ miles) and Friday (6+ miles) runs. I need to get some input from people who are good at tackling hills, though. I slow down, lean into the hill, use my arms...but even a small incline wipes me out ~ and worse, makes me feel totally nauseated. Weird!


I am always impressed by what you run. Hills kill me too. I read that you are also to take smaller steps when going up a hill. I do think it's a different type of training - hills.


Hi! I'm new here-not a runner-but need all of the help I can get!


I did 1/2 hour on the treadmill-little over 2 miles, and then used my pilates chair. Yeah!:001_smile:


Way to go!!!! Yes - please post here - we love to hear how everyone is doing - runner or no!


Welcome Tammi! Way to go! (I'm new too. And I don't really consider myself a runner although I've been running for the last 3 months.) :D


What is a pilates chair? I'm just starting to do a pilates video. I'm feeling muscles that I didn't know existed. :001_huh:


You ARE a runner if you've been doing it for 3 months! Subscribe to Runner's World, and it becomes official! :lol: I remember when I was picking up my race packet for the marathon relay and I bought a magnet for my car that says, "Runner Girl." It was the first time I realized that I AM a runner!! It felt so good!!!

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Unlike you, Cheryl, running from my parents' place provides some hill options. I haven't mentioned that I don't "do" hills, have I?;) I did average a pace of roughly 8:15 min/miles during both my Thursday (5+ miles) and Friday (6+ miles) runs. I need to get some input from people who are good at tackling hills, though. I slow down, lean into the hill, use my arms...but even a small incline wipes me out ~ and worse, makes me feel totally nauseated. Weird!


I am so not the person to talk to. Hills wipe me out and I have a hill no matter where I go at home. :tongue_smilie: Little steps like Jen said and don't look at the top of the hill until you get there.

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I went out to run and the wind is just biting. I came back in and put on pants (had shorts on). Flat land again. It's funny when your landmarks are "the house with the big white dog in the front yard".


44 degrees, windy - tech long sleeves, capri length running pants, cloth hat. Jacket off around 1 1/2 miles.


5.48 miles, 55:51 minutes, 10:10 pace, 633 calories.


It was funny the other night, dh is thinking he will run the 1/2 marathon the same day I run the full. I have no problem with this at all! Then he got to talking about it - "last time I signed up for a 1/2 marathon, I trained for ? weeks and then we got 2 feet of snow and I stopped training and didn't run. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I'll start training and then it will snow!" Kids are all excited.

I looked at him and said "you don't want to do that."

"Why not?"

"What else happened that winter? In the snow?"

"The heat downstairs broke. But it won't break again."

"Ok, what else?"

"I don't know. What?"

"I got pregnant."

Everyone looks at ds.


So who knows what he'll do now! :tongue_smilie:

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It was funny the other night, dh is thinking he will run the 1/2 marathon the same day I run the full. I have no problem with this at all! Then he got to talking about it - "last time I signed up for a 1/2 marathon, I trained for ? weeks and then we got 2 feet of snow and I stopped training and didn't run. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I'll start training and then it will snow!" Kids are all excited.

I looked at him and said "you don't want to do that."

"Why not?"

"What else happened that winter? In the snow?"

"The heat downstairs broke. But it won't break again."

"Ok, what else?"

"I don't know. What?"

"I got pregnant."

Everyone looks at ds.


So who knows what he'll do now! :tongue_smilie:


So cute. Gotta keep warm some how when the heat breaks down.

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11/29/08 (Saturday): 50 minutes on the treadmill

I'm going to start posting my dd's walking also. She needs to lose a few inches by May...she's in her brother's wedding. I told her I was going to do this. She needs all the encouragement she can get.


Great job Margarete!

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;) I haven't hardly ran 3 times in the last 3 weeks. Had very nasty cold with sore-throat, got over that and now starting another cold my dh brought home, wonder if I should just suck it up and do short runs anyway. I am really missing it.

You Ladies are doing a fantastic job keeping it up. Way to go:001_smile:


Tani, still sniffling and coughing, yuk.

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;) I haven't hardly ran 3 times in the last 3 weeks. Had very nasty cold with sore-throat, got over that and now starting another cold my dh brought home, wonder if I should just suck it up and do short runs anyway. I am really missing it.

You Ladies are doing a fantastic job keeping it up. Way to go:001_smile:


Tani, still sniffling and coughing, yuk.


Only you know for sure if you are well enough, but I have been known to go out and run with a cold. If it's just a cold. If it's more than a cold, I stay in. I figure the fresh air will do me good.


((Tani)) Sorry you are feeling so lousy!

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