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Perimenopause - need book recommendations

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Thanks for the recommendation!


I read the Amazon product overview. Is this really the Bible for menopause, as it is touted? Any cautionary words I should give when recommending this book to my relative? I see that she is not an advocate of long-term hormone replacement (which is fine with me) but is she very vocal against short-term therapy for severe symptoms?





Anyone else have recommendations?

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Yikes, I can't find it. It's in my house somewhere but not really at the top of the pile as I'm not 'there' yet, kwim.....


IIRC, she has a whole list of things she recommends to try first before resorting to hrt.


There's also Christiane Northrup's book about the Wisdom of Menopause. She talks a lot about the emotional and psychological stuff that's happening, not just the physical. I think it's one of those books that can really shake things up in a woman's mind - which might be a bit uncomfortable for a while.


They're both frank about discussing **x and assume that the woman should be having a good time ;)

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My 2 favorites for dealing with hormone problems at any stage are:


The Natural Superwoman: The Scientifically Backed Program for Feeling Great, Looking Younger, and Enjoying Amazing Energy at any Age by Uzzi Reiss.


This is on sale at amazon for $6.99 right now. Here is a link.




Another book by Dr. Reiss is Natural Hormone Balance for Women: Look Younger, Feel Stronger, and Live Life with Exuberance.

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