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I don't know what to title this. The actual title is embarrasing.

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How's that for a title? :D


Ok, this is embarrassing. It shouldn't be because it is what it is and it's no one's fault. But it's still, just...odd.


I have a 6 month old little boy. A very cute little boy, btw, as evidenced by my avatar (;)), but he has an...issue.


He seems to have overactive sweat glands in his feet. Since he was a month old his feet have been wet to the touch. I've never had a child do this, nor do I know anyone with this "problem". He therefore wears socks almost all of the time. However, apparently, his feet aren't the only parts that sweat.


Tonight, while I was changing his diaper and getting his pajamas on, he was a little fussy because he was so tired. In an effort to make him a little happier, I was tickling him and blowing on his belly. I then lifted up one of his arms to blow in his armpit (something I hadn't done before, though tickling him there usually gets him laughing), and I was overcome by B.O.!


How can it be possible that his armpits stink and he's only a baby? I thought this was a puberty thing? My dd was standing there at the time and when I shockingly said that his armpit stunk, she said, "well why wouldn't it? I mean, his feet are sweaty, maybe his armpits are too."


I guess I hadn't thought about that. So what is up with this? I certainly don't feel the need to take him to the Dr. and I certainly don't feel like I need to mask the odor with anything. Partly because I never noticed a smell until my nose was directly in his pit, but also because it's just unnecessary on a baby. But what should I expect in the future? Will he be a very sweaty kid? Will he outgrow this? Will he be wearing deodorant when he's 4 yo?


I'm pretty stupefied.

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At his last well child check up a few weeks ago, I did mention the sweaty feet. I didn't know about the armpits at the time. She wasn't concerned. She just said it was probably over active sweat glands.


He has another well child check up in December. I will mention it then. I mean, it shouldn't be anything I need to bring him in for additionally...right?


I will say that there was one morning last week where he reeked of maple syrup when he woke up in the morning. Earlier in the week my dd had made pancakes on a morning I was gone (because daddy doesn't get them often and he was home with the kids). Ds had gone through more than one set of pajamas that week, so I figured he must have been wearing those pajamas the day she made the pancakes and the syrup was transferred onto his clothes when someone held him.


But I do admit to worrying a bit. I remember when I was pregnant that I looked up all of the metabolic diseases they test for when they are born. I had never heard of Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD), so I did think of that last week. But when I changed him, he didn't smell like that anymore and he hasn't smelled like it since. He eats fine, has never had an issue with eating or vomiting or seizures or anything that would make me think he has metabolic issues. I do see that the body odor can be a metabolic issue, but again, he has no other symptoms.


But I will mention it to the Dr. next month.

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I will say that there was one morning last week where he reeked of maple syrup when he woke up in the morning.


But I do admit to worrying a bit. I remember when I was pregnant that I looked up all of the metabolic diseases they test for when they are born. I had never heard of Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD), so I did think of that last week.


But I will mention it to the Dr. next month.


I think you live in Indiana, correct? If so, I believe Indiana does a routine screening for MSUD at birth, so he was probably already tested. You would have been told if it was abnormal.


I'd still mention it to your doctor, though.

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Exactly, and I believe it is actually mandatory testing in all 50 states. Not just for MSUD, but other metabolic issues as well, such as PKU. Since I never heard back from the Dr., I'm assuming all was normal. And like I said, there have been no other symptoms.

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Exactly, and I believe it is actually mandatory testing in all 50 states. Not just for MSUD, but other metabolic issues as well, such as PKU. Since I never heard back from the Dr., I'm assuming all was normal. And like I said, there have been no other symptoms.


Sadly, it isn't mandatory in all states. The March of Dimes is pushing for each state to mandate 29 newborn tests they think are essential. Info is in the link I provided. :001_smile:Indiana does test for MSUD, though.


It looks like WV is the last to get on board with that particular test. I wish they would all do all 29. It takes just a drop from a heel prick and you get the results in 48hrs.

Edited by Blessedfamily
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