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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning, too early. I woke around 2:30 and dozed for a while, then was wide awake at 4:30. Finally just got up and am making coffee. Need to get back in the habit of taking magnesium and melatonin in the evenings!

Father's Day gifts and cards for Dh at breakfast.


Take Ds to Scout camp after lunch.

Pick up Dd and food, go to SIL's for dinner with Dh's family. 

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Good morning! Happy Anniversary, Selkie! I have sort of a catch-up day from being gone most of yesterday.  dh and ds3 are playing in a local tournament (doubles and singles). Not sure what everyone else has planned.

  • coffee/paper
  • garden while it is cool
  • general clean up
  • laundry
  • write
  • dh wants to cook- so probably something grilled
  • getting ready for the week- make online appointments or at least a list of appointments to make Monday morning
  • anything else to be more productive today

Have a great day!

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Our Munchie died.  😞  Just rolled over and died while we were in the next room talking.  We had just had him to the vet recently, and he was in good health.  So I don't know what happened.  He wasn't particularly old for a guinea pig, but he had been acting kind of sluggish lately.  The girls are off at a friend's house and will not be happy to hear this.  😞  

In other news, our water is off for a few hours because of a water main break.  I hope they turn it on when they said they will.

I did not get much work done yesterday, but this morning I got some done.  Hopefully it will be a productive day, other than figuring out what to do about Munchie (probably bury him in the back).

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I've been busy in the kitchen for a couple hours. Got myself set up for lunch this week by making salad, quinoa, two kinds of salad dressing, and cilantro lime hummus. Prepped the asparagus, red onions, and portobellos that ds20 is grilling tonight. I also made dh's favorite banana blueberry cookies.

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After we buried Munchie, my eldest decided to make a rainbow "crepe cake" which she found on line (from scratch).  It was the first time she ever got it in her head to cook something.  (Plus, we don't own a mixer.)  She did a really good job, except I think her measurements were off a bit.  It was a weird recipe if you ask me, LOL.  Anyhoo ... I did eat a piece as that is my duty as a mom.  The flavor was good.  🙂

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I helped dh set a couple of fence posts yesterday. Dd helped him with more today. Then he can start building half of our fence. We have to do it half at a time because we don’t have enough temporary fencing to take the whole fence down at once. Especially when we’re cheap and aren’t hiring anyone to do it 

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